Cardio / weight training ideal balance

Hello, been lifting for about 5 weeks now from a couch potato position and now this week I finally have incorporated cardio into the mix

I have well over 50lbs to lose so know I have to do cardio but I would like to continue with the lifting

Could anyone please advise a sensible ratio for cardio / weight split

Also is it ok to do lifting then finish with cardio on the same night or should I alternate ?

Any advice will be much appreciated


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    How many days a week are you lifting. If doing a 3 day a week full body program, you can do cardio 2-3 of your non lifting days. If you're lifting 4 or 5 times a week with a split, perhaps some HIIT after 2-3 times a week would work for you. If you're more focused on lifting, do that first, for sure.

    Also, while cardio helps you create a bigger caloric deficit, you don't have to do it for weight loss. Weight loss comes down to calories in v. calories out.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    First of all, I'd suggest establishing some base line fitness goals that go beyond your weight loss goals or calorie burn. There is so much more to exercise than that. Having independent fitness goals will actually help you determine what you should be doing and how often.

    That said, for just general fitness I'd say full body weight training (primarily compound lifts) 3x weekly...should take roughly 30 - 45 minutes depending on how much or if you do any assistance work. 3x weekly 30 - 45 minutes cardio work for your cardiovascular health and these on opposite days. Rest on the 7th day...note, that doesn't mean you can't be generally active or go for a walk or whatever...a rest day just means no vigorous or heavy work to let your body have a day to just recover from the previous 6 days of kicking it's *kitten*.

    My fitness schedule looks like this right now...

    Monday - 3 mile maintenance run
    Tuesday - Weight Training
    Wednesday - 60 minute road ride
    Thursday - Weight Training
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - 45 - 60 minute cross country/trail ride or cyclocross
    Sunday - Weight Training

    I also have a de-load week in the weight room every 5th week and I pretty much cut my cardio back to just a couple days of easy riding.

    I've honestly spent most of this summer (and even going back to last December/January) overdoing things and just going balls to the wall...I was jogging in the mornings and riding in the evenings and hitting the weight room and not giving myself a rest day or de-load week and I'm paying the price now as I sit here nursing an over-use/over-train injury. Just dumb stuff...I was having fun and told myself that it was all good and that I wouldn't get hurt due to being pretty fit overall, etc. Well...I've been out off commish pretty much 2 weeks and just now slowly getting back into things. It'll catch up with you eventually if you're overdoing it.
  • CitizenMichael
    CitizenMichael Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you both most weeks I have been lifting 4 times then going for walks, I defo need to put a plan together as I like seeing the results that are coming through

    Sorry to hear about your injury Cwolfman I will heed your wise words and make sure I allow time for one rest day

    The energy I'm getting from dropping weight is motivating me to stay off the couch and keep it going
  • alexomahony71
    alexomahony71 Posts: 13 Member
    In terms of getting a balance I was wondering if there is any way to find out how many calories I burn whilst doing some weight training.
    Atypical session for me is warm up with 8 kg weights then,
    3 x 10 18kg dumbbell bench press
    3 x 10 16kg dumbbell shoulder press
    3 x 10 16 kg dumbell bicep curl
    3 x 10 14kg dumbell fly
    3 x 20 sit ups on a decline
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Options I know I have to do cardio...

    No, you don't.

    To lose weight, you have to eat at a deficit. Some people use cardio to create that deficit, but you do not actually need to do cardio to lose weight.

    Personally, I do zero cardio because a) I am recovering from a cut tendon in my foot and b) I don't like it.

    I've lost weight doing just weight training. I'm not trying to discourage you from doing cardio, just addressing your assumption that you need to do cardio in order to lose weight
  • CitizenMichael
    CitizenMichael Posts: 50 Member
    On here I log my weights as a cardio " strength training" and the minutes I trained for added up it then gives you a calorific value

    Hope that helps
  • CitizenMichael
    CitizenMichael Posts: 50 Member
    Options I know I have to do cardio...

    No, you don't.

    To lose weight, you have to eat at a deficit. Some people use cardio to create that deficit, but you do not actually need to do cardio to lose weight.

    Personally, I do zero cardio because a) I am recovering from a cut tendon in my foot and b) I don't like it.

    I've lost weight doing just weight training. I'm not trying to discourage you from doing cardio, just addressing your assumption that you need to do cardio in order to lose weight

    Thank you for the advice there's lots of conflicting info on the net, I prefer the weights anyway. Think I'll stick to weights and do cardio on my rest days, may as well do something whilst the muscles repair themselves
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    No cardio is necessary to lose weight. You should do as much as fits your needs/goals.

