How to get back on track?????

Squeezalsize10 Posts: 109
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hey all!

I have been a member of fitness pal for almost 2 years and have found this site extremely helpful but a few months back i lost track and put on some weight...(body fat).

Anyway for those of you who lost their way and managed to get back on the fitness regime, i want to hear from you, what did you do to get your butt back into good habits?

Looking foward to your responses. ;)


  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I've only been back on here for a short time but although I haven't been perfect every day(sill working on owning up to the occasional bad day) it's been okay. I have just worked on cutting out certain things over time, never too much at once, picking better snacks, and knowing what I will and will not forfeit. There isn't a point in cutting out things that you can't just give up forever. Just log EVERYTHING, even if you go way over your goal. I also started back at the gym about 2 months ago, and started with a trainer for the first time ever about a month ago and LOVE it. Good luck and feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Whenever I lose motivation from going on a vacation, having a medical procedure done, going through times that are just very busy & event filled in general...I find that spending some time reading through threads on here helps get my mind back on track. Picking up a new exercise routine or DVD seems to help, too. Sometimes I just need something different to try out.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I got off track as well. I had logged for 250 days or so and then, for whatever reasons, just stopped. It had been around 2 weeks I didn't log at all, and then sporadically for about a month. I have currently logged for 5 days :) I just slowly have been getting back into the habit over time. Logging everything I can when I remember :p I find it easier to log as I eat. This is a process that takes time and there are bound to be ups and downs, just don't let a down keep you down :)

    Just work back into your routine and you will get there! Good luck to all in reaching your goals!
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Hey all!

    I have been a member of fitness pal for almost 2 years and have found this site extremely helpful but a few months back i lost track and put on some weight...(body fat).

    Anyway for those of you who lost their way and managed to get back on the fitness regime, i want to hear from you, what did you do to get your butt back into good habits?

    Looking foward to your responses. ;)

    I've been through several ups and downs, sometimes it works just for a while, anyway you need to start slowly. There's no need to start restricting all at once, you could try cutting out certain fat foods, or filling your fridge with healthy stuff and eat without exceeding. After a few weeks you can get back to calories counting if you want to. Try to reward yourself at the end of each healthy week, possibly with something different from food. I've bought myself some stuff on Ebay after the 2 difficult weeks of being back on a diet and now I have no problem in dieting anymore
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Hey all!

    I have been a member of fitness pal for almost 2 years and have found this site extremely helpful but a few months back i lost track and put on some weight...(body fat).

    Anyway for those of you who lost their way and managed to get back on the fitness regime, i want to hear from you, what did you do to get your butt back into good habits?

    Looking foward to your responses. ;)

    I learned about the correct calorie intake for my body and how to adjust it to lose/maintain/gain weight. I learned the importance of strength training for health and how to incorporate exercise into every day life that I enjoy. Ultimately I found a routine that works for me, that I can sustain long term.
  • So far loving all your responses!!!
  • RoseBlossom29
    RoseBlossom29 Posts: 22 Member
    The key is getting into a routine and sticking to it.
    I let my fitness pal do the math for me and I took it off from there.
    I log everything i eat, workout everyday and generally make sure I'm acheieving my net calorie goal everyday
    Even if i over eat i just say to myself that i'll try harder tomorrow.
    And it works. After a period of time, you will start seeing the results if your dedication
    Hope that helps :)
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I started and then got really off track in June after an injury. I came back and started checking out challenges.

    I found one that got me moving:

    The famous MYA challenge

    One that has a lot of inspiring threads

    and I created my own group in September - it was a great success and now I am doing the 2nd month.
    It breaks every day into just about "the process"
    Keeping It Green While Eating
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey all!

    I have been a member of fitness pal for almost 2 years and have found this site extremely helpful but a few months back i lost track and put on some weight...(body fat).

    Anyway for those of you who lost their way and managed to get back on the fitness regime, i want to hear from you, what did you do to get your butt back into good habits?

    Looking foward to your responses. ;)

    I did.

    Ten years ago I took off around 60-70 lbs, most of what I'd been packing my entire diet life. I did it with the strong support of trainers, who taught me about sensible eating, tracking calories an exercise, and working out three times a week (running and weight lifting). However, I gained about thirty pounds back over a five year period. I've always exercised, but I found myself eating more sugary foods over time and, of course, not keeping track of what I ate.

    I found MFP in about May or June of this year because I was looking for an app to log in food and exercise instead of handwriting it all in a notebook. At this time, I was feeling so horrible with aches that I had to something. Since my doctor could not find a medical reason as to why I was feeling horrible, I figured it had something do do with extra weight.

