Lose 10kg (22pounds) in 50 days?

Hi guys
I'm looking for more friends on here cause I really want to lose this weight by end of November/beginning of December for my America trip.
Any suggestions will be great ! Exercise and diet!


  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    exercise:: jogging will help!!
  • Sarag0887
    Thank you how long do u think to lose enough
  • Sarag0887
    exercise:: jogging will help!!
    Sorry forgot to quote
    How long would u recommend ?
  • ssm_1972
    ssm_1972 Posts: 396 Member
    Sorry, loosing 22 lbs in such a short period is not recommendable !!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Unfortunately, that isn't a healthy or realistic goal. It's probably not even possible given that's all you have to lose. Your body just can't let go of fat that quickly. Even if you did something really unhealthy and starved yourself, you would not lose 10kg of fat. You would lose some fat, along with a lot of lean mass (eg. water, muscle etc). Apart from numerous serious risks to your health, you would not end up looking "toned" (which you state as a goal in your profile).

    A realistic goal would be about 1 lb a week, only to start with, and very soon I would aim for about 0.5 lb a week. So, maybe 3kg total in that time?
  • AndersonCsn
    Nah... You can lose a lot of weight in 50 days if you really commit. Last year I lost 8kg in 60 days (10% of my total weight) and did not starve at all. It took me 9 months to gain it all back, mainly because of a knee injury that kept me from exercising. Right now I just started the whole thing over again with a goal of losing the same amount by the end of november. Sure, some of that was body water, bit the rest is fat + lean mass.
    And it's nothing fancy, just commit and be very very strict, don't cheat on yourself.
    a) get a low calorie diet with a net daily goal of 1000-1200
    b) eat small sized interspersed meals during the day, avoiding fats at all (never go over the 30 % MFP limit)
    c) do lots of steady cardio, like jogging / biking . I did about 5-6x times a week with an estimated 400-500 calories lost for every session. (If you jog slower you probably need more time to achieve that - I use the Endomondo app to track my calories/exercises).
    d) Two sessions of general weight training during the week to avoid losing much lean mass (you'll lo se anyway, just nota that much).

    Main rule is dont cheat and keep exercising... If you want you can add me and I will try to help you out as I also to shed a lot of weight by November 30th.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Where is the moderator?
  • David1406
    I don't reckon its unrealistic to lose 3lbs a week over 7 weeks...I did that and more when I started on my journey over 5 months ago. Exercise certainly contributes but, as always, it's all about monitoring intake, honestly and carefully, and making sure it's below what you are using. Once you've hit your target, you can then re-adjust to a maintenance regime, which is where I'm now at. Best of luck on your own journey...you can do it if you really want to.
  • tarsha426
    tarsha426 Posts: 20 Member
    Losing that amount of weight in such a short period of time is not commended. Clean eating and exercise will start your journey to your goal. Circuit training and strength training is great start. If you have not exercise in sometime it will take you a while to get adjusted. Lots of luck on your journey.
  • RUGGEDGerit
    Google "Fat Fast" This sounds like a fad diet, but there is actually a lot of science here. This "ketogenic" diet was 1st used to help children with epilepsy. Also google authors Jeff Volek, Steven Phinney, and Dana Carpender. If you have the self discipline to eat this way, you will lose body fat and not lean muscle. Good luck.
  • Sarag0887
  • jmzz1
    jmzz1 Posts: 670 Member
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    That is a loss of over 3 lbs per week and I don't think you can lose that amount in a healthy way. Even 2 lb a week is only really recommended for people with over 100 lb to lose I believe (I am sure that someone can correct me if this is wrong) and from your profile picture it certainly doesnt look like you are in that category.

    Not saying it cant be done with a calorie deficit and good exercise and from what I read on these forums it seems that lifting weights can lose you inches as well. However losing it that fast sometimes leads to it coming back just as fast

    I wish you every success though
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    Even I have to agree that is a tall order, I have done just that under medical supervision in the last seven weeks but I started at 113kg with a lot more to lose. My advice is work hard with the fitness and don't bother with the target weight in seven weeks you can definitely be a lot fitter, slimmer and toned with a little hard work!
  • pauljsaunders
    I think you are pushing yourself to hard to lose such a weight loss, I have recently tried to lose 2lb aweek, and through exercise and deficit I made myself ill and I'm no light weight when it comes to effort, I became weak and had numerous dizzy spells while moving, and rising from low levels, so I had to go back to 1.5 lb a week lose. Why jepordise your health while on holiday? Ease up abit...

    take care
  • Fairlieboy
    Fairlieboy Posts: 84 Member
    A kg per week is doable as others suggest. When you loose weight you generally lose weight in both fat & muscle so if you don't want to loose muscle you'll have to do lots of muscle building I.e. weights. What others say is right though. Its not really recommended for 2 reasons. If you're young no worries, but if you have medical issues then do it under some monitoring and secondly diets generally fail. I read today in a uk survey of 1000 dieters. 10% lasted less than 2 days. 20% had quit within a week. Only 20% lasted 3 months. And only 5% were still dieting after a year. Which category will you be in?:wink:
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    You're asking to lose 1 kg/5 days = 200g/day = 1540 calories deficit per day.

    You could theoretically hit such a goal but it will take a huge toll on you - mentally and physically - and very very few people could do it. And don't take that as a challenge - it's really not a sensible thing to do.
    That being said, if you embark on such a diet keep in mind that nutrition at such levels is very important - you don't have many calories to waste on crap. When I did something similar I stuck with "foods that don't need a label". Raw, clean, fresh - to try to get as many useful nutrients as possible.

    EDIT: Sorry, I've just seen your photo now.Girl, you don't have enough fat to lose that fast. Set your goal slightly lower (1kg/week as many suggest) or, if you want to keep it off, even lower.
  • Rai007
    Rai007 Posts: 387 Member
    just jog and maintain a calorie deficit.

    u cannot give yourself such targets.
    as you will fail whatever way you try
    any vlcd or specific diet for example
    because you will gain it all back
    and especially if you are in healthy or overweight category u have to be very patient.
    but start with it and you will be fine.

    Good luck
  • africanstardust
    africanstardust Posts: 48 Member
    Please don't try to lose this much weight in such a short period of time...it's really not safe and you probably won't be able to keep it off. Just eat healthy and exercise and you'll already look and feel much better by then, even if you haven't lost all the weight.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Set your goal for 1kg per week and do every day the Jillian Michaels 30days shred-you can find it on youtube all 3 levels for free. Also, do the Butt bible-all levels-3 ups and 3 lower body also on youtube. You need more toning than just weight loss. Change your diet and eat lots of fruits and vegetables and cut down on rice, pasta, bread, and processed food, soda. If you do these you will see significant change in your body, even though you might not lose the full 10kg but just 5.