HCG, Anyone starting or experienced weight gain after the di

Hi All,

I just bought a bottle of HCG and green tea packets from a very persuasive young girl working at a Kiosk at the mall. I have a friend who is currently taking the HCG injections and she loves it. I just bought the pills but i'm a little weary to start. I'm not sure if i'll be able to handle the strict 500 calorie diet plan and I still can't understand how restricting your calorie consumption that drastically can be safe? Can anyone give me the 411? Also, i'm a full time college student with 2 jobs, one of which i'm up all night. Does anyone have any pointers on how they keep up with the 500 calorie diet if they are never at home to prepare their meals? Thanks...

Also, Is anyone planning on starting soon? I would love to start a support and motivation thread on this?

Thanks Friends!!


  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    I don't know about the rest of it...but 500 calories is starvation mode. Period. You might drop weight at first but it will kill your metabolism and the minute you eat you will gain it all back, and then some.
  • jim0822
    jim0822 Posts: 19
    Dear Mikioi - 500 calories a day is without a doctor's supervision is NEVER safe (nothing under 1000 is!) Please be careful with your health! Ok, that's the Mom in me talking and the woman in me who has struggled with weight issues herself is saying the same thing. Make sure you are eating a clean diet - lots of vegetables and mostly unprocessed foods. Exercise more - not just cardio, make sure you're adding in weight training. Short workouts you can squeeze into your schedule will work (15 minutes at a time is fine) - it's the cumulative time. Good luck and seriously, be careful with your body!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    there is an hcg support group at

    hcg is rather controversial on this site. you should read Dr. Simeons Pounds and Inches
    it's available free on the internet at sites like
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Think of it this way. The more weight you lose the quicker your heart is trying to catch up to adjusting to that loss. If you lose 5 pound - your heart doesn't catch up on the spot. Add on more weight lost, the more your heart is trying to catch up. Ask your doctor first!! Don't risk a heart attack. If I am wrong - then let your doctor tell you. take care :)
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    I did it. I hated it. I lost a bunch at first, but then I actually started gaining while only eating 500 cal. I don't know how that is possible. I also always felt hungry which made it hard. But I followed it to a T. As far as the food, I made everything the night before so that I could just grab what I needed and go. Once I finished all the weight plus some came back really quickly and I don't over eat. But I do know people that this has worked well for. So see how it works for you.
  • lalouli
    lalouli Posts: 41
    Sounds crazy and ridiculous. I'd stick to MFP guidelines and be patient.
  • First things first - If you are really only 4.5 lbs away from your goal - this is NOT the diet for you. You likely do not have enough abnormal fat (as described in the protocol) to have any measurable success with HCG.

    BEFORE YOU CONSIDER IT PLEEEEEEASE READ "Pounds and Inches" by Dr Simeons - it is the plan you should follow if you are truly going to embark on your own HCG journey.


    Once you read it (twice) please come to the support thread - we will be happy to help you with any questions or concerns.

    Getting the weight off is one thing. There are lots of ways to do that and HCG is one method. Individuals can be successful on this diet without weakness, hunger, fatigue, illness - there is a group of us on the thread doing well now. Keeping the weight off depends entirely on modifying one's eating habits from whatever got us fat in the first place to a new lifestyle of healthier eating and exercise.

    I prepare a weeks' worth of food at one time which is pretty easy since it is only 10-14 small protein portions - the rest is fruit or veggies which I prepare on the day of eating - or use in a 'soup'.

    Good Luck!
  • You cannot buy HCG at a mall kiosk as it's a prescription drug. What you bought was either Homeopathic HCG (which is not the real thing, but many report it does work) or just something that is a scam. So if you try it and it doesn't work, please don't say "HCG doesn't work" because you're not doing real HCG...

    It always cracks me up how with each of these "What is the HCG diet?" threads, somebody comes up with a new ailment that HCG supposedly causes. So for this thread, the imaginary ailment is that losing weight can cause a heart attack? Are you kidding??? So now losing weight is detrimental to ones health. I think I've seen it all now.

