Out for a curry tonight :-/ Advice needed

Morning all

I am going out for a curry tonight with friends. I don't want to make a massive deal about trying to lose weight, but also don't want to go off the rails in a major way.

I am also a veggie, so am a bit more restricted on options.

What would you suggest as a reasonable meal without tons of calories :-/ this is the menu http://www.pinkpaprika.co.uk/menu

I am quite happy to have a side dish and a rice as I don't like eating mountains of food!

thanks all

Lou x


  • PennyHarris123
    PennyHarris123 Posts: 159 Member
    Balti's are pretty good as tomato based. I love vegetable balti. I'm not a vegetarian but always have it with chicken tikka and it's pretty low calorie
    have a great night
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    I think an aloo is ok. I think the bhajee is fried.
  • LouDijkstra
    Thanks, never had a balti before so will give it a go! I didn't want to look like a complete party pooper! As I have already decided not to drink and thought I would be seriously boring if I didn't drink OR eat LOL
  • apollard727
    If you don't go out for a meal often or have many cheats i wouldn't worry and enjoy your night out! When your dieting you want to go out and eat what you want without worrying if your going out for a meal. You could order what you want but have a smaller portion size?

    Personally, i only got out for a meal once-twice a month tops and i eat whatever i want, but i then make sure i keep to my diet after that.

    If you want you could exercise so you can eat more calories? I tend to compensate for the meal by eating less the next day (although this isnt the right way to go about it) i do usually feel full enough the next day as i have eaten too much on the meal out.

    This is just what i tend to do but you may want to be strict and have no cheat meals once in a blue moon. It depends on how you react to eating a cheat meal, i did use to go off the rails for the next few days but I have that under control now.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    difficult if you're veggie... I was going to suggest chicken tikka or chicken tandoori without the sauces and with a side salad.... maybe there's a veggie version of those?

    the other option is just order whatever you like but only eat until you're satisfied and not stuffed, and call it a cheat meal... doing that once in a while won't hurt your long term progress. It's what you eat day in, day out that makes the difference. No-one gets fat or lean from one single meal. If eating out for a curry is going to be a regular thing, then find something you'll enjoy that's not going to kill your entire calorie budget in a single meal, and find ways to fit it in to your calorie goal.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Veggie ones will be lower in calories then paneer or lentils/chickpeas.
  • LouDijkstra
    Thanks all, I am starting pole with a 2 hour class on Saturday so I suppose I will work it off, plus am on level 2 of 30 Day Shred, so plenty of calorie burning! I wanted to chose a reasonably good option! I don't want to have a complete and utter blow out, but don't want to be the other extreme either!!

    What are cheat meals?! I am new to MFP and have tracked within my calories for the past 11 days and never heard of a cheat meal!!!

  • apollard727
    I call a cheat meal a meal that isnt healthy and probably has more calories than i have in my allowance or eats a big chunk of my allowance. But if I'm doing this once or twice a month i find it doesnt effect my weight at all.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Ask your server to give you a container before eating your meal then take half of it with you home.

    If that doesn't work run 10 miles the next day!!
  • apollard727
    Sorry forgot to add... i have a cheat meal at least once a month otherwise i would binge eat at some point and really go off the rails!
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Thanks all, I am starting pole with a 2 hour class on Saturday so I suppose I will work it off, plus am on level 2 of 30 Day Shred, so plenty of calorie burning! I wanted to chose a reasonably good option! I don't want to have a complete and utter blow out, but don't want to be the other extreme either!!

    What are cheat meals?! I am new to MFP and have tracked within my calories for the past 11 days and never heard of a cheat meal!!!


    Think of them as "treat" meals....much nicer sound to it!! We all deserve the occasional treat...treat yourself tonight :-)
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    Try aloo gobhi or bhindi bhajee or aloo baingan...all are low calorie veggies .. for protein rich food try dhal or chickpeas.. although paneer is a good source of protein however its usually cooked in a very thick creamy base so its better to avoid it.

    For bread try chappati.. way less calories than rice and less carbs as well.... hope tht helps a bit.
  • LouDijkstra
    Ah cool. I am trying to stick to my calories as much as I can, but there are some occasions where you can't avoid it! Especially when eating out! I think two cheat meals a month sounds like a good amount to not feel like you are missing out but to still manage not to impact on weight loss. :-)

    thanks all xx
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    cheat meal - not really an MFP concept, just a dieting concept generally - a meal where you don't count the calories and eat whatever you want (but not how much you want, i.e. don't stuff your face, but it's like a diet break). It's not compulsory to have them, an alternative strategy is to fit all your treat foods into your calorie goal each day, i.e. you're still eating what you want, just not unlimited quantities of those foods. They're both different strategies to ensure you're not totally depriving yourself, because self deprivation is not good for long term success. The aim is to learn how to enjoy all the foods you love in moderation, i.e. eat what you want (in moderation) and still lose weight.

    Re special meals - even if you go way over your calorie budget once in a while, provided it's only once in a while it will not harm your long term progress, so on events like family parties or other special occasions that are only once in a while, it's not really worth getting stressed over calories or depriving yourself to the point that you'll enjoy the meal less. For regular occasions (e.g. if you have a lot of business lunches in restaurants or something) then it's better to count the calories and make the meals fit into your calorie goal for the day.
  • fitin3m
    fitin3m Posts: 44 Member
    I would recommend channa masala (chickpeas) for high protein and low fat content. You can have that either with roti/chapathi or to have with plain naan/garlic naan for a treat. If you prefer to have rice, you can choose vegetable rice, otherwise lemon rice for citrus punch.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    10 Saag aloo

    Then don't make a big deal out of being on a diet, and eat it all like you normally would. If you don't go out for curry often this isn't going to be a big deal at all. Have fun.

    I don't have cheat meals, I just have days were I don't bother to track. I have made my life adjustments, so its nothing more than a bump in the road for me.
  • Rosannajo88
    Rosannajo88 Posts: 212 Member
    I eat curries all the time, home made with low fat yoghurt. Dont worry too much, just maybe avoid the creamier dishes (Korma, avoid this naughty but delicious one like the plague haha) and try not to have too many breads (chappatis, naans etc).

    But most importantly , just have fun with your friends! You're not on a diet, your making small changes to your lifestyle xx
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    i think curries seem to have a lot of calories in the sauce.. its so yummy, so i ask for veggies to be added. if you can eat half that can help with the calorie count for the day too.

    but if i wanted curry, i would have curry , and would love every bite!
  • tattygun
    tattygun Posts: 447 Member
    Have a veg curry with rice. Curry isn't as bad as you'd think, I eat it regularly, just avoid the creamy ones if you're really worried. Most curry houses use a hell of a lot less oil than they used to do nowadays too.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Don't let dieting RULE your entire life. This is a lifestyle. Go to dinner, eat what you want, enjoy it. Then forget it and start over tomorrow. One meal is not going to derail your entire program. If you really feel guilty, which you shouldn't, do a little extra cardio this week or eat a tad leaner on another day. Life happens and you should let it. As long as you are "ON" track more than you are "OFF" then you'll still reach your goal. No reason you can't have a little fun during the process.