HCG, Anyone starting or experienced weight gain after the di



  • You cannot buy HCG at a mall kiosk as it's a prescription drug. What you bought was either Homeopathic HCG (which is not the real thing, but many report it does work) or just something that is a scam. So if you try it and it doesn't work, please don't say "HCG doesn't work" because you're not doing real HCG.

    >All I asked her to do is to see a Doctor...
    >If she was sold medication that is not what she think is getting (HCG) or Homeopathic to becareful. Because it could be a SCAM, per your words (who knows what she maybe taking)
    So for this thread, the imaginary ailment is that losing weight can cause a heart attack? Are you kidding??? So now losing weight is detrimental to ones health. I think I've seen it all now. ALSO YOUR QUOTE

    > By the way, My father lost (alot) of weight very fast and his heart couldnot keep up & he passed. Yes, it can happen & YES it is called Cardiac Arrest. Go ahead and ask a Doctor. I did not tell her it would happen I asked her to talk to a Doctor, and not risk anything. There is nothing wrong with refering someone to a Doctor.

    > Losing weight is not detrimental to ones health. I love the way you twisted my words.

    Also on 10/6/10 you corrected 4lafz saying please site 1 death directly associated with this diet and told them they were speading scare tactics. Click on his page and it is right there.

    Look frekwentflier, I am happy for you the HCG works for you & it is safe for you. Keep up the good work. But always let the buyer beware.

    Depends on the doctor really. Some want to help you, most just want to make money from you and as many other people as possible.

    Sorry to hear about your Dad, but if you were told that losing weight caused his heart to give out, I'd love to debate the doctor that told you that. Extra fat makes the heart work harder to pump blood because fat doesn't actively help move the blood, whereas flexing muscles does help. So losing any fat would help the heart work less, not more.

    That being said, if your Father lost more muscle than fat, which is what typically happens on non-HCG crash diets, then I can see how that might affect his heart.

    But that doesn't apply to the HCG diet because it only causes fat loss, not muscle. I can't tighten my belts 2 more notches and my double-chin didn't disappear because of muscle loss. I'm losing fat. One other reason I know this is that one aspect of my job involves moving 50+lb boxes. If I lost strength, I'd definitely notice it. If anything, I have more energy now that I'm using HCG.

    BTW, that one who posted about the deaths in that other thread never did respond. He/she obviously just made it up. The very definition of scare tactics.
  • loosing weight isnt unhealthy BUT rapid weight loss is.

    SPICY-haha seems like you just want someone to argue with so I not even going to play into it.

    Here is an article from the Department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Stellenbosch, Parowvallei, CP
    that shows that HCG has the SAME effects as a placebo pill


    ALSO- be sure and read this

    the facts speak for themselves
  • Natalie - I appreciate your non confrontational attitude on the subject and only disagree with on one issue. It is not absolutely true that a 500 calorie a day diet will put someone into 'starvation mode' - meaning that their metabolism slows significantly. After my first round I was eating a healthy 1500-2300 calories a day and holding fine.

    Like I have said before, no matter how or how fast the weight is lost - if we don't learn to eat healthier any/all diets fail - that goes for the eat less/move more people as well.

    Spicy gets a little passionate, I admit, but I agree that because the diet information is free - there is a large corporate non-following to not promote the diet because they can't make any money selling you anything. The only thing you need for the HCG diet is HCG and food available in any grocery store. And HCG products are available for as little as $30/bottle.

    Deshaine - your condition I believe is possible, although I have a hard time believing that any long term arrhythmias are due to the week of low cal dieting you did. I respectfully suggest that you may have discovered a pre-existing condition. I had my electrolytes tested after a few weeks on the diet and my sodium and potassium levels were completely normal.

    And I did read the article from exploreandevolve - an interesting list of POSSIBLE risks. Keep in mind that these risks potentially exist for all HCG users, and more so I would imagine for those who, with the approval of the FDA, use HCG as a fertility treatment in MUCH GREATER DOSES than that used by dieters.

