Out of 300's, 200's are scary

Hey to anyone reading, I am hoping to make some friendly connections. Now that I worked my way out of the 300's, the 200's are an entirely new battle. A battle of stalled progress and unclear goals. I would like to befriend and add some ladies and/or gents who have a similar struggle. I am on the high end of my 200's but 201 seems soooooo very far :(


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    200's are much easier than the 300's i would think. i started at 278. Today Im 243. Slowly but surely itll all work out if you stay on point. You can do this. You know you can. One day at a time. And remember to be gentle with yourself.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    absolutely ^_^ hit me up if you have any questions and I will help where I can. When I first hit the 200s I stalled around that level for 2 months. Because I started at 400 my weight would bounce back extremely fast if I was to mess up and eat the wrong thing while my insulin levels were elevated. This is also the time I started learning about nutrition so I know where your coming from.


  • new2canada
    new2canada Posts: 119 Member
    Try not to think like that, you've done well to get out of the 300s! We all know losing weight is hard but I actually think it's easier to lose big numbers when you have a lot to lose so you could quite simply get down to the mid 200s in a couple of months! It's definitely do-able but you just need to keep your eyes on the prize.
    I know times I've been successful losing weight and that has been where I've just stuck at it and eventually it paid off.
  • ractrev
    ractrev Posts: 426
    I just broke out of the 3s today myself! I am 299, and it does seem like a long way to get where I am going, but we can do this - after all it is just numbers!

    You got this!
  • Zarfex
    Zarfex Posts: 13 Member
    It's totally doable :) I used to weigh 260, now i'm at a fairly built 190.

    You can do it! You can achieve anything!! Just discipline and distractions :)

  • its do able like I was telling you i was 266 April of this year, I'm 170 well between 168-170 it can be done. strive for 1-1.5 lbs a week also as you lose weight your food calories decrease so you may want to re vamp your diet and excercise. I wish you all the best!
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I broke out of the 300's just a couple months back...I'm well on my way to 250 from 359...You can do it...just do what you've been doing and I'm sure you will get there soon :)
  • threetonguerings
    threetonguerings Posts: 81 Member
    You can do it!
    My start weight was 308.8 July 18 of this year.
    October 18th will be 3 months and I've lost 30 pounds.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    I just want to say - don't look at it as 300-200 - break it into smaller "serving sizes". You only have to loose 10 pounds 10 times :) Sounds better than 100, right?
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    I understand where your coming from. I started out at nearly 400, I around 370, and I have lost 100 and that all so far, after a year I found MPF and now I have new hope. You will learn a lot here, like I have. Good Luck to you!
  • Yes this is a crazy phase and stuck at for over 6 mos with very small results. Sweating daily but going no where. I get it, great to be out of 300, but it's still crazy moving no where. Thank you all :)
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I am RIGHT there with you...I thought I would NEVER EVER get out of the 280's!! Ugh. I just want to see anything with a 1 at the beginning...slow and steady wins the race....remember that.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    its do able like I was telling you i was 266 April of this year, I'm 170 well between 168-170 it can be done. strive for 1-1.5 lbs a week also as you lose weight your food calories decrease so you may want to re vamp your diet and excercise. I wish you all the best!

    how did you lose 96 pounds in 5 months? please fill me in..
  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    I am RIGHT there with you girl! I started at 312 and now I'm down to 217. NEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER thought I'd see the day and I'm still like...struggling and thinking that under 200 is impossible, but if others can do it, then we surely can, right? Stay encouraged!!! :)
  • Ottawa_Randy
    Ottawa_Randy Posts: 42 Member
    Started at 308 several years back and have been as low as 240. Definitely hit a few plateaus along the way and weight in today at 276.
    Being part of a community helps. This board is terrific and if you need extra incentive join a DietBet.com Challenge.
    Nothing keeps me on track better than knowing I'll lose some money if I don't follow through. ;-) As well it's another push to keep you in line and if you are serious pick up a few bucks as well.
  • astralweeks82
    astralweeks82 Posts: 230 Member
    I started out in February at 296lbs. I'm down 3 ounces shy of 100lbs since then (MFP seems to round up, I am hoping to have my official "I've lost 100lbs dance" next week). Just wanted to tell you it is SO worth it, and the time passes whether you do it or not. You CAN do it, though! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • marhod5
    marhod5 Posts: 84 Member
    I hear you! I lost 30 pounds and got under 300. I thought 250 would be right around the corner, but I seem to have lost my momentum. I'm still exercising, but not as strenuously as I was a couple of months ago. I've let my food slip too. I've been so busy and stressed at work that I have been relying too much on convenience foods. I'm not giving up though. I'm not going to lose the progress I have made. I just tell myself I'm taking a break in my long journey. We can do this!!
  • Welcome. I'm new here too and scouting for some new friends. Congrats for your weight loss so far! I know what you mean as I can't wait to see the lower 200's myself! I'm sure you'll breeze right through the 200's soon enough, just keep your eye on the prize.
  • I have stalled in the 200's too. (It was awesome to get out of the 300's).

    In the past when I have plateaued, I was able to add a bit more exercise to get past it. But all I seem to be doing these days is working out, taking showers and my job;-) Just bought a heart rate monitor to see if I can focus my workouts and be more productive.