A quick question for the ladies

During your time of the month do you still exercise? I'm finding it hard to do as much as I usually do, due to cramps, but I don't want to mess up my workout routine. Also how do I fight sweet food cravings? Lol HELP!


  • ummmmm84
    ummmmm84 Posts: 50 Member
    I continue to exercise but I don't struggle with cramps. Anything is better than nothing. The sweet thing is one that still gets me so I will be interested to see what others write
  • StepAwayFromTheCupcake
    I take the first day off just because that's when cramps are awful for me. I'm usually back at it by day 2. I give into my cravings with weight watchers brownies and 100 calorie pack cookies. And ice cream...love my ice cream. :smile:
  • primal_cupcakes
    primal_cupcakes Posts: 280 Member
    It depends. If I'm feeling particularly run-down and sore (which I do on the first couple days of my period sometimes), I take that as a cue to relax and get some extra sleep and don't do any intense exercise. Low intensity exercise like walking and light yoga feel pretty good at those times. If I'm feeling great, like last month, I go for it and don't significantly alter my exercise routine.

    I definitely crave carbs. You're not alone there, and there's a physiological basis for it. I do eat more during the first three days of my period (usually about 300 calories more), but I don't worry about the overall effect because it's only a few days a month and I'm already eating a deficit on most days. Besides, I think that there is some evidence that women burn more calories during that time of month, which partially explains the increased hunger.
  • FrauHaas2013
    FrauHaas2013 Posts: 615 Member
    I just walk and/or jump rope to get my cardio in.
  • misti777
    misti777 Posts: 217 Member
    Hmm, maybe when decide to go out and get something sweet like ice cream or chocolate, get one single chocolate bar and savor it or one of those containers of ice cream that are like the size of a large mug and eat maybe half of it at a time. I noticed for me that everything goes downhill when I get a bag of individually wrapped candies cause then I end up eating like a half the bag haha, so I stopped doing that. Find what works for you. :)
  • Emily_20x
    Emily_20x Posts: 175 Member
    I definitely crave carbs. You're not alone there, and there's a physiological basis for it. I do eat more during the first three days of my period (usually about 300 calories more), but I don't worry about the overall effect because it's only a few days a month and I'm already eating a deficit on most days. Besides, I think that there is some evidence that women burn more calories during that time of month, which partially explains the increased hunger.

    First 3 days?! Mine only lasts 2 days! I crave so much junk the week before my period but when I'm on I rarely get any cravings and I'm usually fine with cramps.

    Maybe just do light exercise? Like walking or yoga. Anything is better than nothing I guess :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I exercise like any other day.
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    My first two days are the worst, so I usually skip exercising. I also allow myself to eat above my calories, but stay below maintenance calories. I figure that may slow down the weight loss, but it won't reverse it. After that, I'm okay and I get back to my normal schedule.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I'm usually super tired the first couple of days... so depending on my energy level I'll just do a short walk or stretches. I try to get something in... as 20 minutes or something is better than nothing.

    As for cravings... I bought a thing of nutella, and what works for me is eating a tablespoon of it. That's just for chocolatey sugar cravings. For salt cravings I'll do some sorta cheese with bread... or chips.. I think it depends. :)
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    I've read in health magazines that it's actually good for reducing cramps and the general crappy feeling. Whether this is true, or true for everyone is probably debatable. I work out during that time
  • rachy867
    I still exercise as I find it helps with the cramps. I have to force myself to do it as I am not in the frame of mind for it as tummy hurts etc, but when I get to the gym and get started I feel the benefits straightaway. I also crave carbs at this time of the month and mostly give into them, if I don't the cravings get worse and I end up doing more damage than I would have done if I'd given into the craving in the first place.
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    I exercise like any other day.

    ^that. Even when I got cramps (exercising reduces cramping and makes you feel better). I haven't had any cramps since I started using Nuvaring (about 5 years ago)...and my period only lasts 2-3 days now. :happy:
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Of course I still workout. I actually think (for me at least) working out helps with the cramps. At least go for a walk or light jog. You will feel better you did it and also helps with cravings (again for me at least) just make a healthy snack for after your workout. ☺
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    No I just surrender to Mother Nature.
  • jazzygurl81
    jazzygurl81 Posts: 62 Member
    I just went to the doctor last week; she told me to take Chromium to help with the cravings. During that time, I have ridiculously strong urges for sweets and other carbs - chips, cookies, candy...I gotta have it! So I just brought some from Wal-Mart, will see how it goes.

    As for the cramps, some Motrin normally knocks it right out for me. And I try to go light to normal with my exercise, depending on how I feel.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    The first day (and the second if it's a heavy flow or I have bad cramps) I either have a day off (I usually have 1-2 days off a week), or I do less intense workouts (Pillates, light aerobics) or I make it an arm day.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    A lot depends on the severity of your symptoms. I have an IUD now because I experience crippling cramping and heavy bleeding without it. There is absolutely no way I could and not want to die for at least the first 3 days. The whole "it will make you feel better" line was not applicable to me at all. That said, as soon as I had the IUD placed, I was able work out normally when I had a period (I no longer do) because the severity was much decreased.

    Just listen to your body and do not work out if you genuinely feel terrible. If you just feel achy, do lighter routine/walk.

    ETA: I lucked out craving wise -- it never seemed or seems to affect me.
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I still exercise because, if I didn't, I would probably hurt someone really bad. :explode: Haha.

    The cravings can be unbearable, so I just eat whatever and make up for it in exercise (or at least try).
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yes, I still exercise.

    I crave salt, not sweetness.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    It's okay to plan to rest on the first few days of your period! Rest is also part of the program, and many women need the extra rest at that time. Your body will appreciate it, and it's healthy to rest.