    Cardio is great for improving endurance/conditioning and burning calories. Most of the cardio vascular health benefits you get from "cardio" you can also get from weightlifting.

    If you want to long distance hike, run in some races, row, swim fast or things like that you are going to need to practice for those activities. If you just like eating a lot, adding some in is also helpful. :happy: Having strong endurance and fast recovery can compliment weightlifting also.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Could anyone please advise a sensible ratio for cardio / weight split

    Also is it ok to do lifting then finish with cardio on the same night or should I alternate ?

    Key question is, what do you want to achieve?

    The weight training zealots will be along presently to advocate a weights only routine, but it really does depend on your objectives.

    What you'll probably find is that CV work like running will consume energy more quickly, so it's a slightly more efficient way to assure an energy deficit.

    Personally I focus on CV 4 times a week and I do bodyweight circuits a couple of times a week, it suits my objectives as I don't want to bulk. More interested in stamina.
  • alk85
    alk85 Posts: 1 Member
    This was a very sensible answer. I look forward to reading more posts from you!
  • DymonNdaRgh40
    DymonNdaRgh40 Posts: 661 Member
    First of all, I'd suggest establishing some base line fitness goals that go beyond your weight loss goals or calorie burn. There is so much more to exercise than that. Having independent fitness goals will actually help you determine what you should be doing and how often.

    That said, for just general fitness I'd say full body weight training (primarily compound lifts) 3x weekly...should take roughly 30 - 45 minutes depending on how much or if you do any assistance work. 3x weekly 30 - 45 minutes cardio work for your cardiovascular health and these on opposite days. Rest on the 7th day...note, that doesn't mean you can't be generally active or go for a walk or whatever...a rest day just means no vigorous or heavy work to let your body have a day to just recover from the previous 6 days of kicking it's *kitten*.

    My fitness schedule looks like this right now...

    Monday - 3 mile maintenance run
    Tuesday - Weight Training
    Wednesday - 60 minute road ride
    Thursday - Weight Training
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - 45 - 60 minute cross country/trail ride or cyclocross
    Sunday - Weight Training

    I also have a de-load week in the weight room every 5th week and I pretty much cut my cardio back to just a couple days of easy riding.

    I've honestly spent most of this summer (and even going back to last December/January) overdoing things and just going balls to the wall...I was jogging in the mornings and riding in the evenings and hitting the weight room and not giving myself a rest day or de-load week and I'm paying the price now as I sit here nursing an over-use/over-train injury. Just dumb stuff...I was having fun and told myself that it was all good and that I wouldn't get hurt due to being pretty fit overall, etc. Well...I've been out off commish pretty much 2 weeks and just now slowly getting back into things. It'll catch up with you eventually if you're overdoing it.

    Excellent advice! My fitness schedule is pretty similar to yours only my days are different. It's hard to pull back when you enjoy training.

    I would suggest starting with 3 days of lifting, 3 of cardio, and one rest day. It's a pretty good balance and works for me.

    ETA. You:smile:
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    I do weights 2x week. Cardio anywhere.from 2 to.5 times a week. I say stick with weights.if thats ur thing. I like both so i do both. Most weeks its only 2 cardio a week.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    What cardio are you doing?

    You can incorporate cardio the same night if that is something you wish, but I would advice to do weights first. Otherwise you will be winded and not be able to hit the weights as hard.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I lift heavy 3 days a week, followed by metabolic conditioning.. and 2 days a week of just metabolic conditioning. I also do 3-5 days of additional cardio.

    example. Today was a lift day. I did 1 lift- strict shoulder press. I warmed up then did 5 sets of 1 rep to find my best push. Then, I did 10 rounds of 10 pushups, 5 burpees, and 1 press (at 60% of my max). The 10 rounds took me 7 min and 52 seconds. Yesterday I did only a metabolic workout. 100 jump rope, 2 minute mt climbers, 200 jump rope, 2 minute toe touch crunches, 300 jump rope, 2 minute wall sit, 400 jump rope, 2 minute plank. Followed by 45 minutes of cardio.

    Keep the weights, add the cardio, keep it fun.
  • CitizenMichael
    CitizenMichael Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks everyone lots of varied answers, think I'm going to work it like this next week and see if I get the right fit

    Monday upper body weights
    Tuesday legs and running machine cardio (well fast walk on an incline)
    Weds upper body weights
    Thursday just cardio machines
    Friday weights
    Saturday rest day (no gym)
    Sunday big walk somewhere with my dog

    This gives me a split I'm comfortable with as Hezzietiger says " have fun "