Ladies: PMS and eating. I. Can't. Stop.



  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    I deal with this too - never feeling full and it seems to start EXACTLY after the midpoint up until I start. GRRRR!!! :grumble: But all of the above suggestions are great ideas. And OP, you still look amazing in spite of this struggle.

    Edited for typo
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    If a craving is bad, I eat exactly what I am craving. I end up eating less that way than if I tried to eat a "healthier" alternative. Once I actually get what I am craving, I don't want as much, If I get rid of a chocolate craving with my dark Lindt chocolate, I only want a square or two. If I try to have a mini size Hershey's, I end up eating the whole bag because the craving never goes away. If I want salty buttery popcorn, I get salty buttery popcorn and don't leave the butter off. I eat more trying to satisfy the craving if I get the non butter type than I would have if I just got what I wanted to begin with.

    That might just be me though.

    You and me. When I eat what I've craving, I eat a serving and am done with it. When I try to avoid it/put it off/trade with "healthy" alternatives, the craving is stronger. My Id is easier to deal with when it gets the chocolate/cookie/bread/fries than letting the Super Ego be in charge.
  • M_Jo
    M_Jo Posts: 80 Member
    If a craving is bad, I eat exactly what I am craving. I end up eating less that way than if I tried to eat a "healthier" alternative. Once I actually get what I am craving, I don't want as much, If I get rid of a chocolate craving with my dark Lindt chocolate, I only want a square or two. If I try to have a mini size Hershey's, I end up eating the whole bag because the craving never goes away. If I want salty buttery popcorn, I get salty buttery popcorn and don't leave the butter off. I eat more trying to satisfy the craving if I get the non butter type than I would have if I just got what I wanted to begin with.

    That might just be me though.

    You and me. When I eat what I've craving, I eat a serving and am done with it. When I try to avoid it/put it off/trade with "healthy" alternatives, the craving is stronger. My Id is easier to deal with when it gets the chocolate/cookie/bread/fries than letting the Super Ego be in charge.

    Agreed. I don't completely deny myself the delicious things that are bad for me because then I'd just end up binging and feeling sorry for myself in the end.

    gkwatra: thank you, love. Healthy is beautiful, and so are you!
  • skiclaire
    skiclaire Posts: 3 Member
    I find that if I up my protein and healthy fats a day or two before I think PMS is going to hit and keep eating this way for a week or so, it helps. So I'll add things like avocado, extra portion of lean chicken with my mid-morning snack, macadamia nuts (which for me aren't something that I would binge on), then I'm a little more satisfied and don't want to eat everything I see. I'm really struggling with this now because I'm peri-menopausal and my hormones are all over the place.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Save some calories and allow yourself a treat. Put in extra time at the gym so 1. You have less time to sit around and crave and 2. You'll have burned more calories and can eat some extra treats.
  • JustMeee333
    I've always wondered about that phenomenon. It used to seem to me that I would definitely eat more in the days before, but then have less of an appetite for a few days after. It seemed like it evened out at any rate, because I my weight stayed pretty stable throughout those years.

    I'm finding this too. :grumble:
  • heatheralvina
    heatheralvina Posts: 22 Member
    I have this problem as well! I really fall off the band wagon around "that time of the month"
  • heatheralvina
    heatheralvina Posts: 22 Member
    Try buying mini candy bars and eating one or two, brushing your teeth or painting your nails when you have a craving, also going for a slow paced, relaxing walk helps me as well =) good luck!
  • dkgoetz
    dkgoetz Posts: 65 Member
    Yes! The week before, I get super snacky, and nothing seems to fill me up. And I can't just eat a healthy snack and move on with life, it's like my body is screaming for sugar and junk.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I HATE PMS TIME! Yes, I find myself craving all kinds of things that I shouldn't eat and I want to eat WAY more than I should. I'm in PMS mode right now and I have to go dog sit at my parents house for the next 4 days. She "kindly" stocked the house with giant chocolate bars, chips, frozen pizza's and assorted snacks. Now in all fairness, my daughters will be coming and going to help with the dog sitting so the snacks were put there for all of us, but still....SO cruel!
  • crazorbaq
    crazorbaq Posts: 74 Member
    gum is good, lots of water and i give in to cravings...I just try not to over do it. Regardless, I STILL TRACK EVERYTHING....sometimes, knowing the numbers are going to be red at the end of my day will help at least slow it down and make there not be that high of number :)
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    If I'm going to PMS eat or emotional eat I try to eat fruit, cucumbers, lettuce, or if I need that chocolate or salty craving I have a stash of Special K cracker chips and pastry crisps for emergency.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If I'm going to PMS eat or emotional eat I try to eat fruit, cucumbers, lettuce, or if I need that chocolate or salty craving I have a stash of Special K cracker chips and pastry crisps for emergency.

    Heehee. With me, it's ALWAYS an emergency. :laugh: What ends up happening to me, is, I try to stash sweets that are satisfying but relatively low cal (1 hershey bar). My problem is, I live with a 16 year old boy who seeks and eats whatever can be found. Sometimes I fall into this very annoying 'If I don't eat it now, it will be gone in 6 hours' mentality when hubs brings treats home.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Oh FFS OP, you are a special snowflake

    *confetti and unicorns for you*

    Whats the matter? Didn't get the response you wanted from your first snark?

    Apologies for feeding the trolls.
  • Loveyoustar
    Loveyoustar Posts: 35 Member
    I have this problem pre menstrual and when aunt flow is in town! So for two weeks in the month dieting is so very hard! I'm trying to be extra extra good for 3weeks of the month and on the week of my period I have a little chocolate everyday for a week but I stay within my cals! I never normal lose that week though. :( but try my best to make up for it in the next 3 weeks!