Help...Need a serious kick in tha butt..

I'm losing motivation. Not deliberately, mind you, but I can feel my enthusiasm, courage, and optimism waning. The strange thing is, I don't really want to go back to eating poorly. I can just feel the persistence draining out of me. I'm too scared to weigh myself, for fear that I've gained a few pounds. The past couple of weeks I haven't been 'perfect' with my exercise and diet. Now I feel like a total blob on the road to regaining the weight I've lost.

Where am I going wrong, folks? I know this is a pattern of behavior of mine, but can't locate the switch to turn myself around.


  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    Patience little grasshopper.

    Don't expect perfection. If you mess up, brush yourself off and try again.
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    No one said this was an easy road. What your feeling, I would guess, we all feel at one time or another. The difference is to stay strong. Keep plugging along and in a short while, these feelings will pass and you will get 100% in the right mind set.

    I have lost 59lbs and I have to say, this is the hardest battle I have ever faught. The pay off is great, but the war can drain you sometimes where you just want to throw in the towel and if you do that, what happens to the soldier? he gets captured and that is the end. So keep plugging along. I promise it does get better (but I will warn you, this won't be the first time you feel this way)
  • Via_14
    Via_14 Posts: 992 Member
    I'm losing motivation. Not deliberately, mind you, but I can feel my enthusiasm, courage, and optimism waning. The strange thing is, I don't really want to go back to eating poorly. I can just feel the persistence draining out of me. I'm too scared to weigh myself, for fear that I've gained a few pounds. The past couple of weeks I haven't been 'perfect' with my exercise and diet. Now I feel like a total blob on the road to regaining the weight I've lost.

    Where am I going wrong, folks? I know this is a pattern of behavior of mine, but can't locate the switch to turn myself around.

    Taking control of your health/diet/weight is no easy task so naturally it will wear you down with time. Like everyone said keep at it and treat each day as a new opportunity to get it right or make a few better choices. Start out small and gradually incorporate more and more changes. For eg, start by eating a healthy breakfast, then add 2L water to your diet, then go for a 30 min walk, etc.

    The positive is that you said you dont want to go back to eating poorly so clearly you still have motivation or determination in you, just need to focus on your why. If you have a big enough why, the how will take care of itself. Hope that helps, and keep strong! You CAN do it!!
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Can it just be a smack on the *kitten*? :devil:
  • aidyaidybobady
    aidyaidybobady Posts: 8 Member
    Are you having any treat days? I don't mean total blow out eat whatever you want days, just days where you're not as strict. I let myself have one of these a week (usually on a weekend when I'm having a drink with friends) and that helps - also I know that every extra calorie I burn during the week is another glass of wine, or better yet - dessert!
    Give yourself small manageable goals that you can achieve quickly and then create the next one, it feels good to succeed to the more small goals you win the better you'll feel :D
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    Think of how great you'll feel when you get up and move and sweat! I know once I get up and work hard and sweat it out, I feel accomplished and a great high! Then you won't want to stop! Everyone has a bad week sometime even a bad year. Start with eating one healthy meal today and get up and do some type of exercise. Start small and build and don't worry about the scale. Make small non-scale goals and when you meet them feel happy about it. ex: I burned 200 calories today, tomorrow I will try for 300, Yay Me! Something like that!

    Okay, now GO!
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    I'm losing motivation. Not deliberately, mind you, but I can feel my enthusiasm, courage, and optimism waning. The strange thing is, I don't really want to go back to eating poorly. I can just feel the persistence draining out of me. I'm too scared to weigh myself, for fear that I've gained a few pounds. The past couple of weeks I haven't been 'perfect' with my exercise and diet. Now I feel like a total blob on the road to regaining the weight I've lost.

    Where am I going wrong, folks? I know this is a pattern of behavior of mine, but can't locate the switch to turn myself around.

    I get like this sometimes - not just weight loss, but all sorts of things in life - money, jobs, everything. I find that when I slide a bit out of control, the more I leave it,the more I worry and the more I slide so the only thing to do is square up to and get hold of it again. And all the worry subsides, I'm in control again, and I can start to turn it around.

    So just go and weigh yourself. Then you'll know, you'll be in control again. You might not like what you see, but on the other hand you might be pleasantly surprised! But while you're avoiding it and worrying, you're still sliding. What's the worst case scenario? You've gained a few pounds? So instead of saying "Oh no I've gained a few pounds, it's a disaster! I've failed!" say "Hm. I've gained a few pounds, good job I caught it early and nipped it in the bud! I can work them back off now. I am still in control, and I can do this :bigsmile: "

    The good thing is if you check now, and get back on it, you have only gained a few pounds, not slid all the way back to where you started which is what you could do if you try to avoid looking.

    Also, do you take photos as you go? Measurements? This is the time to assess the progress you've made so far - the waistbands that are a little looser; the difference in the shape of your face; the fact you can walk further/quicker whatever than before.

    ETA I found this really useful - dig out some old photos before the weight loss, dig out the clothes you were wearing, put them on and adopt a similar pose, and photograph yourself now. If you can't see any difference, post the before and after pics here for an objective eye, and everyone will point out the progress you have made. That really does give you a nice kick up the *kitten* :smile:
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    KICK>>BUTT!! Did that help? Life isn't "perfect', humans aren't "perfect', YOU do not need to be "perfect". I have stumbled many times but have brushed off and kept going.
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    I truly believe that this journey is a mind game. I literally have to talk to myself (quietly of course lol) at times to encourage myself to exercise or choose the healthier option. I have to keep telling myself Yes I Can. You just have to refuse to give into the excuses that you come up with and trust me we all have those excuses. How many times have I woken up at 5am to go to the gym. How many excuses did I give myself to go back to bed instead.......tons BUT I talked myself into going and I went and I felt much better that I did it. I love going to the group classes at my gym and I feel great when I do them but its the getting there that I have to talk myself into. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Zuhwut
    Zuhwut Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks, everyone, for your words of encouragement.

    All along, I think I've been thinking about this the wrong way. I had a chat with a friend of mine who's gone through similar obstacles, and she really laid it down for me in a way with which I can truly connect.

    I've hit the first wall in this particular endeavor, and the 'wall' is really what this whole thing is about. It's slowly beginning to sink in that this is where the real work begins, in overcoming the wall.

    I'm glad I reached out to people, though, because reaching out is something I don't normally do. I think I can handle it on my own, and if I can't, I'm just not trying hard enough. That's what I used to think, anyway. Talking to people who've been through the same thing gives me confidence that I can do it. Thanks again.