About to Beat Down Menopause...Join Me!



  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Hello Ladies I think I am experiencing peri-menopause too! I suffer from hypothyroidism so weight loss or maintaining is a constant struggle.

    Last week I gained 6 lbs in 3 days eating 1200 to 1400 calories per day and exercising. My Dr. sent me for bloodwork to check my thyroid. I haven't had the hot flashes per se or the night sweats but I do get very hot to the touch when I sleep. My boyfriend says that my body is so hot that he has to move away from me!

    I am trying to embrace aging and gaining more experience in life and the more informed we are the easier I hope it will be.

    vickiewestbrooks - thank you for the name of the book I am going to pick it up and be prepared.

  • wanderinghorn
    me, too! I had an emergency hysterectomy at age 28--11 years ago and the weight would VERY slowly come off but just come right back on. Now that my last little shriveled up ovary is gone, the weight came on very quickly no matter what I was doing to stop it. I am on Armour Thyroid (so much better than synthroid) and it is coming off again extremely slowly. I lived in Korea for two years and none of the weight loss docs believed me that I didn't eat my weight in donuts and ho-hos. I am very active and exercise every day. This makes post me feel better, but I know I can lose it. It will be more difficult but it doesn't mean it can't happen, right?
  • supico1
    supico1 Posts: 34
    Hello Ladies I think I am experiencing peri-menopause too! I suffer from hypothyroidism so weight loss or maintaining is a constant struggle.

    Last week I gained 6 lbs in 3 days eating 1200 to 1400 calories per day and exercising. My Dr. sent me for bloodwork to check my thyroid. I haven't had the hot flashes per se or the night sweats but I do get very hot to the touch when I sleep. My boyfriend says that my body is so hot that he has to move away from me!

    I am trying to embrace aging and gaining more experience in life and the more informed we are the easier I hope it will be.

    vickiewestbrooks - thank you for the name of the book I am going to pick it up and be prepared.


    Yep, when you cut back on eating and you are exercising I knew I had a problem!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Thanks fo putting the amazon bug in my ear...I need a new strap for my HRM and if I spend just a tiny bit more I can get free shipping...so woo-hoo I'm off to check...

    It is so comforting to know that your not alone...I look forward to new ideas and getting to know you!!

    Hey Donna...great to see an old friend here!!!
  • rosef17
    rosef17 Posts: 89
    I am in menopause too - I got all my blood tested - I do BHRT, refuse to do pharmaceutical HRT - it definitely does a number on the energy level, at least it did for me. I finally have my blood levels all in line and got rid of my last few bad eating habits and am enjoying increased energy. Looking forward to getting these last 10 pounds off :smooched:
  • supico1
    supico1 Posts: 34
    I am in menopause too - I got all my blood tested - I do BHRT, refuse to do pharmaceutical HRT - it definitely does a number on the energy level, at least it did for me. I finally have my blood levels all in line and got rid of my last few bad eating habits and am enjoying increased energy. Looking forward to getting these last 10 pounds off :smooched:

    Hello There, I was wondering what BHRT is?
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    You can get your hormone levels tested, but that's up and down depending on the day, the month, etc... So that's no help in saying "yes you are definately going through peri-menapause". The only sure time is when your periods stop. But anyway, other than thyroid issues ruled out, we are stuck with slower bodies that want to hang on to pounds.
  • supico1
    supico1 Posts: 34
    Hey Debra, happy to see you here!

    Marla, that is scary!!! The doctors have no idea? I mean, come on! I know that our metabolism slows but that is ridiculous. :noway:

    I am 46 and for the last 5 years have slowly taken off about 60 pounds. Prior to that I was putting on 10 pounds a year. So the way I figure it, although 10# per year is slow...if I balance that with what I was gaining, it is really like avoiding 20# per year as I would now be 50 pounds heavier!!! Think about that for a bit!

    Admittedly, my body will never be the same nor are my goals the same as when I was 20. Sad:ohwell:

    thanks Vicki for the info!

    Let's go girls!! We can be stronger than menopause! :laugh:


    We Sure Can!!! Congrats on your weight loss!
  • rosef17
    rosef17 Posts: 89
    BHRT is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy - it uses compounded pharmaceuticals. It replaces your body with natural hormones rather than pharmaceuticals. Suzanne Somers has several books on it and they are very interesting - one is Ageless: The Naked Truth about Bioidentical Hormone Therapy. They are more doctors that do BHRT now then when I first started 5 years ago. My melatonin level was very low on my blood work - melatonin helps you sleep, but I was not having trouble sleeping so my doctor said do not take anything for that until you start having trouble. Well that hit in the last 2 weeks - sleeplessness. I went to GNC and got some melatonin and take it right before bed and now and I wake up very refreshed now and ready to start my day.
  • thinkthinjen
    Can I join you? I am 36 (37 in a week!) and had a hysterectomy 2 years ago. I have since gained nearly 20 lbs (and I wasn't exactly thin at the time of my surgery!) The hot flashes aren't frequent, but they are horrible when they happen. My chest area gets so red and hot...and it climbs up my neck, chin and face area. And then I immediately get the chills....so strange! Anyhow, I am trying to lose around 35 lbs. I want to have more energy to play with my 8 year old! My husband is very supportive, so that helps! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Rose, thanks for the info on Melatonin.

    b6jpick, My hot flashes are the same. It is visible that something is happening. My family all notices the color change and the fine mist of moisture. I also am freezing after. All of my friends and family have gotten used to seeing me peel a layer off and then 3 minutes later put the layer back on. I purposely purchased a few thin zip up hoodies. They are cute but not to heavy and easy to take on and off.

    One thing I have really noticed is that stress makes every symptom worse! When life is coasting, I only have a couple of hot flashes per week, but if things are crazy, then I can have up to 10 per day and the night ones are severe!!!

    Let's do this!! ROAR! :wink: :laugh:

  • tnfphelan
    I gained over 30lbs in the last two years. I go to the gym regular and can't lose a pound. If I do lose, it comes back immediately. It's starting to get harder and harder to go to the gym and not seeing any results. I never had a problem losing weight before but it just seems like nothing is working. I spent so much money on special diets, books, gym equipment and nothing seems to help. I have 6 children and they are starting to get married and I just want to feel and look good. The worse part is I smoke and I can't quit because the last time I did I gained a ton of weight, even though I wasn't eating anymore than I did before. Does anyone have any suggestions.
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I gained over 30lbs in the last two years. I go to the gym regular and can't lose a pound. If I do lose, it comes back immediately. It's starting to get harder and harder to go to the gym and not seeing any results. I never had a problem losing weight before but it just seems like nothing is working. I spent so much money on special diets, books, gym equipment and nothing seems to help. I have 6 children and they are starting to get married and I just want to feel and look good. The worse part is I smoke and I can't quit because the last time I did I gained a ton of weight, even though I wasn't eating anymore than I did before. Does anyone have any suggestions.

    If you have taken an honest look at yourself and all that you say is true it is time to visit your doctor and get some blood work done. You need to rule out a bunch of stuff, thyroid, sugar issues, etc.

    After that take a serious look at your diet. Eliminate processed foods, at least most of them. What we eat is as important (if not more so) than how much we eat. You may need to cut back on grains, many people do as they get older.

    As for smoking, talk to your doctor about this as well, it would be amazing for you to give it up! I suppose physiologically if the smoking accelerates your heart rate (not good) then smoking would increase your metabolism but not so significantly that you would gain a lot of weight. Is it possible that you were eating even a little bit more without fully realizing it? Remember, if all you add to your diet is one extra slice of bread and some butter you can gain a pound per month.

    Best of luck to you!!
