Is it ok to eat under 1200 calories?



  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Uhhhh anyone having a hard time ONLY consuming 1200?! My gummy vitamins alone are 15 calories and I always seem to go over no matter what kinda quinoa whole grain egg white god forsaken rabbit food I eat and I jog 3 miles a day bloody hell I am starving!!!!! Ok I'm done good luck everyone

    well yeah, you're having a hard time because you should be eating more. ;)

    britney's back.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I have a hard time eating 1200 calories... For breakfast.

    Seriously. Don't eat low cal anything. Eat full fat stuff. Eat protein.

    6oz chicken breast
    30g cheese
    1 cup of cooked quinoa
    1 250 ml glass of full fat milk

    693 calories

    It's not hard.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Uhhhh anyone having a hard time ONLY consuming 1200?! My gummy vitamins alone are 15 calories and I always seem to go over no matter what kinda quinoa whole grain egg white god forsaken rabbit food I eat and I jog 3 miles a day bloody hell I am starving!!!!! Ok I'm done good luck everyone

    If you're jogging 3 miles a day you need to be eating WAY more than 1200!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is it OK to say this is a dead horse thread? I only see this one like a million times a day...
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Short answer for the OP: Yes.

    (Assuming that the OP can put together healthy meals, is functioning well, does not have ED.)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Lol. Just Lol!

    A tablespoon of peanut butter on a piece of wholegrain toast with some spread on it is about 250-300 cals (depends on what bread/spread).

    That's one piece of toast with a topping on it.

    Other than that add a bit more to each meal you eat. Extra 15g of cheese on a meal is 60 cals. Small handful of nuts is something similar. You could easily add 60-100 cals to each of your three main meals and my peanut butter on toast as a snack/supper and you've eaten 600ish extra cals without really trying.

    Time to end this nonsense now.

    I hear you bro...

    I just had breakfast and that was about 800 calories...homemade omelette with avocado/tomato/cheese, bacon, and some homemade potatoes...

    I have no idea how someone can have a hard time eating 1200 in a day ...
  • giveMEbeauty
    giveMEbeauty Posts: 192
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member


  • 63lab
    63lab Posts: 80
    just no
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I passed 1200 calories before noon today.

    It's really not that hard: eat more calorie-dense foods. Heck, just buy some protein bars if you don't know where to start.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Same problem here. Just add more raw fruits and veggies to your diet. You won't get more calories but you will atleast get plenty of vitamins or make sure your getting nutrition. Remember you are what you eat.

    Thank you for the "nice" comment. I am going to start packing snacks and eat them between meals. I will definitely reach 1200 calories. Since fruit... like apple is already 59ish calories. Also, I will have to start tracking my food more strictly. I don't know why some people are so mean on here, I am just asking for a advice. I don't know about those people, but eating healthy can be very challenging for some people.

    Why not dip apple slices in peanut butter or some other nut butter?

    Or you can dip your veggies in hummus?
  • 1200lne
    1200lne Posts: 15
    I am having difficulty reaching 1000!
    I am using an diet eating service similar to jenny craig..
    on a 1200 lunch/dinner meal plan (making my own breakfast, coz I don't like theirs)
    unless my calorie count ap I am using is wrong...

    for breakfast
    toast multigrain (thick) 107
    slice light cheese 57
    cucumber 4 slice 4
    boiled egg 57

    roast chicken/sweet potato salad (100gm) 103
    small banana 70
    small carrot 16
    pretzels & nuts 125
    3 tsp manuka honey 50

    dinner 393 cal

    total of 987! yet I'm finding myself cow chewing all day :/.....

