Obsessed about the scale

Why am I so obessed with the number on the scale?

Were you ever like this? What did you do to get over it?


  • I used to weigh myself everyday. Then I read somewhere that the body works on a longer time scale closer to a week so I took my scales to a friend's house and once a week I popped round and weighed myself. Now I have the scale in my bathroom and it doesnot come out until a Saturday morning.

    I also used to obsess about how much I was losing anything less than 2lb a week was the end of the world. Now any loss is a celebration. No matter how small.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I also weigh myself everyday. I just make sure I weigh less then that day the week before.
  • colleenreid4
    colleenreid4 Posts: 41 Member
    I do this too - every morning, I jump on that scale. And, I too am torn between waiting a full week and checking everyday. But I don't think there is any harm in checking everyday, though that might be me just being crazy. But it might even motivate you more. In Bob Harper's book (only glanced at it) states, "— Weigh yourself every day. You need to have that information, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel." So, why not.

    But, then again - you can't believe everything you read.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    I can see that because if your up you make sure you tighten things up
  • JamieM8168
    JamieM8168 Posts: 248 Member
    Sometimes I actually weigh myself more than once a day :/ I lost weight before and gained it all back so I'm convinced if I don't check then I will all of a sudden gain it back. It sounds crazy but idk its just my thing now
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i too am obsessed. i weigh myself daily. and so far so good as it goes down pretty much daily. i wish i could wait a week or even a month and see a big drop, i just cant.
  • hotmamatodd
    hotmamatodd Posts: 33 Member
    If you think it's a problem, then it most likely is...for you. I used to check a lot! Then I hit a HUGE plateau (almost 6 months) and just gave up checking....too discouraging. I continued to run and eat well and lost dress-size after dress-size. When I joined this new group to push me to get rid of the last 20lbs, I changed my weigh-in date to Saturday mornings to coordinate with everyone else in the group. Now I only do one mid-week (Wednesday) check to see that I'm still on-track. I am no longer hung up on the number on the scale, but the number on my jeans!
    Good luck!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I think if I had a scale in the house I'd get preoccupied with it...so I don't. I check in every couple of weeks at my dr office
  • Its part of my morning wake up routine... ****, shower, weigh :-p
    Some days im a little up, but more often then not, the scales are going down, which im really happy with.

    I don't see it as an obsession, I just see it as reassurance im on the right path of being healthier.
    I take more thrill over needing to punch 2 new holes into my belt... over 4 inches less than previous...
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Its part of my morning wake up routine... ****, shower, weigh :-p

    You should ****, weigh then shower lol
  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    I weigh myself every morning but I don't really freak out like I used to about fluctuations. (During TOM my weight goes up anywhere from 3-8lbs! At night, I weigh up to 3lbs more than in the morning. Keep in mind your muscles have to repair themselves and that takes water = fluctuations.) I used to be completely obsessed with the scale and it didn't end well. I was eating around 1200 calories and burning off at least 600/day... I got so obsessed with the number that I just gave up and stop signing in..

    I still weigh every day but I do not want to go back to the anxiety and pressure that I dealt with last time. I log my food and have a little faith that the number will go down. I didn't put 85lbs on over night and I've learned to be patient. :)

    You've got this. Just relax and be patient. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • I weighed daily until this week then dad borrowed them. I fell to pieces..couldnt cope not knowing if what I was doing was getting results. If the scales drop I can stick to low calories lots of exercise without falling off the wagon. I'm definatly a food addict. Always will be. But seeing the number go down is now my reward. Not cake. That and nice nails smaller clothes
  • I check my weight each morning, and I don't fret about that fact. So I like to know what's going on. I'm like that. Maybe it's a little obsessive, but it doesn't harm anything. I like knowing where I stand, and it doesn't mean I'm freaking out over every fluctuation.

    I like watching trends. I like numbers and graphs too. I'm nerdy like that. :happy:
  • I'm wondering if it's good or bad. Currently I want to check each day since I am in the losing stage. It motivates me. BUT - I don't want to be obssesed because there will come a time when I stop the losing and become a maintainer. I guess I have to regulate myself. MFP allows me to play with food combinations. I like to know I'm losing .2 or .4 ...and am on track for my weekly 1.5.
  • Me too! I like the numbers game - what I do for a living. And allows me to see the results. Thanks - helped me.:smile:
  • amie709
    amie709 Posts: 99
    I check every morning and it doesn't bother me that I do-don't sweat it!!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    obsessing over the scale has made me a successful dieter. The scale always tells the truth. Sometimes it's truth i want to hear and sometimes it's not. If it is up, it's because I didn't stay on plan, or i'm on cycle. If it is down, I did good. If it isn't changing like it should be (1-2 lbs a week), most likely I've been careless with weighing/measuring, eating processed foods, or skipping workouts. If it doesn't move after 2 weeks of perfection- gallon of water a day, macro nutrients, calories, workouts.. then it is time to adjust my numbers. The scale is my "best friend" as it relates to weight loss.
  • I definitely weigh each day. It keeps me on track. If I gain I work that much harder to see a loss next time. To me it is like a reward to me to see it down a little each day. If I go a couple days stalled at least I am not going up. I tried putting it away and I cant. I feel it keeps me motivated and on track. It is my daily reward to see that little loss each day.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    I don't know...I weigh myself every morning. It's just useful information. I don't get emotional about what the numbers are.
  • Its part of my morning wake up routine... ****, shower, weigh :-p

    You should ****, weigh then shower lol

    I make sure I **** first before jumping on the scales haha