    What I have found is that the tools here are so similar to what I learned from my trainer that it was easy for me to get back on track. The one thing the trainer did not teach me was how to eat to maintain my weight. I have about 11 pounds to my goal and I am looking forward to learning how to maintain my weight once I've reached my goal.

    The reason I want to maintain is because of how great I feel now as opposed to how I felt with that extra 30 pounds I gained back.

    I still eat what I used to eat, just a whole lot less of it. The only thing I've cut out is all the sugary foods I used to eat because too much sugar makes me feel horrible. Once in a while I have a treat as long as it fits in my calories for the day.
  • This happened to me last year i got to 8 and a half stone (my goal weight) through mfp, then i lost track and gained over 1st in half a year and it wasnt until i compared photographs from the two time periods that i thought i needed to get back on track!

    one thing that helped me get my butt into gear was speaking to a close friend. He holds an interest in fitness etc so he was always sending me youtube videos, pictures etc and even devised a small gym workout for me to get started.

    i created a new mfp account so it was all fresh and clean, i let it do all my numbers and chose a weight loss that i felt comfortable with.

    i also was bored of the gym which is why i lost track so i looked at the timetable at my local leisure centre and picked a class that just sounded fun (id never done an exercise class) it was boxercise and it was so much fun i havent looked back, so prehaps you could find an activity youve always wanted to do or try and just go for it!
  • Well, I'm more where you're at than anything else ... last year from September - end of February I dutifully counted calories and exercised like a machine and lost about 15-20 pounds. And then I MD-ed a musical theatre show and stress-ate probably 10 pounds back. Last week, I found myself back in a leotard in ballet class and realized I was the fattest person in the room. So I've basically just picked up where I left off. I need one day a week of cheating, since I only eat 1100-1400 calories a day even when exercising, but for me, it helps to have a goal weight and time. I want to be 10 pounds lighter by Christmas. So when I'm tempted to cheat on a non-cheat day, I remind myself I have a limited time to get to a specific weight. It also helps to be back in a daily routine. When I was not in school during the summer, any structure went out the window. Having limited access to shopping/food, keeping the day full, and only stocking the shelves with fruits and veggies is helping me stay relatively strict. Good luck!
  • seren1ty74
    seren1ty74 Posts: 171 Member
    make it one of the new lifelong good habits you are working to keep. that is how i am looking at it. even tracking my BAD days keeps me going for some reason. at least they teach me a lesson and how to proceed the very next day.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    I was getting sloppy the last two months after a first, great seven months on MFP. Not really bad, I had gained a couple of pounds and was maintaining, or going up and down by two pounds. Trying to get back on track for good.

    Then someone started the October Accountability Challenge and I signed up. I don't really know why this worked, maybe it's just that I figured, hey for 31 days I can do this, or being with others pushing to get back on track, or just because I like a challenge, but it really worked. You might see if you can join the group for the rest of the month, or start your own group!

    For the month, we have to go record everything we eat every day, eat within our calorie allotment and spend 20 minutes every day on SOME kind of exercise, any kind. Then we have to check in with the group regularly saying we've done all these things. It is of course on the honor system, but what would be the point of joining if I wanted to cheat?
  • Hiya
    I've just posted a similar topic about getting back on track.
    If I get any tips I will share
  • carolyng66
    carolyng66 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey old habits die hard but we can get back on track if you really want to.

    I know that if I go a lengthy period of time without exercising, it gets harder to start over again. I can tell you, the hardest part is getting out of the door but once you're there, you'd be surprised how easy it will be to get back into the good habits again.

    Start slow, even if it means just walking a half mile today. it'll get the blood pumping and your motivation will return. Lie to yourself if needed meaning, make it your goal to workout/run/walk for only 10 minutes. The idea is by the time that 10 minutes is up, you'll have more motivation to continue on. I've done that many times and it works.
    Slowly wean yourself from the bad eating habits. More veggies, less sugar.

    Good luck to you.
  • cherishthomp03
    cherishthomp03 Posts: 11 Member
    My story is similar to yours if you get any good tips or advice please send my way! Need help
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    The MOST important thing:

    Second most important thing:

    If you accept that setbacks are part of the journey and not a failure then you will be more successful. I think of it that even if I fall, even for weeks, I am STILL on my journey and no matter what it will never go away. If you are trying to be perfect or have an all or nothing attitude, your not doing it right.
  • Hey there! i feel you cause i sprained my ankle a month ago and started putting on weight and gained around 8 pounds more or less. It sucks because i just can't help it! eating! it kills me to know that i can't direct myself to eat 'better' like how i did before when i lost weight consistently. But what I can tell you is that i've gotten back on track before (ha-ha) and what i did was put up a picture of myself when i was just starting out on losing weight. And the thought of pretty clothes! but yeah. Will is the only way to get back on track. G'luck to us!
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