Feedback on my Food Diary?


I have been using MFP for a week or so now and I would like to get feedback in regards my Food Diary. I first had it at 1lb/week, changed it to 2lb/week and then went back to 1lb/week since I realize it's much better and healthy. I want to lose 100 lbs (doesn't matter how long it takes). I just want to know if I am in the right track.

I did my research on TDEE and BMR to make sure I understood how my body works. I attempt today to eat all my calories, but end up eating too much sodium.

Things I am working on:

- Eat all my calories
- Have a better meal schedule
- Try not to eat too much sodium

Thank you for any help!



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    The processed food and restaurant food is really making your sodium high as you mentioned - I have the same problem.

    I'd be careful with the exercise calories - you have some really high numbers for a low amount of minutes.

    If you're losing I wouldn't worry about it, but if you start having issues where you stall out those are the 2 areas I'd look at first. Sounds like you've got a great attitude about this and a great plan! Good luck!
  • nikkiclaire123
    the restaurant food is high in sodium, so cut down on that, also bread has lots of sodium too so try to cut that down more, otherwise good
  • beck0068
    beck0068 Posts: 3 Member
    I cut out all the dairy, breads and pastas. I am doing the diet called Six week body make over. It really works. I did it before but got pregnant and then my baby passed away in utero at 38 weeks along. I became very depressed and gained almost 60 pounds. When I did this diet before I lost 40 pounds in 6 weeks. I so far have lost 16 pounds in 12 days and I am feeling much better. I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. My examples of breakfast are 2 egg whites, 1 cup of oatmeal with Stevia and 1 cup silk almond milk, (unsweetened), snack 2 oz protein and a fruit, lunch 4 oz meat, 1 small baked potato or sweet potato, or mashed made with almond milk and spray butter, and 1 cup veggies like broccoli, green beans, Brusell sprouts, cauliflower, no peas or corn. NO can veggies. No added salt other then a very little amount of adobo on my meat. then another snack of the same then dinner the same. my dessert is like diet jello you eat a lot of healthy foods for a lot less calories. :) Becky
  • narwhalpr
    narwhalpr Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you guys for your feedback!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Are you following the TDEE method? If not, try out a HRM for accurate calorie burns. Sometimes they can be majorly inflated through MFP's estimates.

    You certainly do not need to cut out food groups so long as it isn't medically necessary. Just log it and eat it. I agree, though, restaurant/processed foods have extra sodium and fats, and for the calories, you aren't getting what you "pay" for. If it's a convenience thing, make a few meals ahead and freeze 'em!

    Great outlook on things!!!
  • rhia575
    rhia575 Posts: 212 Member
    Don't feel like you need to cut anything out completely because then you're just going to go crazy with craving and end up eating more but maybe reduce the amount of bread and try adding more veggies and fruits. Also if I was you I'd probably lower your daily goal to around 1400-1800 depending on your job but based on your exercise etc I think that'd be good. Good luck(:
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    I took a quick look through your diary, and I think it looks pretty good. Sodium is high, but you can help to control that by eating at home more, or by replacing some processed foods with fresh ones. You've got a fair amount of veggies in there- that's good. No need to do a low carb diet unless you have a health reason for it... let's be serious- carbs are tasty! As long as you're getting enough protein (and your diary looks pretty good, could possibly go higher) and some healthy fats, have fun with your carbs :)

    The most important thing is measuring accurately- a digital scale if you have one or can get one, otherwise scoop and portion carefully. It's easy to overeat unintentionally.

    I agree with some of the other posters- be careful not to overestimate your exercise calories. MFP's estimates were always pretty high for me. Since it looks like you're doing the MFP method and eating back exercise calories, you might want to consider only eating back 60-70% of the calories, otherwise you may undo some of your hard work. If you have a HRM that can track accurately though, then eat them back and enjoy them! Gotta fuel your body to keep going
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Buy a food scale – you can get one for about 10$. Try to get one that is as accurate as possible so that you can easily portion foods. Using ‘cups’ is grossly inaccurate and will eventually lead to issues because no one measures a ‘cup’ the same way – some go right to the top, for some it’s level, and for others its just under the rim. It’s EASY to go over your calories by hundreds just because you do not weigh. There’s a great you tube video on the differences between weighing and measuring food here:
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    Also, unless you're 100% sure that the "Generic" entries match your meal, I would stay away from them and create your own recipes in MFP to use. The "Generic" and "Homemade" entries from other users can be really different from what you're eating.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I have no room to talk because my diary looks very similar to yours, but the deli meats are really high in sodium and not very good for you in general. Try to cut back there if you can.