Shorties needing support!



  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    I am 5'1" 1/2 and 129. I haven't really lost anything since I started on MPF. I keep playing with calories, etc., but I don't seem to be making any headway and no, my measurements as of yet haven't changed either. I exercise 6 days a week doing a mix of cardio and weights. Anyone can feel free to add me. I'd love to learn from others who are having success.
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    Lgumert, have you gone on Pinterest? There are tons of great ideas for exercises you can do at home. I got bored with my dvd's over the weekend so that's what I did.
  • philipmotoike
    philipmotoike Posts: 1 Member
    hey, if you dont try you cant lose...its up and down battle...good part about losing weight is that you can fit into cloths you couldnt fit into before and dont have to buy more ..keek it up you can do it
  • Allup2Me78
    Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
    4'10 here so I may be the shortest on this
    Starting weight on MFP 1 year ago was 227.5 & I am not at 192.5 with 35 lbs lost in a year.

    I will be using ALL I learned last year to make this year even more successful! Feel free to add me ladies :)
  • lgumert
    lgumert Posts: 20
    I will definitely check out Pinterest. Thanks!
  • RachArmstrong
    RachArmstrong Posts: 17 Member
    I hear ya, I'm 5'2'' and keep falling off the wagon.

    SW: 187lbs
    CW: 180lbs
    TW: 170lbs (to start)

    Finding it so hard. I exercise 5 hours of kickboxing per week and run (very slowly) 2 miles, twice a week, but I love beer. Sigh......
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    I hear ya, I'm 5'2'' and keep falling off the wagon.

    SW: 187lbs
    CW: 180lbs
    TW: 170lbs (to start)

    Finding it so hard. I exercise 5 hours of kickboxing per week and run (very slowly) 2 miles, twice a week, but I love beer. Sigh......
    well I loved beer for a while too. in9 months I gained 50 lbs! still trying to get it off lol. gave it up 2 yrs ago.... it just adds waaaay too many calories.
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    I am 5'1" 1/2 and 129. I haven't really lost anything since I started on MPF. I keep playing with calories, etc., but I don't seem to be making any headway and no, my measurements as of yet haven't changed either. I exercise 6 days a week doing a mix of cardio and weights. Anyone can feel free to add me. I'd love to learn from others who are having success.
    you have probably been asked this a hundred times but have you found out you BMR and maintenance calorie totals? or TDEE? I sort of took all that info and made sure I had at least around a 400 cal deficit daily. I have been stalled for a few weeks on the actual scale but starting to be able to tell I am losing by looking at my body.
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    Yes I actually set my base at my BMR rather than the 1200 MPF gives me and work up from there depending on what I have burned in class.
  • charlielight
    charlielight Posts: 11 Member

    I'm new to actively participating in the MFP community but I've been logging for a couple months now. Honestly, I don't see or feel any differently. I'm 23 and stand at an intimidating 5'2.

    SW/CW (and my highest weight ever): 165
    GW: 130

    I've always been on the heavier side. 3 years ago I weighed about 130 and that was the lightest I've been since before high school.

    I'm excited to get into better shape and be healthier than I've ever been before.
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    What is your body fat %? I've had difficulty getting down below 130 in the past and I've finally realized this is because my lean body mass is something like 115 pounds! Rather than drive yourself crazy worrying about other people our height who might get down to 100 pounds, you might want to have your body fat tested and see where you are really at.

    As soon as my collar bones turn up again (I *know* they are in there somewhere) I'm going to do BodPod testing and set a final goal weight for 20-21% body fat.
    5 ft here....started at 164 now I am down to 127 and let me tell ya, that 127 is sticking and does not want to come off! I would LOVE to weigh 115 but not sure that is happening..anyone else in the same boat? Started doing heavy (well heavy for me) weights three times per week with cardio in between to help boost things...hasn't happened yet! Would love to have some other shorty friends...we got it tough ladies!!!! :)
  • Tarabobera
    Tarabobera Posts: 11 Member
    5'0 here too =) will accept friend requests too.. it helps I think because it is very different .. my husband is 6 foot even compared to me he can still eat the world on a diet lol.
  • I'm 29, 5'3" and have (well, had) about 50lbs to lose.

