my morning coffee has got to change

So I only have 2 cups of brewed coffee a day. Not so bad you say? Well, add the 2 teapoons of sugar and the ounce of cream and my 2 morning javas are around 300 calories! That's a quarter of my 1200 calorie daily target. Ouch!! I guess I have to cut down on the sugar and cream but my coffee just isn't the same without it. :(


  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I've been weening it out over the months. The husband and I like it the same way... 3 equal and a TON of sugar free french vanilla creamer. I add a little less to mine each day. His is still nice and creamy colored and I'm almost to black :D
  • RaeBella13
    Do you make your own? I use Equal instead of sugar and International Delight Fat Free French Vanilla creamer---so good and only 60 calories!!!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    How is that 300? I have 1 cup with 3 tsp sugar and mine is about 60-70 per cup. I use .25 cup skim milk tho instead of cream tho (21 cal). So 2 (coffee) +45 (sugar) + 21 milk = 68. But yea 300 for coffee is too much.
  • deshaine
    deshaine Posts: 195
    If you budget for the cals, then it won't matter... I have coffee every day. I measure my Bailey's Caramel Creamer, and it's sweet enough for me, I don't need sugar, but you could always switch to a sugar alternative.

    Try it black for a few days... then add a little back at a time...

    GL.... HTH.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    OUCH! :cry:
    it's all about the changes
    try to adjust your taste buds to enjoy some fat free creamers and stevia instead of that sugar. You can give thanks to all the 300 cal. coffee morning of the past for your extra weight :angry:
    Maybe treat yuourself to your yummy way of coffee drinking once a week??
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I agree. Use the sugar-free international delight creamers. They really are fabulous, especially the hazlenut! You get cream and sweet all in one! Warning: coffeemate and store brand creamers have partially hydrogenated oils.
    Enjoy your coffee!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    I came to the same conclusion, and had a hard time saying goodbye at first. I now drink 2-3 coffees per week (i couldnt bring myself to drink the coffee black.
    Good luck.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I was getting tired of my extra calories from coffee/tea so I stopped adding sugar to it. I haven't been adding sugar to my caffeine drinks since September 18th! You could try it... see what happens.
  • suzie1983
    i love the splenda coffee add flavor and sweetness
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I love coffee, too! If I drank it like I used to (4 creamers per cup, PLUS sugar ... lots of it!), I'd be paying for it in my waistline!

    Instead, I've found a lifesaver! I use 1 packet of Diet Swiss Miss (25 calories) per cup and a half of coffee. I drink half of my first cup then fill it back up with coffee. The Swiss Miss gives it a chocolatey flavor, makes it a little smoother and makes it sweet! I usually have 3 cups per day, for a total of around 50 calories. Yum!!
  • sarahleelee
    sarahleelee Posts: 79 Member
    I use Splenda and Fat Free Half and Half (which is 20 calories per 2 TBS). It tastes exactly the same and is a 22 calories per cup of coffee!
  • BexC
    BexC Posts: 53
    I used to drink mine with semi skimmed milk, 3 sugars (Ewwww i know!!!) sometimes with chocolate sauce (for my mocha) and 2 tsp I have it black, 2 splenda and decaff lol It takes a while to change but its worth it
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I can't do black coffee either, but I can make do with 1 sugar and 1 cream. I often do skim milk instead of cream as well... that cuts the calories back quite a bit. Or I have learned that if I do flavored creamers I can usually omit the sugar. (It is still tastier the other way though... and I am so jealous of my dh just pouring in all the sugar and creamer he wants and never gaining a pound!)
  • archer23
    Thanks to all for your replies and suggestions. The first thing I'm going to do is cut down the sugar and try the fat free half & half and see how it goes.
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Fat free half and half, all the way! its sooooooo good. Even my eats-like-a-big-fat-dude hubby loves it! And i got used to spelnda. Trying to wean myself off of it coz i hate fake food. but, its coffee, you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • jrrtubbs
    jrrtubbs Posts: 33 Member
    This is why I'm glad I drink my coffee black.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I take 2 tablespoons of half n half (40 cals) and sometimes a packet of Splenda and it is VERY creamy and yummy.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I use Splenda and Fat Free Half and Half (which is 20 calories per 2 TBS). It tastes exactly the same and is a 22 calories per cup of coffee!
    You might want to read the ingredients in that "fat free half & half". I'd rather take the 30-40 cals of real half & half then using that artificial crap.

    I drink 3 coffees a day. I use 1 Splenda & about 2 tps of half & half which is about 45 cals each coffee. Very reasonable & still tastes the way I want it. It's about moderation, not depriving yourself of everything you enjoy.
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I think Splenda in coffee tastes better than regular sugar. I still have to add my Hazelnut creamer. Looking for an easier lower cal alternative for that.
  • Margiesgettinganewbody
    I was using sugar (a lot) and creamer only for the flavor but have changed to the Splenda Flavors for Coffee and knocked out 2 birds with 1 stone. The Mocha one is AWESOME