Chinese Buffet

When was last time you visited a Chinese buffet? I did, today. Every time when I go there, I feel that I have to get my money worth, lol. And you can imagine what happened from there . . . I feel bad I ate too much. But I will feel worse if I didn't get my money worth. lol UM NUM NUM.:drinker:


  • 34blast
    34blast Posts: 166 Member
    I avoid all buffets when possible now because I'm the same way. I feel I have to get my moneys worth and eat too much. If you went with a group, you could try being good and just eating a small portion.
  • Jagreene62
    Jagreene62 Posts: 4,782 Member
    I avoid all buffets when possible now because I'm the same way. I feel I have to get my moneys worth and eat too much. If you went with a group, you could try being good and just eating a small portion.

    Totally agree....However, you could always go to the buffet (if going with a group) and order off the menu (if that's an option). Just a suggestion. :blushing:
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    The last time I was at a Chinese buffet was in February and I can say I got my money's worth from Chinese donuts alone!!! hahaha, I went to a pizza buffet in August and definitely got my fair share of food. It was oh so bad but oh so delicious :love:

    I try not to go to buffets often, but once and awhile is fine by me
  • tdecel
    tdecel Posts: 48 Member
    I used to go all the time when my son (now in college) was in high school. It was actually very easy for me. First plate go for the sushi but leave the rice on the plate. Second plate nothing but fresh seafood: Mussels, clams, oysters. Add a plate of raw vegetables from the salad bar. Third plate a bit of crab and maybe some shrimp. By then my son would have had about 27 items on his plate. Just seeing him eat all that (and he is as skinny as a stick) was enough to want me want to stop. We definitely got our moneys worth.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    There's a beautiful yet inexpensive one barely a mile from my house. I went for lunch once last month and probably repeat this month. I drank 24 oz of water right before I left the house and downed 2-3 tall glasses while eating. I mentally planned for 3 plates (1 sushi, 1 hot bar, and 1 grill) but was pleasantly surprised to be full after 2. Before I started my journal, I would've eaten 3 plates of grill alone and probably would've ended after 6-7!
    I changed my buffet mindset away from "getting my money's worth" to "getting a delicious variety", especially since it costs the same or less than a casual sit-down restaurant anyway. Lunch at this buffet is $7 (b4 tax/tip) versus my usual $8-10 lunch entree at Chili's/Applebee's/etc.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    I love buffets. I would love to be able to go to them more often. I am at the point where I know I can go in and fill up on the "healthier" options while still enjoying some of the more "fun" foods. Now to me getting my money's worth is about enjoying a variety in the proportions I prefer, not shoving it all down my throat because I've gotta get $50 worth of food in me for the $10 I spent. That didn't used to be the case though.

    The last time I went to a Chinese buffet was just a few days after I started working on eating back just over 3 weeks ago or so. I made those mostly better choices and I could feel the difference.

    I know I control my own actions and am capable of making good choices, so going to a buffet itself doesn't scare me. I think anyone who sticks it out and believes in themselves can develop that same attitude.

    However the problem for me, and the reason why I don't go to buffets anymore, is because I haven't figured out how to log it in MFP. I insist on logging everything now. If family is cooking I am not eating it if I don't get to weigh and measure all the ingredients and see the packaging for myself so I can log it accurately.

