Dropped weight quickly... now have low back/glut pain



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    some people are just plain stupid on here...
    I eat properly and exercise safely...
    I am also chat regularly with the instructors at the gym...

    I have seen a doctor and have been give anti inflammatories to hopefully ease the pain.

    no, no you don't. i thought you were the one with the questions but if you have all the answers to everything already you just go ahead on do your thing.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    some people are just plain stupid on here...
    I eat properly and exercise safely...
    I am also chat regularly with the instructors at the gym...

    I have seen a doctor and have been give anti inflammatories to hopefully ease the pain.
    So, you post asking for advice, and then call the people that give you good advice stupid? :huh:

    Good luck with your goals.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I am also chat regularly with the instructors at the gym...
    If you chat with Gym instructors thats fine then :laugh:
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    some people are just plain stupid on here...
    I eat properly and exercise safely...
    I am also chat regularly with the instructors at the gym...

    I have seen a doctor and have been give anti inflammatories to hopefully ease the pain.
    You're doing it wrong. Good luck with that.
  • bexalicous
    bexalicous Posts: 66 Member
    Isn't 1200kcal the lowest a WOMAN is supposed to consume (and that gets a lot of stick from people) and you're a guy....
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    to elaborate... ive dropped 13.5kg (nearly 30lb) in 2 months. I am eating approx. 1200 calories a day along with going to the gym 5 + days a week. I generally spend 1 hour a session at the gym on the cross trainer, that's about it...

    the stabbing pain I speak of is at the base of my back and into my bum. I generally feel soreness through my lower back but the occasional stabbing pain when I twist or turn a certain way...


    Sciatic pain far more likely to be being caused by the crosstrainer than the weight loss.

    Sciatica can often be caused by overloosening the lower back. I get it now and again and it's insufferable - go to a chiropractor and they fix it very straightforwardly.

    Be careful about what you do about it at home. Every nerve and fibre begs you to put a hottie bottle on it to ease the pain - but if it is an overloosening issue then you have to use ice. Be aware it might not be caused by this. You might have a mild scoliosis or something and some part of you like a hip might be overtight. As I say, the chiro will investigate it and tell you.

    Even a physio would be better than nothing. It's not weight loss. It's some movement you have made at some point which has shifted a vertebra a tiny bit and pinched a nerve.

  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    some people are just plain stupid on here...
    I eat properly and exercise safely...
    I am also chat regularly with the instructors at the gym...

    I have seen a doctor and have been give anti inflammatories to hopefully ease the pain.

    Doctors give anti-inflammatories and hope that with normal use, rather than muscles clenching to protect the spasm, the vertebrae will return to their usual spot.

    Be aware that if it does not go away, you still have options. Physio, chiropractic and osteo. I recommend physio for muscle wrenches and tears. I recommend chiro for nerve pinches because they're inevitably spinal vertebrae being slighty out of place, and I recommend osteo if you like crystal gazing and incense burning and believe invisible spirits will save you. :p
  • Darcie45
    Darcie45 Posts: 52 Member
    bridgie said what I was going to say.

    A year ago I fell off my horse and hurt my lower back, went to the chiropractor got everything back in align and no problems until.....

    I started losing weight and walking a lot, and I mean 3 to 5 miles a day (I have a large over exhuberant puppy) And now I have days, like today where it hurts to sit, hurts to stand, it just hurts on the right side of my lower back across and all the way down my leg. So I will use ICE, take some aleve and stretch, stretch and stretch some more before I go walk. And if it doesn't get better I will go see my chiropractor again. Do you stretch well before you exercise? My son runs cross country and started having trouble with his hip flexor because he wasn't stretching the hip muscles properly before he ran.

    I think the calories you are eating are a bit low too, but if you have discussed it with your doctor then I will say nothing else about that.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    some people are just plain stupid on here...

    Meh, I eat 1900 calories a day not including exercise calories and I still lose weight, so I think that makes me cleverer than you.

    Even if you are cleverer than me, I'm definitely happier and less hungry. :smile:
  • rusty01hc
    I wasn't implying you. I was referring to some comments earlier on in the feed...
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Has your doctor done imaging, and what were the results?

    It could be a disc problem is the thing.

    It could be a lot of things, but the course of action depends very much on which it is! If the doctor just gave anti-inflammatories with no imaging, he's assuming it's probably something it might not be. A lot of times they'll do that for 6 weeks or so to avoid the expensive imaging for muscular strains. Usually, you'd rest it (avoid anything that aggravates) while you waited out the time frame to imaging.

    Take it all seriously. A bad back is a huge problem.
  • rusty01hc
    I have been doing a lot of resting since visiting the doctors... so far, whether it is due to the rest, the meds or a combination of both, it is feeling a little better.

    there still seems to be some stiffness, maybe this is due to the resting and the lack of exercising, but the sharp pains have eased somewhat.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    That's great news. Maybe it is muscular, which is excellent compared to some possibilities. If you can get in to see a PT some time, they can tell once it's healed enough to tell, if that makes sense. They can help a lot with things like Piriformis Syndrome, etc. And they'll tell you what to avoid or work on. Try to at least go for the evaluation and recommendations.
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    could it be a pinched nerve? def go to the dr. hope you feel better!