Zumba. Does it work?

butterbritt88 Posts: 4 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Got up this morning to get ready for work and saw a Zumba ad on tv. I know a few friends who have tried it and said they had a blast with it but I havent heard whether it works or not? Has anyone else tried it? And if so what kind of results did you get? :smile:


  • I've been doing Zumba 2-3 days a week (and sometimes more!) in addition to eating better and running and I've lost nearly 50lbs! It's a fun workout that can burn a good amount of calories! I highly recommend it :)
  • i usually do it 3-4 times a week.. and i've lost 20 lbs in just a little over a month.. along with eating better.. (but i gained like 11 backs due to honeymoon and etc) but i lost 2 more lbs this week.. and i've only gone twice... it's GREAT!!
  • A friend of mine started in January and looks wonderful and says she feels wonderful. She absolutely loves it! I enjoy it as well, but just started!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What do you mean by "works"? It's exercise. All exercise "works."
  • dezi718
    dezi718 Posts: 118 Member
    Yes, Yes, Yes!! It works wonders if you do it often and do it right! If you really get into the dance moves, it gives you an awesome work out! My friend started doing it in a gym class here where I work and she loved it so much, she is now an instructor and bought her 1st bikini ever this summer!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I tried Zumba this summer! I found that it was an outstanding cardio workout. And it was FUN! I had to drop my gym membership due to financial reasons but if I were still a member I'd still be going to Zumba! Give it a try!
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    What do you mean by "works"? It's exercise. All exercise "works."

    This is the response I give when people ask me about hula hooping... :laugh:

    Zumba is more fun than cleaning, and can burn more cals per hour, but either way, you're moving... and moving is better than sitting.

    So do what you think is fun... I choose Zumba over cleaning any day...
  • Any cardio is going to "work" as long as it is continuous and keeps your heart rate up in the 130-150 range for at least 30 mins. I take Zumba 4-5x/week and I love it. You get a guaranteed 55-60 min cardio workout and it is fun b/c it incorporates a lot of different dance-style moves and the hour seems to just fly by...plus the music rocks!. I burn about 800 cals an hour doing it and I've lost 30 lbs over the past 6 months that I have been doing it this often (along with better eating and drinking habits). I think it would be more but I also have been weight training so I've added a lot of muscle and leaned out more than anything so far. If anything, give it a try and see if you like it!
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    I've been wanting to try it. I peeked in on the class at my gym last night as I was leaving. I have been telling myself that I wouldn't be able to do it, but after watching them last night I think I can. I'm going to give it a try.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Its a good Cardio work out from everyone I know who does it, I'm starting it tonight...so wish me luck that I don't fall on my face. haha (not gifted in the rhythm department) I don't think Zumba would work alone, but thats just me, I plan to mix it with other things later, like the P90x, or just some strength training at the gym. BUT for now....I'm adding things in 1 thing at a time. lol
  • I have gone to some classes and see some women only giving it half the effort. for then, NO it won't work. But if you give it 100% just as any exercise then yes, it works.
  • dtcauley4
    dtcauley4 Posts: 110 Member
    I started Zumba once a week and lost 10 lbs in my first month. Now I am addicted and I go 3-5 times a week! I love it!!
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I started Zumba once a week and lost 10 lbs in my first month. Now I am addicted and I go 3-5 times a week! I love it!!

    I plan on signing up and doing it on Saturdays each week to keep away weekend blues. Hope I become addicted like you. :)
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    110% if you give it your all. I've been doing it for about 6 weeks now and go twice a week. Personally for me I think that classes are the best way to go. You have an instructor showing you the steps and the responsibility to participate. Just doing it at home (unless you are dedicated) makes it too easy to just 1/2 step it or quit out in the middle.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    yes, it is a killer workout! I tried it at my gym and i lasted only 40 mins of the hour long class and it kicked my butt 9 ways to sunday.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    So... I got a gym membership over the weekend and have been told that Zumba (or Latin Heat, as it is called at the gym I belong to) is so much fun and is a great workout. The problem is that I am totally out of shape, have no rhythm, and don't want to kill myself in a class, but I sort of want to try it out. Are there any other out-of-shape chubby people out there who have tried it, and is it possible to just do what I am able, or do I have to keep up with everyone? I am committed to trying my best, but I have exercise-induced asthma, am still 85 pounds overweight, and probably don't have the stamina of a lot of other people...
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    So... I got a gym membership over the weekend and have been told that Zumba (or Latin Heat, as it is called at the gym I belong to) is so much fun and is a great workout. The problem is that I am totally out of shape, have no rhythm, and don't want to kill myself in a class, but I sort of want to try it out. Are there any other out-of-shape chubby people out there who have tried it, and is it possible to just do what I am able, or do I have to keep up with everyone? I am committed to trying my best, but I have exercise-induced asthma, am still 85 pounds overweight, and probably don't have the stamina of a lot of other people...

    I'm going tonight, I'm 112lbs over weight, If I don't respond...there's a good chance I DIED during the work out. lol I'm really hoping it will be good, and like most things, I hear to still take it at your own pace, I mean try, don't just give up, but someone as overweight and out of shape as me is not going to be as good as the instructor. (who is our local dance academy instructor...so ya....REALLY good shape) I don't have asthma though, so I'm not sure about that...
  • Today....this very evening, i'm going to try Zumba for the first time...and anything you do to move works ;)
  • I do not have the Zumba dvd's but I take the class at my gym and it is a steller workout!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    So... I got a gym membership over the weekend and have been told that Zumba (or Latin Heat, as it is called at the gym I belong to) is so much fun and is a great workout. The problem is that I am totally out of shape, have no rhythm, and don't want to kill myself in a class, but I sort of want to try it out. Are there any other out-of-shape chubby people out there who have tried it, and is it possible to just do what I am able, or do I have to keep up with everyone? I am committed to trying my best, but I have exercise-induced asthma, am still 85 pounds overweight, and probably don't have the stamina of a lot of other people...

    Absolutely you can do it. I weigh over 250 pounds and I go twice a week every week. In the beginning I couldn't do all of the moves, and some I still cannot do. But our instructor focuses on making sure that I at least keep moving if not able to do certain move. WHen I started I was the heaviest person by far in the class. Now, there are two other women who have signed up and Anita said that once they knew I was in the class they felt more comfortable.

    So... get out there and start dancing!
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