    I've lost over 50lbs with HCG and haven't felt this great in over 15 years!! I thank God I found it, researched it thoroughly, and didn't listen to all the negative nannies who have never tried it, yet feel the need to post scare tactic posts and unsubstantiated false rumors. If you haven't done it, how can you possibly know whether or not it works?
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    You cannot buy HCG at a mall kiosk as it's a prescription drug. What you bought was either Homeopathic HCG (which is not the real thing, but many report it does work) or just something that is a scam. So if you try it and it doesn't work, please don't say "HCG doesn't work" because you're not doing real HCG.

    >All I asked her to do is to see a Doctor...
    >If she was sold medication that is not what she think is getting (HCG) or Homeopathic to becareful. Because it could be a SCAM, per your words (who knows what she maybe taking)

    So for this thread, the imaginary ailment is that losing weight can cause a heart attack? Are you kidding??? So now losing weight is detrimental to ones health. I think I've seen it all now. ALSO YOUR QUOTE

    > By the way, My father lost (alot) of weight very fast and his heart couldnot keep up & he passed. Yes, it can happen & YES it is called Cardiac Arrest. Go ahead and ask a Doctor. I did not tell her it would happen I asked her to talk to a Doctor, and not risk anything. There is nothing wrong with refering someone to a Doctor.

    > Losing weight is not detrimental to ones health. I love the way you twisted my words.

    Also on 10/6/10 you corrected 4lafz saying please site 1 death directly associated with this diet and told them they were speading scare tactics. Click on his page and it is right there.

    Look frekwentflier, I am happy for you the HCG works for you & it is safe for you. Keep up the good work. But always let the buyer beware.
  • Also on 10/6/10 you corrected 4lafz saying please site 1 death directly associated with this diet and told them they were speading scare tactics. Click on his page and it is right there.

    Where is the info please? I have not been able to find it.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    click on frekwentflier's page/profile it is right there
  • butterscotchice
    butterscotchice Posts: 9 Member
    I am actually getting ready to start this diet. I waited until I had a really good handle on my portion control and exercise, so that when it is over, it is not a huge shock to my system. I am a nurse, and I know of several of my fellow colleagues who have used HCG and have been very, very successful. This is what made me start to research it. It is difficult, but no more difficult than a total lifestyle change, and it is only temporary. I will let you know how it goes, and you keep me posted, as well. Last but not least, do read Dr. Simeon's "pounds and inches". It will give you a better idea of what you are getting yourself into. Good Luck!
  • click on frekwentflier's page/profile it is right there
    I don't see anything about an HCG related death. Where should I be looking?
  • i hope you dont think im jumping down your throat when i say this BUT real weight loss can only be achieved by a COMPLETE litfestyle change through new eating habits and exercise. It is DANGEROUS to workout of 500 calories. It will also slow down your metabolism and make your body think you are starving (even if you are not hungry). So when you stop taking HCG your body will hold on to the food you eat and most likely you will gain it all back plus more. I know how depressing it is to lose weight just to gain it all back and wouldnt want anyone else to go through this. A lot of people on this site who take it have admitted to gaining weight when they stopped so they had to start again. There are SO many health problems it can cause so be careful. Especially women, can cause ovarian problems.

    **please remember that this site promotes weight loss through eating healthy and working out. Not starving and taking a non-approved herb. (the government actually made the company stop saying it was healthy and safe for weight loss)

    **** remember how many fad diets have come and gone. they are no longer fad diets because it just doesnt keep the weight off long term. only healthy lifestyle changes do

    ********If it really was a great miracle diet it would be ALL over the news

    thats all, its really your choice though, just remember before you put something in your body to change how it naturally works, you need to find out ALL the facts
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    i hope you dont think im jumping down your throat when i say this BUT real weight loss can only be achieved by a COMPLETE litfestyle change through new eating habits and exercise. It is DANGEROUS to workout of 500 calories. It will also slow down your metabolism and make your body think you are starving (even if you are not hungry). So when you stop taking HCG your body will hold on to the food you eat and most likely you will gain it all back plus more. I know how depressing it is to lose weight just to gain it all back and wouldnt want anyone else to go through this. A lot of people on this site who take it have admitted to gaining weight when they stopped so they had to start again. There are SO many health problems it can cause so be careful. Especially women, can cause ovarian problems.