    But I tell you this my friend.... if I can figure out a reasonably accurate way to log in buffet plates on MFP, then I will be spending a whole lot of time at my nearest Chinese Buffet... and Golden Corral!!!!
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    We seldom go to buffets anymore. My husband and I use be able to pack away 5 or 6 trips to the buffet. Now we are lucky if we can make it back the second time. We kid each other saying we can't eat as much as we use to in our old age, LOL. I don't think of it as eating my money's worth cos no matter where you eat out, your gonna pay 8.95 to 10.95 per person.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I ate at one just two nights ago. The only thing I don't like about places like that is that I can't easily log what I eat. Other than that I know that planning for a big meal, then choosing things that aren't obviously calorie-dense and only eating until I'm full will keep me within my caloric budget.
  • danapenguin
    we go about once a week. there is an amazing one within walking distance of my apartment and its cheap too. I never get anything off the the hot bar though. I get a salad or some sushi and then have the habachi chef make me some chicken and rice with some broccoli mixed in.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    This is exactly what got me in trouble in the first place. It was a couple times a week. Now, I go about once a month, no fried foods, I can only eat about 1/2 the amount I use to eat. I do more Mongolian BBQ with only lean meats (no pork) and seafood, and tons of veggies. No carbs or heavy on sauces. It is still far from healthy, but with some calorie planning, it can be guilt free.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    last time was our anniversary I think, we took the kids and one moaned the whole time and one slept the whole time so wasnt too bad! I love the lemon chicken and cakes ours has. We arent going again til valentines day which I should be at goal (long term goal is 126-130lbs) and happier with having treats. I dont want to go before then as Il go crazy and feel bad for affecting my loss for that week. However last time I went I lost 2lbs so it can be a good thing lol
    For my partners birthday we are going to a pub and having a nice meal, healthy option for me though
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    . The only thing I don't like about places like that is that I can't easily log what I eat.

    I write down everything i eat at the buffet on a napkin. Keeping track is good to keep you from overeating. I/e "i've already had about a cup of rice, better not get another scoop", works for me. Keeps me accountable and knowing i have to track it on mfp later keeps me honest!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Over a year ago before I started MFP I miss it but now I just order a meal and get one meal there plus take home food at the same price. Plus it's harder to go crazy with the food.
  • Scarlet_Moon
    Scarlet_Moon Posts: 8 Member
    I used to go there every week. I would always have a huge plateful of their green beans which are delicious, some meat, and some fruit and I always felt like I didn't have a bad meal. I tried to stay away from the deserts. Those are my downfall.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I love the Chinese buffet down the street from me! I go there and get it To Go. I fill up one or two of their styrofoam boxes and take it home to feed the whole family! lol
    I guess you just have to have the mind set that an all you can eat buffet is NOT a personal challenge. Eat like you would if you were at home. Watch your portion sizes and don't over do it.
  • Elpaw4mbv
    Elpaw4mbv Posts: 43 Member
    We go once a month to a wonderful one near the house. I limit myself to 2 visits and "must not have food piled on top of each other unless it's raw veggies or a salad" rule. Then for estimating portions, I use the palm of my hand for meat to estimate 3oz, my thumb for an oz, and my balled up fist for a cup. Most of the food options are listed - its just the portion sizes that are tricky. Am I estimating accurately? No but its in the ballpark and if in doubt, I will check several of the MFP entries for that item and take the mid range calorie listing.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Went to one last weekend. I guess I'm in the minority...I think they're all pretty gross. Even the "nice" one we went to Saturday. Near everything just tastes cheap and crappy to me. I fill my plate, take a bite of each thing, it's gross, then I make a salad.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    . The only thing I don't like about places like that is that I can't easily log what I eat.

    I write down everything i eat at the buffet on a napkin. Keeping track is good to keep you from overeating. I/e "i've already had about a cup of rice, better not get another scoop", works for me. Keeps me accountable and knowing i have to track it on mfp later keeps me honest!
    For me it's not a problem remembering what I ate, it's just that each recipe from place to place can vary so greatly. As most of the items in the MFP database are user-contributed, they aren't all that accurate to begin with. Trying to calculate intake based on eyeball measurements and those inaccurate database entries just doesn't cut it for me. I do try to (over)estimate... but again, it's not easy. It won't stop me from enjoying that treat occasionally, though :)
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    My Mom got me sick of Chinese buffets, she used to make me go like once or twice a week EVERY week with her, it's been like 8 years since that and I still cringe when someone says we should do Chinese lol.... Usually at the buffets I stock up on shrimp and crab legs though... maybe a bit of white rice with sugar or boneless ribs but mostly I go for the cheap mass amounts of shrimp lol
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    When was last time you visited a Chinese buffet? I did, today. Every time when I go there, I feel that I have to get my money worth, lol. And you can imagine what happened from there . . . I feel bad I ate too much. But I will feel worse if I didn't get my money worth. lol UM NUM NUM.:drinker:

    Some of the worst quality food imaginable is found in those buffets. It doesn't even taste all that good.

    I just don't do them anymore, I find they are not worth the money or the calories.