~Sleepy Vitamins~ :)

I'm looking for some advice:yawn:
I have ALWAYS been a "tired" kind of person. I have had blood tests run and all my levels look good, my thyroid is good and so is my potassium and iron. I do not take any vitamins at this point as they make me feel sick to my stomach. Is there anyone out there that has had this problem as well and what do you take to feel better??

Thanks guys!:flowerforyou:


  • jdsouthernbelle
    Sublingual B-12 helps me
  • raven58
    Double check the Thyroid, mine was always on the "low normal" until I found a Dr who decided "low normal" was an average indicator and based on symptoms, it meant I was low. Thyroid supplements changed my whole life.

    Are you getting enough sleep? Lots of conditions sap energy and women tend to get put in the "it is in your head, there isn't anything wrong" category.

    Can't take vitmains at all? Maybe more iron rich food would help? Proteins and iron, like steak, spinach,...?

    Odd as it may sound, exercise can help, too. It can be tough getting started, but after a while, you really notice a difference.

    Good luck. I hated being tired all the time.
  • shelli1982
    try taking a b-complex (it has a bunch of different b-vitamins, including things like b-12 and folic acid). It might not be so bad on the stomach... multi-vitamins often contain minerals, which are generally what upset the stomach, but b-vitamins aren't as likely to do it since they don't have the minerals as well. And if all else fails, take it with a meal, that will cut down on any nausea. But give it about 3 or 4 weeks to take effect.. they don't produce energy overnight unfortunately :P

    hope that helps!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Double check the Thyroid, mine was always on the "low normal" until I found a Dr who decided "low normal" was an average indicator and based on symptoms, it meant I was low. Thyroid supplements changed my whole life.

    Are you getting enough sleep? Lots of conditions sap energy and women tend to get put in the "it is in your head, there isn't anything wrong" category.

    Can't take vitmains at all? Maybe more iron rich food would help? Proteins and iron, like steak, spinach,...?

    Odd as it may sound, exercise can help, too. It can be tough getting started, but after a while, you really notice a difference.

    Good luck. I hated being tired all the time.

    Mine is the opposite, high-normal.

    I take iron pills. I also give blood. After I give I feel more drained, but I do feel like the pills help me to get back to normal, just in time to give again.

    Did you have your vitamins and minerals checked as well? I've heard of people having a deficit in Vitamin D, which can make you drag.

    I am going to the dr Thursday for this exact reason and requesting bloodwork for everything.
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    I was a tired person, too... then I lost 50+ pounds doing LA Weight Loss. I felt like I had more energy because my body wasn't weighed down with all the extra weight.

    Then I gained all of the weight back after my baby, I feel sleepy all the time again. I took the b-12 sublingual injections for a time and that didn't seem to really make me feel any more energized.

    I hope you stay focused and are able to lose more weight, that might be the solution.

  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    Definately B-12 will help and always take your vitamins after a meal that will stop the stomach thing. I am on a multi vit. , D3, B-12, C zinc and calcium just call me vitia girl LOL
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Try taking your vitamins after you eat. I can't take them early in the morning because they make me sick too. So I take mine after a good breakfast. I take a multivitamin, vitamin c, and a b-12 vitamin. Try and see what happens. Are you getting enough rest, are you eating enough food, pay attention to when you are feeling sleepy. Write it down in your journal and see if there is a pattern. Good luck.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Most people in North America have low Vitamin D. It turns out the old recommendations were based on not getting rickets, not on aiming for optimum health. And low Vitamin D can lead to fatigue. It's an easy blood test to check for it. I have mine checked yearly.

    So can not getting enough sleep or not getting a deep enough sleep. A lot of things cause that.

    If you are morbidly obese, you may have Sleep Apnea and that can cause you to not get a deep enough sleep. (It also increases your risk of a heart attack 5x over not having it.) My husband has that and he loves his CPAP machine because he wakes up well-rested now when he didn't before.

    If you are getting older, you may find yourself waking up more at night. That was my problem. My PCP prescribe a sleep aide and also melatonin which is available OTC. Some people find the melatonin is enough. I still wake up at night, but not nearly as often. Also, I sleep deeper in general so I wake up more rested for the same hours of sleep.

    Also, a lot of us have bad sleep habits. We don't keep regular hours and that makes it harder to get to sleep and stay asleep.