So I start again tomorrow

bow9 Posts: 1 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I have decided after seeing 200lbs on the scales and none of my clothes fitting something has to be done again.
I have had success before on weight watchers but after 2 years the weights gone back on. I can't Afford weight watchers this time but really benefited from the support so hoping that this site will do the trick.

Anyone who has done the same weight watchers journey before got any advice from changing from points to calorie counting.



  • samolai
    samolai Posts: 8 Member
    I've never done WW myself, but I can tell you that calorie counting is very easy and basic. There are so many success stories here, and it's amazing how you much you'll realize you're eating after you start. Good luck, you can do it! :)
  • dawndovell
    dawndovell Posts: 48 Member
    Hey there! Did WW for the first part of this year and have transitioned into MFP. Calories is waaaaay easier than points. And the way you see earned calories from exercise is great too. Add me if you like!
    Good luck on your goals!
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I have not done Weight Watchers, but MFP works, I can testify to that!:drinker: Here's some great reads to get you started:
  • JDubIsShrinking
    JDubIsShrinking Posts: 207 Member
    I did WW in the past and had great success. Now, with counting calories, I find it easier.
    The only thing I will warn you of is this: get out of the WW mentality of "free" foods. You need to log those veggies and fruits!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I did WW in the past and had great success. Now, with counting calories, I find it easier.
    The only thing I will warn you of is this: get out of the WW mentality of "free" foods. You need to log those veggies and fruits!

    QFT. Log *everything*. Be honest (if you can't be honest with yourself, with whom can you be honest?). Also, beware of estimated calorie burns from exercise; MFP and many other sites overestimate how many calories exercise actually requires.

    Also, remember that what you log, intake and output, are only estimates. If you set MFP to lose 1 lb. per week, and after a few weeks your actual loss is only 0.5 lbs., then you're taking in 1750 net calories per week more than you're logging. It could be underestimating intake or overestimating output (or a combination). Whatever the reason, though, you can adjust your settings appropriately.

    Finally, remember that every 5 lbs. or so you should go back to MFP's settings and update your fitness goals to reflect your new weight. MFP doesn't do it automatically, and the number of calories you need declines as your weight does.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Welcome. :smile:

    I have not done Weight Watchers, but I want to throw lost of encouragement your way!
  • heath7878
    heath7878 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I'm starting again tomorrow too! Again! I haven't done WW, done Scottish Slimmers in past with good results, but finding that hard to have the motivation to stick with now, so trying MFP! Still learning! Good luck!
  • I also stopped WW this past week due to the expense. I also feel like I am floundering a bit. I'm planning on using my measuring cups, and food scale and a good calorie counting guide. Good luck to you!
  • I did WW and actually prefer MFP. It is easier than counting points. The message boards are supportive, informative, and inspirational. I find the focus here is more of being healthy and fit and not just losing weight.
  • brown46545
    brown46545 Posts: 81 Member
    I've done both and MFP is free! It's basically the same thing, but MFP is easier because you don't need the points calculator. :-)

    I tried the new points plus program and didn't like it and didn't lose weight. I had always lost with WW in the past. Now i just count calories and I'm losing just fine.

    Good luck!
  • elle_321
    elle_321 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there, I have tried weight watchers a few times but usually end up giving up as soon as I lose focus. I just hate spending that money if I am not sticking to it. I have been on MFP for a while but due to my daughter being ill for the last 8 months I have not got into it properly. Finally my daughter is finishing chemo / radiation treatment this week and I intend on now spending some time on getting me healthy. I found the biggest problem with ww points was finding the correct points on new foods etc. I never seem to have that problem on MFP. It has a massive food list and I can always find the product I am looking for.
  • lizzy32
    lizzy32 Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck on your weight loss journey I myself have never used weight watches but join tops group for support and here as well . When i was on my game I lose about 35 pounds love my fitness pal and hope you do your self good luck happy losing :wink: you could add me as a friend if you wish :smile:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    ...but after 2 years the weights gone back on.

    Do you feel you have a handle on why?
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    The thing I found with weight watchers is that it became a game of eating whatever I wanted after weigh in and then working it off through the week. (talk about recipe for failure) Counting calories vs points is way easier, at least for me. Just make sure you log everything you eat or write it down and enter it in at night. This site makes it super easy. You'll do great! Stay positive.
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I've done the WW's too, many times ... heck I'm a life time member. Did it work? Yes. Did I keep it off? No. I'm not saying I'm going to do better here at keeping it off. I'm hoping to. I'm trying to adopt the idea that this isn't a change to just loose, but a change to have the weight gone ... for good. I like that this site is free, that I can log in whenever, and for the most part people are supportive ... The community is helpful. Be careful as you start adding people, there are some jerks as you will find in any community. Good luck and I wish you the best.
  • klschuchardt
    klschuchardt Posts: 10 Member
    The thing I found with weight watchers is that it became a game of eating whatever I wanted after weigh in and then working it off through the week. (talk about recipe for failure) Counting calories vs points is way easier, at least for me. Just make sure you log everything you eat or write it down and enter it in at night. This site makes it super easy. You'll do great! Stay positive.

    I found the same thing happened to me when I did WW. I weighed in on Fridays and found that if I did well, I ended up overindulging over the weekend and spent the rest of the week trying to make up for it instead of staying consistent throughout the week. Counting calories is definitely working better for me. WW is great but not for everyone. :) Good luck to you!
  • Hi, I have never done WW, but I am trying advocare and love it!!
  • Jules221
    Jules221 Posts: 69 Member
    I have started again today. I have done WW in the past and it does work; but like you, can't afford it right now. Counting calories really is not that bad and I love this site. Add me if you would like for encouragement.
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