    I am only 159 cm tall, currently weigh 53.2kg but my body fat is high compared to bone =_= so trying to lose 5kg.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I am having difficulty reaching 1000!
    I am using an diet eating service similar to jenny craig..
    on a 1200 lunch/dinner meal plan (making my own breakfast, coz I don't like theirs)
    unless my calorie count ap I am using is wrong...

    for breakfast
    toast multigrain (thick) 107
    slice light cheese 57
    cucumber 4 slice 4
    boiled egg 57

    roast chicken/sweet potato salad (100gm) 103
    small banana 70
    small carrot 16
    pretzels & nuts 125
    3 tsp manuka honey 50

    dinner 393 cal

    total of 987! yet I'm finding myself cow chewing all day :/.....

    I am only 159 cm tall, currently weigh 53.2kg but my body fat is high compared to bone =_= so trying to lose 5kg.

    That's really foolish of you. Have fun being in starvation mode and then regaining any weight you lose once you start eating normally again......
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Old thread is old, but I'll add this thought for the lurkers out there. One of the most important parts of the slow-boat-to-china diet method is that it teaches you a lifetime of healthy habits so that when you reach your goal and transition into maintenance you'll know how to eat. If you cannot figure out how to eat more than 1200 calories of healthy food now, what do you plan to do when you reach your goal? Go back to your old eating habits and start gaining again? Or are you going to eat 1000 calories forever?
  • 1200lne
    1200lne Posts: 15

    That's really foolish of you. Have fun being in starvation mode and then regaining any weight you lose once you start eating normally again......

    um thanks? I wasn't eating alot before I started dieting either, my "normal" eating was just having lunch and dinner, oily restaurant foods and lots of dessert.

    I am trying to get myself into habit of eating breakfast and more intervals of small meals + with weight loss, which I am finding myself eating alot more then I used to.
    I just didn't realise how low the calorie count was now that I am actually keeping track of what I am eating.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member

    That's really foolish of you. Have fun being in starvation mode and then regaining any weight you lose once you start eating normally again......

    um thanks? I wasn't eating alot before I started dieting either, my "normal" eating was just having lunch and dinner. probably more oily foods, restaurant foods and lots of dessert.

    I am trying to get myself into habit of eating breakfast and smaller meals + with weight loss, which I am finding myself eating alot more then I used to.
    I just didn't realise how low the calorie was now that I am actually keeping track of what I am eating.

    It's still unhealthy and unsustainable. You're better off eating more. I lose on 1500-1600 a day. Food is fuel.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member

    That's really foolish of you. Have fun being in starvation mode and then regaining any weight you lose once you start eating normally again......

    um thanks? I wasn't eating alot before I started dieting either, my "normal" eating was just having lunch and dinner, oily restaurant foods and lots of dessert.

    I am trying to get myself into habit of eating breakfast and more intervals of small meals + with weight loss, which I am finding myself eating alot more then I used to.
    I just didn't realise how low the calorie count was now that I am actually keeping track of what I am eating.

    There is nothing wrong with breakfast and small meals if that's what you want to do, but be aware that they aren't necessary for weight loss. Plenty of people lose weight eating only lunch and dinner as long as they're still at a calorie deficit for the day. Look into intermittent fasting (IF) if you're curious about their results.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Edit: I seriously need to pay attention to dates. *sigh*
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    somebody did a search....:angry::grumble: :angry:

    ETA: old thread....regardless
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I am having difficulty reaching 1000!
    I am using an diet eating service similar to jenny craig..
    on a 1200 lunch/dinner meal plan (making my own breakfast, coz I don't like theirs)
    unless my calorie count ap I am using is wrong...

    for breakfast
    toast multigrain (thick) 107
    slice light cheese 57
    cucumber 4 slice 4
    boiled egg 57

    roast chicken/sweet potato salad (100gm) 103
    small banana 70
    small carrot 16
    pretzels & nuts 125
    3 tsp manuka honey 50

    dinner 393 cal

    total of 987! yet I'm finding myself cow chewing all day :/.....

    I am only 159 cm tall, currently weigh 53.2kg but my body fat is high compared to bone =_= so trying to lose 5kg.

    You bumped an old thread with a diary that makes me sad.

    Double sad.