    I concede that I have had some acne that is likely related to the use of HCG, but no other negative side effects. To me, that is a very small (and temporary) price to pay for something that is helping me do something that I never thought I could do. In 11 days I will be done taking HCG and my acne will be history. And quite frankly, it is mild enough that it is almost not worth mentioning.

    There was a user that mentioned she knew someone who died . . . but gave no additional information about anything so I have no choice but to write it off as heresay, and empathize with her for the loss of her friend, regardless of the cause of death.
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    Ok, I'm gonna go google HCG because I have no idea what y'all are arguing about....
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Ok, I'm gonna go google HCG because I have no idea what y'all are arguing about....

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask questions of the HCG users here instead of simply reading a breakdown on someone's blog out there in cyberspace and just writing it off as unsafe.

    If you REALLY want the true story on HCG, here is the link to the manuscript written by the founder of the protocol:

  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    I myself don't intend on trying it or judging it. I had never heard of it, so I just wanted to see what it was, and I did read the article written by Dr. Simeons......
  • I tried the HCG diet last year in January. I lost 25 pounds on phase 1 and 2. I maintained a successful weight loss for about 7 months. I ended up not weighing myself for 2 weeks and ate a little more than usual when I went away to be married in August. When I came back, I had regained nearly 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I adjusted the way I was eating and tried exercising. Since late August, I regained every pound I lost PLUS 10. So basically, in a period of 3 months I regained 35 pounds. I am very depressed. I have gained and regained pounds many times in my life, but I have NEVER regained 35 pounds back in a period of 3 months. I did not even think this was possible. The weight I gained seems to also be in strange areas. Before I regained weight in my butt, hips, and thinghs. Now my arms and back are getting huge instead. The HCG changed something about the way my body distributes fat, not sure what. The whole point I am trying to make is that diet and exercise are still the best methods to lose weight. If one can follow a diet this strict forever, maybe this is for them, but if you are just a regular person like me who makes mistakes, stay away from this diet. The price of mistakes are HUGE, UNCONTROLLABLE gains. Trust me, I truly understand the despeartion that causes someone to want to try this diet, but you do not want this.

  • Just_Dianne
    Just_Dianne Posts: 19 Member
    There was a huge article just yesterday about how unsafe the HCG diet is. There is no need to go to such extremes, exercise and eating right will work, it just doesnt happen over night. Just like gaining weight, you didn't gain your extra weight in just a day or two.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,301 Member
    Where are these two year old threads coming from?

    In the interim, MFP has decided to moderate these threads.....so hopefully the staff will come here and post the site's stand on these discussions.
  • Michellelmt
    Michellelmt Posts: 68 Member
    PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE do NOT do the HCG diet! I did it...lost 39 pounds in 40 days. GAINED it ALL back + 10 MORE! It is NOT good for your body. I promise.

    You are probably like me, & will blow this off. I had people beg me to not do it, however, I was bull headed & did it anyway! I found out the hard way...it's ONLY temporary. EVERY SINGLE person that I know who tried it... gained even more weight back. Legit.

    GET your MONEY BACK!

    Give your body what it truly needs...FUEL! Exercise! Do it the right way.

    Good luck.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Sounds crazy and ridiculous. I'd stick to MFP guidelines and be patient.
    HGC = Absurd
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE do NOT do the HCG diet! I did it...lost 39 pounds in 40 days. GAINED it ALL back + 10 MORE! It is NOT good for your body. I promise.

    You are probably like me, & will blow this off. I had people beg me to not do it, however, I was bull headed & did it anyway! I found out the hard way...it's ONLY temporary. EVERY SINGLE person that I know who tried it... gained even more weight back. Legit.

    GET your MONEY BACK!

    Give your body what it truly needs...FUEL! Exercise! Do it the right way.

