Homeschooling Parents - Want to support each other?


I was wondering if there were other homeschooling parents out there and how they might be integrating their healthy changes into their children's curriculum? Also, I'd love to make more friends. :smile:



  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    Hi, I am a homeschooler. This is my first year. I have a 5th grader and a 2nd grader, boy and a girl, ages 10 and 8. I havn't really integrated my fitness into my kids yet. My son is lucky and is underweight at about 60 lbs, while my daughter is hefty at 82. We have started walking with our dogs a few times a week, (daughter and I) and I do try to get her to do some healthy foods, but normally I let son eat whatever he wants and daughter has some things like mac n cheese she makes herself.
    My husband likes to get my daughter to do ab work in the day with him and they try to eat an apple a day.
    I have been on a serious fitness routine for 2 weeks now. The homeschool is suffering a little for it, as I am cranky and tired from less food, less sugar and more energizing activities but I am forcing myself to get them more into their normal routine.
  • mrskallistra
    mrskallistra Posts: 8 Member
    Ah! I got your message. :)
    We're entering our 4th year of homeschooling as I mentioned in our reply. I've done some integration with my son by having him on the treadmill 30 mins per school day (we are a 5 day week) and gradually increasing the speed each week. He also has the option to use the Wii Fit for 2 of those days. However, he has an aversion for all fruits and veggies (he'll eat bananas and potatoes.... :/ ). So it has made food difficult since he will eat the kid junkfoods.
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member

    We homeschool! Our daughter is 5. I wouldn't say it is really a part of our curriculum, but we have begun having family walks on a regular basis and we all love them. We also don't allow tv until after 8 pm. Therefore, daytime is for learning, playing, dancing, running, creativity, exploring, etc. I feel like this somewhat encourages movement throughout the day.

    My girl is REALLY into rollerskating right now. She wore them all day yesterday...during meals, while we watched Charlotte's web, when she was drawing. My husband got up with her today and he said that within 5 minutes she was putting her skates on. So...I think she has kind of incorporated skating into her curriculum :P
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    Feel free to add me :smile: I homeschool my 6 and 4 year olds. We have a lesson on nutrition almost every time we're at the grocery store or Costco. And they often watch me work out and try to copy me :smile:
  • fShaw86
    fShaw86 Posts: 878 Member
    Homeschooling my 5 year old :) I'm lucky to live in a place where we can take hikes in a reserve right in the heart of the city, so end up going there with him. He's in gymnastics and soccer, so gets his PE right there lol. Also, he accompanies me to the gym I go to, and my trainers have been nice enough to give him workouts albeit tailored for him. So he's thrilled, and my son is looked after while I work out!

    I was homeschooled too, from grades 6-11. My mom made sure we got our daily dose of PE, we had roller blades, bikes, and scooters amongst other stuff. Weekly park outings were a must, as were walks around our neighborhood and for running small errands within a 5-10 minute walking radius.
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    YAY! Homeschool mom from TN checking in with ya! I homeschool an almost-3-year old and an 8 year old. Right now I'm not actively working it into our day since I'm just getting my feet wet, however, my 8 year old is about 7 lbs overweight and has been branching out and trying some of my healthier options and loves them! I'm just now starting to integrate the teeniest bit of exercise here and there (still trying to figure that one out) and the girls love that I'm active and dancing and hopping around with them.
  • knackeredat34
    knackeredat34 Posts: 66 Member
    I home school my 4,7,9 year olds, I try and get them to do something 6 days out of 7, normally walking the dog, going swimming, yoga from you tube or the kids cardio on fitness blender. To be honest though they don't generally sit down much, they are always on their trampoline or reading a book whilst standing on a chair on one leg I don't worry too much about their weight. They tend to put on more weight before growth spurts so as long as they make healthy choices most the time and I am setting a good example I think they will grow up with a positive attitude to health and nutrition.
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    Hello! Homeschooling our three daughters. We are currently in our 7th year. Our oldest is 12 in 7th grade and our twin daughters are almost 11 in 5th grade. Anyone on here can feel free to add me if you'd like! Happy homeschooling, everyone! Lori
  • cosmonew
    cosmonew Posts: 513 Member
    very awesome to hear from all of you. It is nice to incorporate something than exercise and diet into my MFP life. I look forward to sharing some good ideas with you about home schooling, fitness and nutrition.
  • MissySpring
    MissySpring Posts: 442 Member
    It's so great to see so many homeschooling families. I homeschool 2 of my 3 children. The oldest started high school this year after 6 years at home. My two youngest, 8 and 10, are on this healthy journey with me the most. I made a deal with them. If they complete their work before noon on M, W, and F, I will take them to the pool. It's gets done without whining, they get a great swim day, and I get to do an hour of laps three times a week. Win, win, win!
  • loislenski
    loislenski Posts: 89 Member
    Do I count? I was homeschooled from infancy through to highschool and I plan on homeschooling my own children. :) I'll definitely incorporate some nutrition and fitness into my curriculum when the time comes.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    I commend all of you home schoolers! My Son goes to public school, my husband and I have thought about homeschooling, but haven't made the leap yet. I've never been comfortable with him going to public school and we've always had issues with the schools. So I just wanted to chime in and say how wonderful it is that all of you have made the decision to homeschool.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    I was homeschooled from preschool all the way through high school. I loved it! Keep it up everyone!!! :)
  • djserani
    I have three children and have been homeschooling on and off for many years. My oldest is 21 now and I homeschooled her through high school. My youngest is 9 and currently learning at home.

    If you haven't, maybe consider making a group for us? I think that would be a great place to talk.

    I am still working on where to incorporate physical stuff into the curriculum specifically. I walk in the morning and, though he's not too happy with it yet, he goes with me. LOL (I'm also doing the 30 Day Shred which is a bit much for him.) But I'd like to get him into karate because I think he'd enjoy it and the discipline would help him a lot.

    Great to meet you all! Feel free to add me. :)
  • mrskallistra
    mrskallistra Posts: 8 Member
    Awesome so many other homeschooling families! I did a quick search for homeschooling on the groups and looks like there is an existing group: Homeschooling Mom's Getting Fit

    I went ahead and just joined it.
  • Puggles05
    Puggles05 Posts: 5
    Anyone still active?
  • turtlebeth
    turtlebeth Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone! I homeschooled my four kids from birth to adulthood. The last one just finished high school last week, yeah! I found that cooking everything from scratch was an awesome opportunity to teach math and science. How does yeast work? How many pints in a quart? Teaching about calories in food is great too. Using activities in the kitchen as a family is an awesome teaching tool. Lean toward whole fresh foods to get the kids into healthy eating and good luck! They will thank you for homeschooling when they grow up, mine already do :o)