    SW: 174lbs
    CW: 160.8lbs (as of today, haven't checked-in)
    GW: 115-120lbs

    I've attempted losing the weight many times but always failed. This is my most successful attempt. I don't know if the 174lbs was my highest weight ever. I think it could have been higher at some point before I started, but I didn't weigh myself for a long time. 174lbs was scary enough. :laugh:
  • camihunter91
    camihunter91 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just started this week! I'm 5'0'' and want to lose about 40 pounds. It's hard getting support because all of my friends think I look fine. My weight is clearly unhealthy and my body fat percentage is around 40% -- -way too high.

    SW: 170
    CW: 163.4
    GW: 130

    Feel free to add me. I could use the support!
  • shainafay
    shainafay Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I'm Shaina

    I am 5'0" and 224 pounds and I hate it. I've been a member for a little over a year but as of September 27, I've gotten serious. BMI scales are pretty discouraging since they say I should be like 115 pounds. But I set a goal at 175 and a long term goal at 150. I need a lifestyle change. I'm sure it will be much easier if I have some supportive friends on here. Feel free to add me.
  • shadowweaver06
    shadowweaver06 Posts: 6 Member
    I know how you feel. I'm 4'9", and have had problems with yo-yo-ing weight due to illness and a crappy metabolism. I currently weigh around 132 lbs, and am aiming for 96 lbs (this is after I gained nearly 20 lbs in a year after a lot of stress and a sedentary job and some poor food choices influenced by a roommate who no longer lives with me - and I can eat chicken on top of salad and not get a bunch of crap for it. In the week since I started using MFP, I've managed to lose a pound and a half, so hopefully, the downward trend will continue. :)

    Eating clean seems to be helping and keeping my caloric intake somewhere in the ballpark of 1000-1300 cal seems to be inducing some weight loss, so I can't complain overall. :)

    Honestly, my biggest gripe about everything is the amount of crap and lack of support that I get from friends (who are all heavier and taller than I am, btw) who are constantly like "I don't understand why you want to lose weight, you look amazing the way you are!" It's hard to explain to them that you don't feel good at your current weight and it is horribly frustrating to look at an entire closet full of clothing you can no longer wear, because everything in the closet is size XS/S, and all of your pants are size 00, your boobs have gone up two cup sizes from a B to a D (and you just want them to shrink again so you can wear your nicer bras instead of the cheapo granny bras you bought impulsively from Walmart just so you had something comfortable to wear beneath the handful of shirts that do, miraculously, still fit) and even your sweatpants and exercise clothes are two sizes too small.

    Feel free to add me... I can certainly use the support as well! :)
  • Fellow shortie here too. I'm 4ft 11
  • Shorty here! I'm 5' ( Well technically 4'11 and 3/4, but every every inch or so COUNTS right? lol) Being short can suck. Sometimes I feel like god was intending on me being tall and than said "Just kidding!!!" lol. When your short every 5lbs shows, whether you lose it or gain it.

    Goal Weight: 130

    Add me for support! :)
  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 5'3 and always have that mental 'feck it' if I forget to record for one day on MFP - can't be bothered going back to day 1

    I'm at day 20 now which is about the longest I've been on over the past year at any one stage and I'm fed up stopping & starting.

    Let's do this shizzle!!

    Feel free to add me :bigsmile:
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    being short is an issue that many can't understand :) It's almost a bit discouraging to know that at our height (I am just under 5'3") we have crazy numbers we should weigh....I mean our range is like 100-130 lbs....that number seems unattainable when you are starting out at 200lbs. My advice is to run.....when we start out heavy every bit of cardio is not just building your stamia & endurance, but strengthening your heart and burning fat. For me I had plenty to burn so I will keep it up until I get to a healthy weight that FEELS good....regardless of the range they give me on paper :) Best of luck!!!! You can do this!

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