Hello MFP babes! Help please

Hi! First of all, please add me if you wish. I am always looking to add more friends. Only motivated and supportive individuals need apply :wink: it also helps if you're fluent in sarcasm.

Secondly, I am having an issue with being stuck and not losing weight. I joined a gym about 6 weeks ago. Before that, my workout consisted of just stuff around the house and errands etc. I work a desk job so that doesn't help.

I have not seen more than a pound or so (and that fluctuates) difference in all that time. Should I raise my calories back up? I lowered them because I wanted to lose more weight. Im at 1760 a day. I'm not sure why I've stopped losing weight when I started working out.

Any ideas?


  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    I've also increased my water intake. Even though I forget to log it.
  • init2fitit
    init2fitit Posts: 168 Member
    A lot of your days have you at as high as 5600mg of sodium.
    Assuming that you are in fact eating at a deficit, the salt is probably your problem.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    From what I see you only randomly log food or some days all you eat is some chips. You need to log everything, every day and have weighed/measured all of it. You don't know for sure what you're eating and if you really were eating what you're logging then you must have some severe medical condition that prevents you from losing.
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    From what I see you only randomly log food or some days all you eat is some chips. You need to log everything, every day and have weighed/measured all of it. You don't know for sure what you're eating and if you really were eating what you're logging then you must have some severe medical condition that prevents you from losing.

    I do log every day. And I rarely eat chips. Are you sure you were looking at my diary?
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    A lot of your days have you at as high as 5600mg of sodium.
    Assuming that you are in fact eating at a deficit, the salt is probably your problem.

    That's an idea. I'll look into that. I don't salt my food, but there's a lot of salt in things.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    There are days in your diary where you are way under your calorie goal and a day where you didn't log at all in the last couple of weeks. Are the days that you are way under (500-900 calories total) what you really ate or incomplete logging? Incomplete logging is probably going to be your problem if that's the case.
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    There are days in your diary where you are way under your calorie goal and a day where you didn't log at all in the last couple of weeks. Are the days that you are way under (500-900 calories total) what you really ate or incomplete logging? Incomplete logging is probably going to be your problem if that's the case.

    I went back and looked and there were some days that I didn't log completely. I had forgotten about those :)

    The last couple of weeks have been a bit hectic. I always seem to forget to log on the weekends too, but I don't over-do it. I am going to try and make an effort to log ALL of the time and all of the foods I eat.

    Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Salt doesn't make you fat, it may retain some extra water but it's not the reason you wouldn't lose.

    I was looking at your diary. Oct 1 - 985 cal, Sept 29 - 0, Sept 28 - the chip day with a total of 780 cal, Sept 27 - 999 cal.

    You're totally messing yourself up if you really are logging all your food those days.
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    Take a look at my diary. Try setting yours up like mine. It helps you get and idea of when you are hungry. I am one of the people that do better when I keep my calories low and eat back my exercise. A day without exercise is around 1240 to 1300 calories. BUT what I do eat has to be good for me (most of the time) and I do let myself have treats. Its all about portion size and time spent moving! Shake what God gave you till it melts away. Add me if any of this helped. AND YOU MUST EAT ATLEAST 1200 a day!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I went back and looked and there were some days that I didn't log completely. I had forgotten about those :)

    The last couple of weeks have been a bit hectic. I always seem to forget to log on the weekends too, but I don't over-do it. I am going to try and make an effort to log ALL of the time and all of the foods I eat.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    I almost promise that this will take care of the problem. I have a really good idea of the calories in the food I eat, and if I don't log, I am doing well if I stay at maintenance but usually gain when I don't log. If I eat and then log at the end of the day, I realize how far I went over my calorie goal by estimating, and THEN after that, I remember a few items I have to add to the log. :embarassed:

    Studies show that most of us do that (forget and underestimate our intake without logging) so don't feel bad. You have a great attitude about the whole situation, you'll do great. (You can gain a little when beginning a new exercise program because of retaining extra water, so that could be a bit of it too. That part will go away.)
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Hey, I looked at your food diary, and it looks like you need to be logging everything that you eat. I know it can be a headache, but once you start logging it all, I think maybe you'll find your problem. Good luck! I added you as a friend as well. :) I need motivation too! :)
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    Hey, I looked at your food diary, and it looks like you need to be logging everything that you eat. I know it can be a headache, but once you start logging it all, I think maybe you'll find your problem. Good luck! I added you as a friend as well. :) I need motivation too! :)

    I accepted!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If things seem hectic (you know, it's life), maybe try pre-logging your food in the morning so you have a clear idea as to what you're going to be eating. This way, you can get all your healthy nutrients in, and if needed, work some treats in. I do this. I put in all of my meals (Breakfast, lunch, dinner), if I have calories left over, I add in snacks between meals. Then, after I've exercised, I will go back in and fill in gaps, like, adding more snacks, or adding in ice cream after dinner for a job well done (all portion controlled, mind you). When I do this, I don't feel stressed about what I'm having for lunch, or what to make for dinner. I've already laid it all out, and I get treats to boot. Makes life so much easier.