    Good luck.
    The one thing the OP will not be able to say is that she was not warned.....
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I have a friend who did HCG and an 800 calorie diet and lost 100 lbs and has kept it off for almost 2 years now. So it can be done.
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member
    500 cal diet + HCG = 500 cal diet + wearing bunny slippers

    You may lose weight eating 500 cals a day, but it has nothing to do with the HCG. And 500 cals a day is a bad idea in and of itself, as many have already stated.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    the hcg has NOTHING to do with you losing weight while on this diet, it's the 500 calories a day - and that's a huge problem. You will gain weight back as soon as you start eating regular again. Just eat healthy and lose weight the RIGHT way.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I did HCG for 21 days when i began this weight loss journey. I read about it a lot and saw that it practically guaranteed big loss within just a few weeks so I tried it - I had to see movement on the scale to help me stay motivated and on the right track. So, 21 days and 18 fewer pounds later, I moved to the TDEE method and steadily lost over 2 years.

    It worked to motivate me... but eating below BMR for an extended period of time will stall your weight loss and potentially damage your body's ability to function properly. I do not recommend doing HCG for more than the recommended 3 weeks (I guess they have a 6 week program too, but I only did 3). It is not designed to be a way of lilfe - but a quick answer or a quick start to more permanent weight loss.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    EVERY SINGLE person I know, or have came across online that has done HCG has gained it all back and then some, within a year after. I actually know hundreds who have gained it back. IT'S A DUMB IDEA !

    Lose weight the right way, by eating at a moderate deficit and becoming more active than you are now. Make permanent lifestyle changes, not temporary quick fixes.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Just the latest version of snake oil.

    You'll probably lose weight in the short term. You can just take in 500 calories and do the same thing and save your money. In neither case is it healthy, nor about fitness, nor does it have anything to do with the intent of this site which is to encourage healthy attitudes and behaviors about food that are sustainable and enjoyable, and to promote a fit lifestyle.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Hi All,

    I just bought a bottle of HCG and green tea packets from a very persuasive young girl working at a Kiosk at the mall. I have a friend who is currently taking the HCG injections and she loves it. I just bought the pills but i'm a little weary to start. I'm not sure if i'll be able to handle the strict 500 calorie diet plan and I still can't understand how restricting your calorie consumption that drastically can be safe? Can anyone give me the 411? Also, i'm a full time college student with 2 jobs, one of which i'm up all night. Does anyone have any pointers on how they keep up with the 500 calorie diet if they are never at home to prepare their meals? Thanks...

    Also, Is anyone planning on starting soon? I would love to start a support and motivation thread on this?

    Thanks Friends!!

    The pills are fake. The only way to get real HCG is with a prescription from a dr. Even then, you might lose weight, but you put your social life on hold for 6 weeks, can't exercise, and will most likely gain the weight back like everyone else that I have known. Including me. Not to mention the potential damage to your body.

    Only the real HCG hormone will keep your metabolism from tanking, and if you do use the real hormone, it can possibly to some weird stuff to your hormone balance. And makes you very fertile. Drs use HCG for fertility treatments.

    Best advice is to count calories, work out, and keep doing it every day. Trust me, it works better in the long run.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    the hcg has NOTHING to do with you losing weight while on this diet, it's the 500 calories a day - and that's a huge problem. You will gain weight back as soon as you start eating regular again. Just eat healthy and lose weight the RIGHT way.

    Actually if you use the REAL HCG from a doctor, it does have a lot to do with it. Normally, if you restrict to 500 cals, your metabolism will slow down, but when you are pregnant, your body will protect your baby and make sure it gets the nourishment that it needs, so if you don't eat, then your body will break down your fat stores to feed your 'fake baby'.

    The science behind it is why I tried it, and it did work for the first 6 weeks, but you have to be 100% perfect on the diet. You are in Ketosis and must stay in it the whole time. But afterwards it is hard to return to normal eating without gaining at least some if not all back. I kept 20 pounds off for a year, then life happened and I gained it back, plus some more over the next year.

    But even tho it was successful for me, I didn't learn any lifelong habits, like logging food and exercise, so I did gain it back.
    I have heard some horror stories of some women have over-stimulation of the ovaries, unplanned pregnancies, and other hormonal issues.
    You also can't exercise while you are on it, or you will be too hungry and weak.

    Sounds good in theory, but in real life, not the best way to go. I have relost the weight I gained since then, eating normally and exercising, and am much happier for the result.

    I just realized this was a 2 year old thread. DERP! Nevermind!
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