How to Sustain Motivation when You're Struggling



  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Thank you, I needed this.
    You are very welcome!
  • train4bane
    Thanks just printed this offf :)
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Bump to save...

    Just what I needed. ..
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Thought I was doing alright these past 6 weeks. Lupus must be flaring as the scale from my dr. says I only lost 4 lbs. not the 9 from 2 wks. ago. This is a little unsettling for me but I am on prednisone. Dr. said to just keep trying. Hopefully all the drama is done for now. I am going to try to find my motivation again. Have a nice day.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Thanks just printed this offf :)

    I printed it too!!! :)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thanks!! I will read later. I dropped it in a Word Doc.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    no problem!
  • Doxeydoxie
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
  • SeHernandez25
    SeHernandez25 Posts: 4 Member
    Really needed to see this today! I have yo yo'd with my weight my whole life. Once I lose the weight and meet my goal, I get comfortable and think I eat all those bad foods again, and I gain the weight right back. I have about 8 more pounds I want to lose before I get in to maintainance mode. My husband is very overweight and doesn't seem to care that I do not want to live like that, so that makes it really hard as well. If anyone has had a similar situation, I would greatly appreciate any advise you could give me.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Yup Yup!
  • sarahruizfitnessjourney
    Really needed this, great read thanks for posting.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Really needed to see this today! I have yo yo'd with my weight my whole life. Once I lose the weight and meet my goal, I get comfortable and think I eat all those bad foods again, and I gain the weight right back. I have about 8 more pounds I want to lose before I get in to maintainance mode. My husband is very overweight and doesn't seem to care that I do not want to live like that, so that makes it really hard as well. If anyone has had a similar situation, I would greatly appreciate any advise you could give me.

    I have been the same way for years, that's why when I read this, I was like damn...I really need to share this with as many people as I can! I did not write it, I did modify it a little bit but 98% of it was found online.

    O know how you feel about the overweight hubby who doesnt seem to care. They seem like they try to sabotage don't they?
  • jessicalongwe
    jessicalongwe Posts: 7 Member
    I apologize in advance for the rant that is about to ensue…. Hopefully just saying it ‘out loud’ will help lift this heavy burden, and maybe inspire some actual weight to be lifted too! My husband loves me exactly the way I am. He tells me every day that I am beautiful, and I actually believe that he truly feels that way. So why, I wonder, does it seem impossible for me to feel that way about myself!? I tend to go through a vicious cycle of complete inspiration, dedicated workouts, healthy meals, and then suddenly crash. There are so many excuses, I think I could write a book on the topic – Minnesota volatile weather, dark mornings lulling me to stay in bed, exhausting work, dinner planning & preparation for the whole family, catching that bug that has been going around the office, falling victim to a migraine, and the list goes on. Not to mention, that my husband and I want to have a baby…. Now I know that when/if I do become pregnant at some point, it will still be important for me to eat right and stay active, but every time I have a fleeting thought that I might be, I give myself a small green light to eat a little extra or to be a little lazy. No matter what the reason, I CAN’T SEEM TO DO THIS! :( I have gained back every pound that I have ever lost since starting on MFP 3 years ago. I keep getting on and off the wagon so frequently, that sometimes I just want to throw in the towel all together and crawl under the covers and not come out! Unfortunately, stinking my head in the ground won’t solve anything. I need help. I need motivation. I need to want this bad enough for myself that I actually stick to it for a change!!! Help?!
  • mandyplace
    Thanks for the words, this is where I struggle the most staying motivated especially if the results are very slow. I sometime feel as though I am making great sacrifices but not seeing any results and by the way I love to eat. One day at a time.
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    I apologize in advance for the rant that is about to ensue…. Hopefully just saying it ‘out loud’ will help lift this heavy burden, and maybe inspire some actual weight to be lifted too! My husband loves me exactly the way I am. He tells me every day that I am beautiful, and I actually believe that he truly feels that way. So why, I wonder, does it seem impossible for me to feel that way about myself!? I tend to go through a vicious cycle of complete inspiration, dedicated workouts, healthy meals, and then suddenly crash. There are so many excuses, I think I could write a book on the topic – Minnesota volatile weather, dark mornings lulling me to stay in bed, exhausting work, dinner planning & preparation for the whole family, catching that bug that has been going around the office, falling victim to a migraine, and the list goes on. Not to mention, that my husband and I want to have a baby…. Now I know that when/if I do become pregnant at some point, it will still be important for me to eat right and stay active, but every time I have a fleeting thought that I might be, I give myself a small green light to eat a little extra or to be a little lazy. No matter what the reason, I CAN’T SEEM TO DO THIS! :( I have gained back every pound that I have ever lost since starting on MFP 3 years ago. I keep getting on and off the wagon so frequently, that sometimes I just want to throw in the towel all together and crawl under the covers and not come out! Unfortunately, stinking my head in the ground won’t solve anything. I need help. I need motivation. I need to want this bad enough for myself that I actually stick to it for a change!!! Help?!

