P90x Warrior/Martial-Artist - new -

Hello everyone, my name is Goku and I am a 22 year old martial-artist of multiple styles as well as a yoga, p90x, parkour, and zumba enthusiast. I currently reside in Florida but I plan on traveling around the world to study various martial-arts (next year I will be going to Thailand for 3 months to study Muay Thai). I joined the site to meet fellow enthusiasts of said interests who would like to work-out or share information with one another, and to learn as much about nutrition/health as possible. =)


  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    parkour? Is that were you jump off stuff in public like ninjas? Cause I would totally want to do that stuff. Oh and I do P90X too. Does your hair turn yellow?
  • TheSuperSaiyan
    Yeah it's free-running basically, and helps your core like nothing else! And no, my hair doesn't turn yellow... yet. LOL
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I like the "yet" part. I believe you just found a new student.