Attracted to long or short hair?

buffywhitney Posts: 172 Member
Just turned 53 last week and I am struggling, should I cut my hair? It has been long my entire life and I'm afraid it will be a mistake I cannot undo or fix. Shallow? Maybe. I'm curious, what are you attracted to in either gender and why?


  • _Krys10_
    _Krys10_ Posts: 1,234 Member
    I personally like long hair. I think your hair looks great long, just because you're 53 doesn't mean you need to cut it off. Rock it girl.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Bold for both genders, feels amazing.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    I like long but it's not a mistake that you can't just let it grow back! :)
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    Both long and short hair can be attractive. Yours looks great long, but don't be afraid to cut it if you want to. I think you would look great with a short cut too.
  • PeanutButterLuver
    You're quite attractive :)

    I think when women reach a certain age ( I'm going to say 50's) that long hair is not really suited. I don't recommend cutting your hair short. Why not grow out your bang? I think a bob would look stunning on you.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    If you straighten your hair something like this would be great!


    Or you could do heavy layers and keep some length. Like this...

  • thegabbleduck
    thegabbleduck Posts: 52 Member
    After having long hair for my entire life, and recently going short - I cant recommend it enough.
    Try it at least once, if you dont like it, it grows back really quickly.

    For what it is worth, I think you would look great with short hair!
  • StepAwayFromTheCupcake
    My hair has always been long but last year I decided I wanted to cut it kind of short. My friend, who is a hair dresser, had me try on wigs of various lengths and styles to make sure I really wanted the makeover. Thank goodness she did, because I decided I would hate having my hair short.

    Your hair looks really pretty in your profile picture, and I'm sure you would look fantastic with it short too :)
  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    The length of hair is immaterial. I am far more interested in the quality of the head beneath the hair. Be daring...go for a change and find out!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I am a HUGE hair person (to me after a womans smile, that is the first thing to notice). In my humble opinion, if you want something "safe", go with long hair. Almost everyone can pull it off.

    Short hair look awesome and equally attractive to me but not everyone can pull them off. Most of my ex's had shortish hair. You just gotta have the "look" for it. Sorry I can't really explain it.

    I say experiment with what you want. The worst that could happen is that you have to have it shortened or let it grow for a few.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Hair . It grows. Can certainly be changed. Cutting your hair isn't a permanent , irreversible event.

    So ... RELAX. take a plunge for something DIFF. do it because YOU want to. Doesn't matter if someone else does or doesn't like it.. Short hair. Long hair. Curly . Straight. Black. blonde. Red or brown. Big boobs. Small boobs. muscular thighs. Thin thighs.

    The point is: everyone has general tastes / preferences. But! It's about TOTAL PACKAGE. Not any one feature is gonna turn anyone off if they TOTALLY groove on you, are attracted to YOU. if someone said: I'd really be into you with your personality, wit, charm and sexiness if only you had long blonde hair ... Then it should be WHOA! PASS. not interested. Hit the pavement, move on.

    do what you want, what makes you happy.

    hair. It's YOURS. if you cut it and don't like it .... it's OK. it's not irreversible : )

    Change is FUN. go for it! You may have lots of SASS that's begging to be unleashed with a new Do!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I've always loved my hair long. I recently put henna in my hair, which was a mistake. So, I've been growing it out and I got my hair cut to chin length. The shorter length still looks good, but as soon as I have grown out all the new hair that I want (a year and a half total to get it to chin length, so I have half a year to go, but one year down) I am going to grow my hair long again.

    But, I think it really depends on the person, the quality of the hair, etc. Your long hair looks lovely!!! But, if you've always had it long and really want to try short, you should go for it. I mostly identify with myself as being a person with very long hair. My shorter hair is fun and cute, but I miss my long, healthy hair.

    I think number one importance is the quality and condition of the hair, regardless of length that is my top priority and what I notice in other people's hair. And also how the hair style looks on the person. Some people and hair types just look really good in shorter cuts. So, length is just 3rd on that list of priorities. :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    I personally prefer dudes with short hair. There are exceptions, especially if they have that kinda tribal look going on (think Ronan fro Stargate Atlantis...). But to me more importantly than the length of their hair is personal hygiene. Long hair can be very high-maintainence. So if you have it, you have to be willing to invest the effort in making it look decent.

    I've had my hair both pixie-cut short and waist length. The former made my life quite easy (no hairbrushes, bit of gel perhaps, out the door!), but required more regular haircuts. I could dye my hair more frequently without damaging it - I went from blonde to blue to brown to red in the space of six months. Plus it was fun having a fauxhawk. The downside was though that you couldn't tie it up.

    With long hair it took me a lot longer to get ready in the morning, and as I'm quite fair the second a bit of humidity comes into the air it puffs up like you wouldn't believe! It takes forever to dry after showering and straightening it is almost like a workout.

    With that said though, when I had long hair I would see girls and wish I had their (short) hair. When I had short hair I would admire long-haired girls. Now I'm halfway in between and am envious of both! :laugh:

    So basically, both can look amazing. Both have advantages and disadvantages. I say if you want to do it, go for it! :bigsmile:
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't think age dictates whether your hair should be shorter or not. As long as your hair is healthy there is no reason to chop it off. If you are just looking for a new look there are several apps/websites that let you upload a picture of yourself and try out different hairstyles or as a previous person posted, try on some wigs and see how you like it.

    Edit to answer your question: I don't think hair makes the person. I have dated guys who have hair length from bald to mid-back length. What matters is confidence and being happy with you.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    If you straighten your hair something like this would be great!

    Love this for you.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I've had mine short for the last 2.5 years and I've had about 10 different styles. With long hair you don't have nearly as many options. My husband isn't really the biggest fan of short hair but strangely enough he still puts out.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Typically longer hair, shoulder length or better. -Some- women can pull of short, pixie cuts.
  • danger2oneself2
    danger2oneself2 Posts: 340 Member
    just keep something long enough to tug on :wink:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    just keep something long enough to tug on :wink:
  • _liftnlove
    Hairless, for sure...

    Well, hair on the head doesn't really matter, but otherwise...hairless. ;)