    I know exactly how you feel! My hubby too tells me everyday how he loves me just the way I am and asks me why I am doing all of this, who am I trying to impress? I tell him its for me, nobody else. I want to feel about myself the way he feels about me. I want to love me as much as he loves me, but I just don't. I am not happy with my body, and it shows. I have stopped and started and lost 20lbs and gained it back more times than I can count. i have been one here since 2011, but I have never been as determined and committed to myself as I have this time around. I can totally feel the difference now, I FEEL more fit, I FEEL more healthy...but most of all I FEEL proud!! and that is something I have not felt in a long time. I work full time, 50+ hours a week (6days a week most of the time) I go to school,and I have a 4 year old in T-ball, and that is almost a full time job in itself. I never took the time to do ANYTHING for me. But now that has changed, I wake up at 4;30am 6days a week and when everyone else is asleep, I focus on me!! And THAT, makes me feel AWESOME!! (Most of the time, don't get me wrong I have days where I am down and feel like I am wasting my time and feel like giving up, but I don't)

    I am not sure of you will see this, or if you do I am not sure it will help...but just know that there are others out there who feel the same way, the only thing we can do is push through it and keep looking forward :)
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    Thanks for the words, this is where I struggle the most staying motivated especially if the results are very slow. I sometime feel as though I am making great sacrifices but not seeing any results and by the way I love to eat. One day at a time.

    I LOVE to eat too girl! I still get my daily emails of recipes that I drool over! I love to cook and make yummy meals that makes everyone jaw drop! The biggest, cheesiest, greasiest right to the butt meals out there were always my favorite!! But you know what? I STILL love to eat, and I STILL love to cook, I just cook better now AND i STILL ENJOY IT, My family doesn't so much though lol But hey, If I am going to live healthier and longer, they better too right?
  • Maureen214
    Maureen214 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you for posting this!! You made me realize I'm doing 1-9 and 12 without realizing I've been doing all of that. And I definitely need to add 10, 11, and 13-20 to keep me going !! These are very " obvious" but not when I'm not doing them or feeling defeated. Your steps will help me push through my first set of goals even more! I broke it down to LSD 25 pounds in 12 weeks and have lost 16 in 6 so definitely on track, but these ideas give me so many more and get me excited and help me find the FUN in this process besides all the obvious reasons to lose weight!!!

    Thank you for sharing !! You're do motivational and congrats on your loss so far!!!
  • Maureen214
    Maureen214 Posts: 40 Member
    That was supposed to say lose 25 pounds and you are sooo motivational! Ps also having the support of my husband helps a lot. He's training for another full
    Marathon and has lost 20 pounds in 9 weeks and is at an all time low weight for him since college. We eat the same foods and count and add together and check in with each other. He just eats larger portions than I do and adds one or two snacks usually of nuts and fruit.
    Also since Sat is usually his longest run of the week at 15-20 miles, we have pasta on Friday nights. My daughter always chimes in she lives my lasagna!! But I budget in 450 calories for a good sized portion for myself and he eats 1 1/2 or 2 servings since he'll run it almost all off the next morning and my tiny 13 year old gobbled down two big portions !!

    His work also has free dietician guidance via phone calls at my convenience for a 15 minute session every 2-4 weeks. It even offers a reduction to our medical deductible. So it's something to look into in employee benefits if you or you spouse work for a large company like Wells Fargo. An extra source to hold me accountable is great. And free and added health benefits is even better!!!
  • heatherc369
    heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
    That was supposed to say lose 25 pounds and you are sooo motivational! Ps also having the support of my husband helps a lot. He's training for another full
    Marathon and has lost 20 pounds in 9 weeks and is at an all time low weight for him since college. We eat the same foods and count and add together and check in with each other. He just eats larger portions than I do and adds one or two snacks usually of nuts and fruit.
    Also since Sat is usually his longest run of the week at 15-20 miles, we have pasta on Friday nights. My daughter always chimes in she lives my lasagna!! But I budget in 450 calories for a good sized portion for myself and he eats 1 1/2 or 2 servings since he'll run it almost all off the next morning and my tiny 13 year old gobbled down two big portions !!

    His work also has free dietician guidance via phone calls at my convenience for a 15 minute session every 2-4 weeks. It even offers a reduction to our medical deductible. So it's something to look into in employee benefits if you or you spouse work for a large company like Wells Fargo. An extra source to hold me accountable is great. And free and added health benefits is even better!!!

    That is awesome! It makes it so much easier when you have TRUE support!!!