Over a month and little to results

So I have been on and off MFP for the last year, but I got back on regularly a little over a month ago. I have three kids, the youngest born in March of last year and with each one I couldn't lose the last 10lbs so I am now 30-35lbs heavier than I would like to be. I have MFP set at 1200 calories a day, but most days I earn from exercise so it ends up being more like 1500 - 1700. In the first two weeks I lost 8lbs, but I think that was just because I had spent the month before on vacation or sedentary and eating whatever I wanted. Now that I am working out hard 4 - 5 times and watching what I eat, I haven't seen any results. Now, I don't measure myself, so I am not sure about inches -- but the lbs are definitely not coming off. Has this happened to anyone else? I have no intention of quitting, but it is frustrating not to be seeing any consistent loss. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks!


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    OPen your diary otherwise we will just be shooting in the dark...
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    So I have been on and off MFP for the last year, but I got back on regularly a little over a month ago. I have three kids, the youngest born in March of last year and with each one I couldn't lose the last 10lbs so I am now 30-35lbs heavier than I would like to be. I have MFP set at 1200 calories a day, but most days I earn from exercise so it ends up being more like 1500 - 1700. In the first two weeks I lost 8lbs, but I think that was just because I had spent the month before on vacation or sedentary and eating whatever I wanted. Now that I am working out hard 4 - 5 times and watching what I eat, I haven't seen any results. Now, I don't measure myself, so I am not sure about inches -- but the lbs are definitely not coming off. Has this happened to anyone else? I have no intention of quitting, but it is frustrating not to be seeing any consistent loss. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks!

    Make your food diary public so we can see what you've been eating. What kind of workouts are you doing? How much weight are you looking to lose?
  • ltuisavalalo
    Sorry - didn't realize it was private. It's public now...be kind :)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Sorry - didn't realize it was private. It's public now...be kind :)

    Okay, I've gone back about ten days, and I've noticed a few things:

    1) Your logging is kind of spotty. This past weekend you didn't log at all. Even if these are "cheat days," I cannot stress the importance of logging everything all day every day.

    2) On the days you have logged, you've gone over your calorie limit a few times. I applaud you for going ahead and logging this stuff even when you go over. Many people stop logging once they go over.

    With that said, though, if you are going over your calorie limit on some days you log, and you don't know how many calories you ate on days you didn't log, it's easy to see how you could not be losing. Please please PLEASE log anything and everything, and try your darnedest to keep close to that calorie goal.

    Also, some questions: Are you using a HRM to count exercise calories? Are you using a digital scale to weigh your food? These are very useful tools to keep you on track too. :-) I hope this helps!

    ETA: Also, it's important to keep your plateaus in perspective. Just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean progress isn't being made. Maybe you should make some fitness goals in addition to your weight loss goals. I do this so that I still feel like I'm achieving something even if I'm not losing weight. For example, running/walking 20 miles in September. And DEFINITELY start taking your measurements!
  • ltuisavalalo
    You are right about the not logging - it's always the weekends and for some reason, I just can't get myself to do it, even if I haven't really cheated. I will be better about that!

    No, I'm not using an HRM or a scale. For the calories burned I usually use whatever the elliptical machine is showing me, or for Zumba, whatever MFP has. I have noticed though that those are not the most accurate esp. since when I work out at home using the xbox trainer, the calories burned are WAY lower, even though I am huffing and puffing through a 40 minute circuit training -- so I think that may be part of it too -- over estimating how much I burned.

  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    You are right about the not logging - it's always the weekends and for some reason, I just can't get myself to do it, even if I haven't really cheated. I will be better about that!

    No, I'm not using an HRM or a scale. For the calories burned I usually use whatever the elliptical machine is showing me, or for Zumba, whatever MFP has. I have noticed though that those are not the most accurate esp. since when I work out at home using the xbox trainer, the calories burned are WAY lower, even though I am huffing and puffing through a 40 minute circuit training -- so I think that may be part of it too -- over estimating how much I burned.


    Try this website, it factors in your weight so it may be more accurate. I need an HRM too!

  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    You are right about the not logging - it's always the weekends and for some reason, I just can't get myself to do it, even if I haven't really cheated. I will be better about that!

    No, I'm not using an HRM or a scale. For the calories burned I usually use whatever the elliptical machine is showing me, or for Zumba, whatever MFP has. I have noticed though that those are not the most accurate esp. since when I work out at home using the xbox trainer, the calories burned are WAY lower, even though I am huffing and puffing through a 40 minute circuit training -- so I think that may be part of it too -- over estimating how much I burned.


    DEFINITELY invest in a food scale, you can get them anywhere for pretty cheap! It's amazing to see actual portion sizes once you start to weight them, it really makes a difference!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You are right about the not logging - it's always the weekends and for some reason, I just can't get myself to do it, even if I haven't really cheated. I will be better about that!

    No, I'm not using an HRM or a scale. For the calories burned I usually use whatever the elliptical machine is showing me, or for Zumba, whatever MFP has. I have noticed though that those are not the most accurate esp. since when I work out at home using the xbox trainer, the calories burned are WAY lower, even though I am huffing and puffing through a 40 minute circuit training -- so I think that may be part of it too -- over estimating how much I burned.


