How do you handle what I call, "EATING EVENTS"



  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,699 Member
    I do a massive cardio workout beforehand to earn 600-1000 extra calories.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I just went to the state fair. I made a plan to have the one thing I really wanted. (You really can pick just one. It doesn't have to be an all day stuff-your-face-fest, there's actual stuff to DO at the fair.) Then I wore my fitness band and we walked for hours and hours and hours. At the end of the day, I had a chocolate covered cheesecake on a stick, I had taken 22,000 steps, and I was under my calorie goal for the day. Focus less on "eating events". Focus on what you're going to do there besides eating. Like at the fair, there are rides, exhibits, shows, etc. It's more than just food. Pick ONE treat. Enjoy it. Make up for it with exercise. Boom.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Just curious how all of you wonderful people handle what I call "Eating Events"? You know the kind of thing that basically the food brings you out to. There are several of them coming up that I usually attend and I'm wondering what I should do.

    a)just not go
    b) go and TRY to control myself
    c) other- cause there's always an other

    Examples of these kinds of events that are coming up in the next two months are a chili cook off, the county fair, and a charity gala. The Gala is more of a drinking issue for me than overindulging in food. But the fair, OMG, fried oreos, caramel apples, funnel cakes.....

    Guess I'm not really looking for advice. I know what I NEED to do. I just wonder how other people deal with these sort of things.

    i say get up early get in an amazing workout then go and enjoy yourself. you might find out that while you're at the fair you decide no i don't want to eat that entire fried oreo because i worked so hard this morning or you could devour the entire thing and enjoy/savor every single bite of it. :)

    you can't hide in your room because you are trying to be healthy. we all have lives and indulging every now and then is not going to ruin our healthy ways (unless YOU let it).

    as for the charity gala - drink slower and depending upon what you drink you could add a bit of seltzer water (or club soda or tonic water whatever you call it) to your drinks to water them down a bit. :)
  • jaycbrf4
    I call it a cheat day and enjoy!
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I plan them, to a degree. Like when I went to the county fair, I knew I was going to want to have a few tasty treats, so I had a light breakfast and got in a good workout after we came home. And I made sensible food choices around the treats while I was there, so I came out about on target with my daily calorie goals.
  • frommetobetterme
    frommetobetterme Posts: 124 Member
    I haven't read the replies, so I apologize if I'm repeating.

    I find that eating something healthy at home before I leave helps me resist temptation. I bring a water bottle as to not drink all the bad stuff and to stay well hydrated (I'm more hungry when I don't drink enough).

    I also find that I will choose one or two things that I NEED to have and do away without the rest. For example, I LOVE cotton candy and it's something that I can't make at home or eat just anywhere. So I will have my cotton candy at the fair, but not have the cold treats or popcorn. I still end up eating more calories than I should sometimes but at least I'm minimizing the damage and don't feel cheated out of the eating experience and then get bitter and want to eat everything in sight. Also, note that at the fair, you'll most likely get more walking done, so take those exercise calories and enjoy them.

    Also, you have to try to change your mindset to not associate the whole fun with eating. i.e. there is so much at the fair, it's not the food that will be the highlight of the day. Easier for some events than others, but I try to always see what else there will make me happy and satisfied with my experience that doesn't involve food and that usually helps.

    Good luck!