Zoloft and Weight Gain

:frown: Is anyone else know about an inability to lose weight r/t zoloft (take for panic attacks/anxiety)? Frustrated.....feel like I am gaining, and not losing......Didn't have that issue with Paxil,which I took previously......


  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    I've also taken Paxil and Zoloft. I haven't had an issue with losing weight on either one, but I know everyone is different. And if I'm not mistaken, weight gain is a side effect of the anti-anxiety meds. Hope you can get throught this! Good luck!!!
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Everyone is different when it comes to these types of meds. I never had a weight problem with Zoloft, but I had a big-time weight problem with Paxil. We all have a unique chemical make-up, so you will have to go by what is working/not working for you. Also, if you're not losing any weight and you're actively trying, I suggest keeping a food journal for a couple weeks to make sure you're not eating too much. At least you can rule that out as a possibility. Be sure to not eat too little, either, as that will also slow down your metabolism. Good luck.
  • natcrna
    All good thoughts/suggestions! Thanks!!
  • KtChiCa
    I would talk to your doctor. I am on similar medicines for clinical depression and anxiety and I have not gained weight from them. I specifically asked him for medicines that would not make me gain weight. Again I am NOT a doctor and I do NOT know your condition, but I take Wellbutrin XR, which is an antidepressant along with Lexapro for anxiety and if anything I think it has helped me lose weight by controlling my cravings. My doctor and I tried many different combinations of medicines before we landed on this one.

    Again, I am NOT a doctor and I DO NOT know your condition. But, there are alot of medicines out there for these things and you have to find the right one that works for you.

    Just to say, I find it strange and annoying that medicines that are supposed to help you feel better - can make you gain weight?!?!
  • JennSever
    hi there,
    i had the same issue. it took prozac to help me lose the weight. good luck hon.
  • Polarbear118
    I know that there are antidepressants that do cause weight gain (seroquel is an example), but you might want to talk to your doctor about getting on meds that are "Weight Neutral." But ya, the big thing is to talk to your Dr. Hope this helps, love! -Alex
  • rjmalovany
    rjmalovany Posts: 12 Member
    I have been through years of fighting with antidepressants and continued weight gain. Every doctor says they shouldn't cause the gain, and maybe they don't actually cause weight gain, but for me, they make me ridiculously tired which in turn means I don't work out and I eat because I need energy and think it will help. It's a struggle though because they help.

    I have recently tried acupuncture. It's not working as quickly or as well as the pills, but I'm willing to take the trade off for not feeling tired ALL the time. Might be something to consider.
  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    There are probably medical doctors and pharmacists on here who are far more knowledgeable, but I'm a PsyD student in my fourth year and taking psychopharmacology course now. Many of the medications used for depression and anxiety do have weight gain listed as a common side effect; however, each individual's body chemistry is different so not everyone will experience the side effects that are listed. Having said that, many of the patients I work with seem to complain about weight gain with Paxil and Zoloft. I seem to hear the least complaints with Prozac- but again- that's going to vary from person to person. I truly feel bad for my patients who are so upset by their weight, yet truly need to use medication to manage their depression. If you are doing all that you can nutrition and exercise wise and still not losing or even gaining, I would recommend that you speak with your doctor about the possibility of trying another medication that he/she has found to be helpful with patients who have weight concerns. It can be even worse for patients who have to take antipsychotics, so I'm glad you aren't in that group. Keep on doing what you can and focus on the positive effects of your medication for now :)
  • goldilocks007
    Every person body chemistry is different and can react differently to medications. I know all the doctors say you can't gain weight, but why is it a side effect for so many? I would suggest talking with your doctor to see if decreasing dose or changing medication is what you need. The weight gain going to bring you down emotionally, and then feed in to/worsen the intial condition. Something to consider. Has your food intake/exercise patterns changed since beginning zoloft that could explain a weight gain? I know when I was taking zoloft, I felt drugged and like I had no emotion--couldn't even cry at the death of my mothers best friend. (even on the lowest dose). I ate about the same, but I had no energy/desire to exercise, became a couch potato and I did gain weight. It was the lack of exercise that caused the weight gain, but only because I was so tired and unwilling to move due to the side effects of zoloft. I was switched to prozac with better results.
    Be patient and don't give up. There are lots of medications out there and there is one that will be right fot you. Give it time and good luck.
  • newhealthyjodi
    I took Zoloft and Paxil in 2001 and went from a size 3 to a size 12 within months. I was devestated! I never really knew which drug did this to my body or even both any case. My body has never been the same. I know sometimes we need meds, however I hate what it can do to a human body.