On a mission, seeking friends

jewol Posts: 74 Member
Last year, from the final week of January to mid-May, I managed to shed 23 pounds and, then, for a whole host of excuses I need not mention here, I fell off the wagon. I made several attempts to climb back on, but none lasted very long. The upshot was that, over the course of the year, I gained back the weight I had lost ... and then some. Cruising through a Barnes and Noble a couple of months ago, I spotted a book titled something like, "Lose 20 pounds in 2 months." Interesting concept, I thought and filed the thought in the back of my mind. On Sept. 13 (a Friday the 13th, interesting enough), I stepped on the scales for the first time in two months. I was dismayed, irritated with myself actually, and not a little alarmed to see that I was 6 pounds heavier than when I had started losing weight in 2012. That was the spark that re-motivated me. I recommitted to charting my meals on MFP and I began running consistently again. I also recalled the title of that book and wondered, Is it really possible to lose 20 pounds in two months? Well, I'm three weeks into it and I've managed to shed 9.6 pounds. So it appears as if I am well on course to meet that 20-pound challenge.

All of that is preamble to asking whether there are any highly motivated folks here who would care to friend me?

All of my current MFP friends (only six) have gone dormant. Ultimately, of course, each of us is responsible for his or her journey to fitness and health. Nevertheless, it's encouraging to have at least a few friends with whom to share successes and to offer mutual motivation. I figure I have another 30 pounds to shed. It would be cool to do that by New Year's Day...



  • mishlll
    mishlll Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me - I delete people if they don't log in for 10 days in a row...sound harsh? I'm looking for those not paying games. :happy: Don't have anymore time to waste!
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right track again! Feel free to add me if you like. If you're looking for a hardline motivator, that's not me, I'm more of a laid back lifestyle change person.