has anybody here had weight loss surgery?

mrsmillan Posts: 37
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I was just wondering if anyone on here has had weight loss surgery? I am in the beginning stages (all the classes) I am going to get the gastric sleeve. It is for medical purposes as I had my large intestine removed and as of now have an ileostomy because the small intestine would not reach to connect because of how large I am. I was attempting to lose weight on my own and have lost about 14lbs. but I need to lose way more, about 120lbs. Just wondering if anyone else has had the surgery?


  • I had lap band 7 months ago, I feel amazing! I know basically how the sleeve works, but I don't know of anyone who has had it as I don't know any surgeons in my area who even do them. For me, I had a great experience- easy preop, surgery, recovery, and up to now. You have to follow your doc's guidelines or you will get sick. I'm 7 months out and have not vomited once, have lots of energy, and am more active than I've ever been.

    Take whatever you can get from the classes and your preop appts. Ask lots of questions, then ask some more. And do your own research because you cannot be too informed especially when you are electing major belly surgery.

    Congrats on your weight loss! Keep it up cuz the smaller you are at surgery day the easier your case will go and your postop period will be. I lost 55lbs before my surgery through small changes and it was a great jump start. I know not everyone can lose that much or at all before surgery for many reasons but every pound and little change will help!

    Good luck

  • nwood71
    nwood71 Posts: 3 Member
    I have not had weight losss surgery, but my husband had R-N-Y gastric bypass in Feb of 2009. He weighed almost 400lb and he now tips the scales at around 200. His biggest advice to anyone considering any type of weight loss surgery is to find a support group and attend it regularly.

    This is not your regularly scheduled class; this is a group meeting of people who have already had the surgery and people who are thinking about having the procedures. Ours is held once a month at the local hospital. There is usually some sort of program, but always ample time to talk and ask questions.

    My husband wanted to know what to expect afterwards from a human perspective not so much from the medical view. They routinely talk about 'pooping', sex, and other stuff you might not really care to discuss with your surgeon. He'll tell you what dumping syndrome is, but only some one who has felt it can tell you what it feels like.

    Best of luck.
  • I had a gastric bypass May 12 2010. I met my surgeron on Jan 5th of this year at a whopping 332lbs, I currently weight 224lbs. Surgery was the best thing I ever did, but the surgery is just a tool. You still have to diet and exercise. I seem to loose then plateau, since joining this website last week I have lost 5lbs. I still want to loose atlease another 80lbs. Wish you the best!
  • kimbalee661
    kimbalee661 Posts: 16 Member
    I had the gastric sleeve on August 17th of this year. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I weighed a whopping 302 pounds on August 3rd (Just before I started my pre-surgery diet) and at my follow-up appointment with my surgeon yesterday, I weigh 246 lbs.!!! It does take some getting used to all the "rules of the game" but I have more energy then I ever did before. My swelling in my lower extremeties is gone and I actually jog!!! Yes, I said jog! If you have any questions about the surgery or the side affects, let me know. I'd love to share them with you.

    And for those of you who say "it's the easy way out"....... You are a JOKE!! This is anything but easy. It is also not a cure by any means. It is a tool that helps you. You still have to make an extreme effort (exercise, label reading, etc.) I NEVER paid this much attention as to what I was putting in my body. I have found a HUGE sense of accomplishment and am NOT afraid to tell anyone about my positive experience.

    Best of luck to you!
  • mamaj2
    mamaj2 Posts: 5 Member
    I had gastric bypass on May 20, 2008 and still say it was the best thing I ever did for myself.

    I am at about 180 down from 330 something and have never felt better or been healthier.

    My PCP is ecstatic and the surgeon classes me as a sucess story.

    I still would like to lose about 20 lbs and have joined TOPS (for the weekly weigh-ins) and I am keeping track of diet & exercise here, my question is that the suggested carbs here seem high and the protein low so I am doing what seems to work for me.

    Are you contemplating surgery?
  • mamaj2
    mamaj2 Posts: 5 Member
    My sister had the sleeve in December 2009 and has lost 80 some pounds, she does have some issues with heartburn & with vomiting is she forgets to chew but she is also very glad she did it.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hi there! As you can see in my siggy, I had the duodenal switch (DS) weight loss surgery (June 2010). I started out as a "lightweight" with less than 100 lbs to lose. So far, I've lost about 80 lbs. I'm on some medication that makes me gain weight (:mad: ), but it's temporary. Once I'm off these meds in a few weeks, the weight is anticipated to fall of quickly.

    You say you're having the gastric sleeve...do you mean the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG)? Half of the duodenal switch is the VSG; and the other half is restriction from bypassed intestines (a different and more permanent bypass than the gastric bypass, just to keep the issue confusing. :-) ).

    To learn more about the duodenal switch as a surgery option, visit www.DSFacts.com.

    To learn more about the sleeve, how people live afterward, potential complications, etc. and to connect with others who are having that surgery, visit the Obesity Help VSG board at http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/VSG/. There are also surgery information and support boards on Obesity Help for the gastric bypass/RnY, duodenal switch, and lap band.

    To see which surgeries people are having the most problems with, visit the WLS Revision board on Obesity Help at http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/failed_wls_second_time_around/. Many people are seeking to revise from their original surgery to the duodenal switch, so it's worth looking into the DS for more information.

    I am just now learning to love my surgery. I had some totally unanticipated complications after surgery and in the early recovery months, but I'm on the mend now. I've lost weight easily and almost effortlessly, but I've totally had to re-educate myself around how my body works and what foods are best for me now. My taste buds changed in very weird ways, so I've had to get used to some new foods and let go of some old favorites. This surgery is a blessing to me, and has given me my life back!

    My best to you! Friend me and/or message me with any questions.
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