    Also, if you're not already, weigh your food. Invest in a food scale. It's so worth the money, and they're only like $20.
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    I went back and looked and there were some days that I didn't log completely. I had forgotten about those :)

    The last couple of weeks have been a bit hectic. I always seem to forget to log on the weekends too, but I don't over-do it. I am going to try and make an effort to log ALL of the time and all of the foods I eat.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

    I almost promise that this will take care of the problem. I have a really good idea of the calories in the food I eat, and if I don't log, I am doing well if I stay at maintenance but usually gain when I don't log. If I eat and then log at the end of the day, I realize how far I went over my calorie goal by estimating, and THEN after that, I remember a few items I have to add to the log. :embarassed:

    Studies show that most of us do that (forget and underestimate our intake without logging) so don't feel bad. You have a great attitude about the whole situation, you'll do great. (You can gain a little when beginning a new exercise program because of retaining extra water, so that could be a bit of it too. That part will go away.)

  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    If things seem hectic (you know, it's life), maybe try pre-logging your food in the morning so you have a clear idea as to what you're going to be eating.

    Invest in a food scale. It's so worth the money, and they're only like $20.

    Yes, pre-logging is fantastic! I pre-log a lot of my meals, you can always delete if if you change your mind. Especially if there are things you eat every day. I typically pre-log my morning coffee and oatmeal, and pre-log 3 gingersnaps at the end of the night. If it's been a rough week, I will pre-log a glass of wine LOL!

    On amazon.com there are food scales as low as $7!! I just got one that was about $10.

    Good luck!
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    Also, MFP has a new feature where you can copy meals. A great help if you eat (or plan to eat) the same breakfast or lunch each day.

    If I go out to eat, I look at the menu and log my food choices before I go. Sometimes I log 2 or 3 if I can't make up my mind, then delete the ones I don't get. Lots of restaurants have an "under 600" calorie menu that makes it easy.
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    If things seem hectic (you know, it's life), maybe try pre-logging your food in the morning so you have a clear idea as to what you're going to be eating. This way, you can get all your healthy nutrients in, and if needed, work some treats in. I do this. I put in all of my meals (Breakfast, lunch, dinner), if I have calories left over, I add in snacks between meals. Then, after I've exercised, I will go back in and fill in gaps, like, adding more snacks, or adding in ice cream after dinner for a job well done (all portion controlled, mind you). When I do this, I don't feel stressed about what I'm having for lunch, or what to make for dinner. I've already laid it all out, and I get treats to boot. Makes life so much easier.

    Also, if you're not already, weigh your food. Invest in a food scale. It's so worth the money, and they're only like $20.

    I may have one. One of my biggest problems is guesstimating fruit. A large gala apple is 80 calories. A small gala apple is 80 calories. Come on!
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    If things seem hectic (you know, it's life), maybe try pre-logging your food in the morning so you have a clear idea as to what you're going to be eating.

    Invest in a food scale. It's so worth the money, and they're only like $20.

    Yes, pre-logging is fantastic! I pre-log a lot of my meals, you can always delete if if you change your mind. Especially if there are things you eat every day. I typically pre-log my morning coffee and oatmeal, and pre-log 3 gingersnaps at the end of the night. If it's been a rough week, I will pre-log a glass of wine LOL!

    On amazon.com there are food scales as low as $7!! I just got one that was about $10.

    Good luck!

    I never thought about logging the whole day ahead of time. I do log before I eat a meal. Good idea!
  • hpheath
    hpheath Posts: 41 Member
    Have you considered using your measurements as a guide insread of the scale? When started doing an intense boot camp class I lost lots of inches but only lost a couple of pounds.
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    Have you considered using your measurements as a guide insread of the scale? When started doing an intense boot camp class I lost lots of inches but only lost a couple of pounds.

    That's a good idea. I think maybe I'm putting too much into the actual weight. I have noticed that my clothes are fitting differently. I need to get a tape measure. I wish I had thought of that when I first started working out!