    I'm glad you have a realistic perspective on this. So many people don't. Digital scales aren't that expensive, but HRMs can be. Let me tell you, if you are in this for the long haul, IT IS WORTH GETTING ONE. Unfortunately, huffing and puffing or heart pounding is not a great indicator of calorie burns, so a HRM is key!

    And yes, even when we don't log and we try to eat healthy or small portions, it's amazing how much you don't realize goes into your mouth (or how many calories it is that goes in your mouth!) Also, weigh everything with a digital scale. Don't use measuring cups or tablespoons. If you're eating cereal or something, and it says serving size 3/4 cup it will say what it is in grams next to it, like 31g. Measure 31 grams instead of 3/4 cups. It is way more accurate.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    To be honest with you, you do go over often (in the last week from what I looked at) and if you don't log on weekends, you are probably going over then too. You are not losing because you are probably eating too much.
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    I think the other aspect to point out is that 1200 might be too low for you. When I had my BMR measured with a BodPod, it came back as 1508 cals/day, which means that is the amount of energy it takes to keep my body running without doing anything else. Literally nothing else.

    I would start out with a more modest weight loss because I've found (through others and myself) that it's easier to maintain long term. It's better to lose thirty lbs over six, seven months than to lose it over three months and then gain half of it back when your habits change.

    The days I saw where you went over would be at least my normal intake. Yes, it's frustrating and yes, it's slow. But trust in the process - and I agree with everyone else: log it all!
  • Sweetestthing87
    Sweetestthing87 Posts: 276 Member
    Give it more time, log appropriately and don't give up, after all quitting will most likely result in more gaining. Who wants that to happen?!? Take baby steps to get back into the groove and LOG LOG LOG!

    Good luck!
  • armymom5
    armymom5 Posts: 115
    I recently invested in an HRM and it has been worth every penny!!! I actually tried to throw a dollar in a jar every time I worked out and then used that money to help fund my HRM :) Good luck to you!
  • Pooks1n1Schmoops
    Pooks1n1Schmoops Posts: 199 Member
    I recently invested in an HRM and it has been worth every penny!!! I actually tried to throw a dollar in a jar every time I worked out and then used that money to help fund my HRM :) Good luck to you!

    Awesome idea!
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I haven't seen any results. Now, I don't measure myself, so I am not sure about inches -- but the lbs are definitely not coming off. Has this happened to anyone else? I have no intention of quitting, but it is frustrating not to be seeing any consistent loss. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks!

    If you're not measuring, how do you know you're not seeing any results? I highly recommend measuring once every 30 days (and taking progress pictures too). It is not uncommon to lose inches, even if the scale isn't moving.

    Also, you've only been at this for a month, and you've gone from sedentary to working out 4-5 days a week. It is entirely possible that your muscles are retaining water, which is very common when you first start working out or when you significantly change up your workout routine.

    Oh...and buy a food scale and weigh ALL of your food. use measuring cups for liquids only...the scale for everything else. You can get a good digital food scale for like $10-15. :)
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    I looked over the last week, and when you did log, you went over your calories by a considerable amount. I'm willing to bet it's the same on the days you don't log.

    Like other people suggested, I would get a food scale. Then you can log more precisely and maybe more consistently, too.
  • mlmanney
    mlmanney Posts: 349 Member
    as far as I can see, you do go over your calories often. I agree with all the people that say to invest in a food scale and a HR monitor. it is the most accurate way to track your calories burned and to ensure that you aren't going over or under on a serving size. It is so easy to do so when judging by eye, especially on hard to measure items. it will help you tremendously.

    One of the things I do to help me is to put my dinner in early in the day (usually when I am logging my breadfast) and it helps me to decide what to have for lunch and for my snacks throughout the rest of the day. Also if I have an meal out I try to look and decide before I get there and log it in so that I can plan my calories for the rest of the day as well. Usually it is a splurge, so it also tells me how hard/long I have to work out to earn that meal out.
  • wilbur1958
    Don't stop. I will tell you that the older you get, the harder it is to loose weight. I'm 57 and weighed in at 385 4 years ago. I just dropped below 300. What I have learned is that you don't have to kill yourself with exercise and diet. Just do as much as you can and keep moving. As for the diet, yes give up fast food, fried food and all junk. But when your feeling crappy go ahead and have a chocolate bar or a cocktail, even 2 cocktails. Yes they are empty calories but so what. I hate the gym, but I love to swim. So that is my routine, I swim at least 4 days a week and do a minimal amount of weights at home. 20 lbs max. You can use your own body weight to work your muscles. No fancy equipment needed. I wasn't going to add this but here goes. Last October I had half my heart rebuilt because I never took care of myself. Scared the crap out of me. That is my motivation. I want to live as long as I can. Good Luck.
  • ltuisavalalo
    Dollar in a jar every time you work out to earn a HRM is a great idea!
  • ltuisavalalo
    Thank you everyone for the comments. Clearly if I am committed, I need a scale PRONTO. I also need to be better about logging and perhaps consider upping the calories slightly since I have been going over. I think that I have not been so worried about the overage b/c I feel like 1200 is pretty low and I have been exercising hard/a lot -- but the no results is definitely showing me otherwise.

    Again, thank you all for the responses/support and I will definitely stick with it!