dont know what to do? please help

hi guiys hope we are all well,
i am having a nighty feeling atm and feelign like i really really want a kebab from the chip so just somethign i really fancy i put it in here and it says thats it 500 cal i dodnt have lots of the meat, an di do have mainly the salas and the pita breas to be honest , but i really fancy some it,

i really dont know what to do i fancy one, but worried i will feel bad
sorry guys xx

sorry guys this was probley not the best post to put on x


  • BexC
    BexC Posts: 53
    Do you have enough cals for it? OR have a nice work out after?
  • sharonuk10
    Here is my opinion... IF you really want it then have it. Tomorrow is another day. With that said. Try drinking a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. After that if you still want it have it. I don't think it is any good denying yourself. You could also try eating just half!!
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    thank you ladys i do have enough cal so i think i may and i will make sure i earn it as tomoz i am off work so i can take the dog for a nice long walk so that will help i suppose he he he thank you guys so so much x
  • BexC
    BexC Posts: 53
    If I want something I still have it in smaller versions or earn it. :D enjoy xx
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I agree - I would get one and cut it in half and give the other half away x
  • emkam11
    emkam11 Posts: 66 Member
    well guys i had it gave half the meat away and left half of whta was on my plate i didnt enjoy it one bit xx
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    You can eat anything you want, whenever you want it, thanks to the miracle of portion control. Nothing is ever off limits for me. I can eat at any restaurant, satisfy any craving and enjoy life every day.

    Have the dish you crave. When you order it, take a friend to eat the other half. Get a second 'to go' container and place half the order in there if you can't find a friend to share. Save it for later or toss it (waste is waste if it's on your body or in the trash. In an emergency situation, I pick the trash).

    Have a HUGE salad before you hit the take out place so your blood sugar is normal and you're not starving. This always helps me make WAY better decisions.

    No food is forbidden. No food is naughty. Enjoy it ALL!