    **please remember that this site promotes weight loss through eating healthy and working out. Not starving and taking a non-approved herb. (the government actually made the company stop saying it was healthy and safe for weight loss)

    **** remember how many fad diets have come and gone. they are no longer fad diets because it just doesnt keep the weight off long term. only healthy lifestyle changes do

    ********If it really was a great miracle diet it would be ALL over the news

    thats all, its really your choice though, just remember before you put something in your body to change how it naturally works, you need to find out ALL the facts

    With all due respect. Please research the topic being spoken of for YOURSELF, before making incorrect statements.
    Also, if you notice the length of time some of these 'ADULTS' have been on MFP, I think they have already figured out what this site "promotes".
    Last but not least. Why would any person/company want to waste time or money advertising something they CAN"T make a ROI? :huh: Thank you. :flowerforyou:
  • Obviously i offended you and that was not at all any of my intentions. I don't want to sound pretentious but I am a nursing major at a very good school and have taken many nutrition, microbiology classes, anatomy, and exercise science classes, so i know A LOT of how the body works. I have done a lot of research on HCG because of the results it gave others and I was interested in it myself. So I researched it and talked to one of the top nutrition professors about it at my university. She like many others who are in this field do not recommend that. If you could inform me as to what I was incorrect about I would appreciate it so I could get my facts straight BUT everything I mentioned is backed up by science and research.

    * like i have said before I am not at all trying to be rude but if someone asks in a public forum about something I know about I am going to say what I think in the most respectful manner I can so i would appreciate the same from others. Were all adults here so there is no reason we can not have polite, civil debates :)

    Like i said its anyones choice to use it so if someone wants to I will offer support like I would to anyone else but if someone asks me ill tell them what i think
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Oh look, it's our weekly HCG drama thread.

  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Obviously i offended you and that was not at all any of my intentions. I don't want to sound pretentious but I am a nursing major at a very good school and have taken many nutrition, microbiology classes, anatomy, and exercise science classes, so i know A LOT of how the body works. I have done a lot of research on HCG because of the results it gave others and I was interested in it myself. So I researched it and talked to one of the top nutrition professors about it at my university. She like many others who are in this field do not recommend that. If you could inform me as to what I was incorrect about I would appreciate it so I could get my facts straight BUT everything I mentioned is backed up by science and research.

    * like i have said before I am not at all trying to be rude but if someone asks in a public forum about something I know about I am going to say what I think in the most respectful manner I can so i would appreciate the same from others. Were all adults here so there is no reason we can not have polite, civil debates :)

    Like i said its anyones choice to use it so if someone wants to I will offer support like I would to anyone else but if someone asks me ill tell them what i think

    If the phrase "with all due respect", didn't suffice. :ohwell: Also, what you "think" doesn't make it so.... provide YOUR "research and science" concerning HCG, not just the "professor's" opinion.
    Being that you are so "well educated in field" you won't have a problem comprehending the manuscript (link provided)explaining the "science and research" behind HCG.


    ***If you are going to be "offended" by words on "public forum" written by someone you don't know, you are in for alot of disappointment.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi fivefatcats,

    Go back to the page & on the lower right side you'll see:

    My Latest Forum Posts View All (13) , it is right next to your pic ( you friended him)

    click on view all (it moved down, that why you couldn't see it)

    I wish you both well !!.
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    I did it for 7 days, and nearly killed myself... literally. My sodium/potassium dropped so low I have heart arrhythmia. I was scared to death. My husband listened to my heart and could hear how irregular it was beating. I made the executive decision to stop the “diet” immediately. I still, occasionally, have these arrhythmias. I was under a doctor’s care at the time, so please be careful…
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