weight is Trolling me

I have lost weight using MFP and I got to the point where I feel like a regular person again, in the sense that I dont always feel restricted. What my issue is is the fact that scale weight can be a Troll. I mean, I drink a gallon of water each day along with coffee and a few diet sodas. As such, my scale weight is all over the place and when I try to get my weekly weight it's always different. I also did a cheat day and when people talk about glycogen stores and water weight surronding that, it makes my teeth chatter. Must I be dehydrated to get an accurate scale weight ?

no more cheat meals until my mini goal.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I have lost weight using MFP and I got to the point where I feel like a regular person again, in the sense that I dont always feel restricted. What my issue is is the fact that scale weight can be a Troll. I mean, I drink a gallon of water each day along with coffee and a few diet sodas. As such, my scale weight is all over the place and when I try to get my weekly weight it's always different. I also did a cheat day and when people talk about glycogen stores and water weight surronding that, it makes my teeth chatter. Must I be dehydrated to get an accurate scale weight ?

    no more cheat meals until my mini goal.

    no, you should be well hydrated to stop yourself retaining water weight...
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    wake up, go pee, get naked and weigh yourself. that should give you the most accurate weight.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Weigh yourself first thing in the morning naked after you pee it all out.
  • Animetuc
    I am starting to think that after the gym would be best for me since I sweat a whole bunch and that is before dinner which is my larger meal. Whats getting to me is that I started drinking a gallon of water to resolve my water weight problem and while I see a difference in the mirror, I am still "weighing the water".
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Why does it matter? Are you training to weigh in under a specific weight limit? Just focus on eating right and working out and ignore the obsession with the scale, focus on inches lost instead and you will be a much happier person.
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    solution: ditch the scale. it will never be as accurate as
    1) measurements
    2) the way clothes fit

    muscle weighs more than fat too- keep this in mind.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I am starting to think that after the gym would be best for me since I sweat a whole bunch and that is before dinner which is my larger meal. Whats getting to me is that I started drinking a gallon of water to resolve my water weight problem and while I see a difference in the mirror, I am still "weighing the water".
  • Animetuc
    The reason why I am focused on a number is because people with the physique that I am trying to achieve at my height are a certain weight. I hate the scale myself but MFP asks for it so I feel duty-bound to record my weight. When I see the fluctuations it makes me feel like giving up because I work too hard counting calories and lifting heavy and running in the gym for this.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The reason why I am focused on a number is because people with the physique that I am trying to achieve at my height are a certain weight. I hate the scale myself but MFP asks for it so I feel duty-bound to record my weight. When I see the fluctuations it makes me feel like giving up because I work too hard counting calories and lifting heavy and running in the gym for this.

    i think you should give up... stop counting and exercising all together... that'll really help!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously though, the problem with wanting to achieve someone elses physique is that you are not someone else, you are you... you may not have the muscle mass to achieve the same look as someone else, whether they are the same height or not. yes, aim for a bodyfat %, and an overall 'look' (amount of muscle deficitition etc) but you should be trying to be the best you that you can be, not trying to be like someone else!
  • Animetuc
    I understand what you're saying and your sarcasm is duly noted. There is no rule book to weight loss so sometimes I'm lost. I am not going to give up but it sucks. A lot of people say don't focus on scale weight but MFP asks for it and forum members proudly display how many pounds lost in their signatures. Everything is too confusing.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I understand what you're saying and your sarcasm is duly noted. There is no rule book to weight loss so sometimes I'm lost. I am not going to give up but it sucks. A lot of people say don't focus on scale weight but MFP asks for it and forum members proudly display how many pounds lost in their signatures. Everything is too confusing.

    I dont weigh myself, i havent for ages, i go by my clothes and the mirror. i am just trying to lose a little bodyfat (and some holiday podge from the last 2 weeks!!)

    MFP doesnt MAKE you log a weight... and who cares what anyone else is doing anyway?!
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Makes no difference when you choose to weigh just try to weigh under the same conditions every time - or weigh daily and record the average. Either way if you are obsessing over the numbers it's probably better that you step away from the scale for a while. Your weight will fluctuate (mine fluctuates almost 5 lbs between high and low daily) you need to learn to accept that as normal and don't let it bother you. Choose a method and stick with it - just like anything else.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,300 Member
    I hear what the OP is saying. This week I didn't lose any weight either. But, I know I'm smaller because my new blouse can button this week..and couldn't last week. It is absolutely that I have water weight gain. I'm just forcused on lowering my sodium intake this week so the scale moves down. Seems like once it moves down..ti stays there..and I work work work..to make it scoot down again..with weeks where there are no losses..but at least no gains. It is just the way it is...
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think for sanities sake, and to be the most consistent, you need to pick one day a week to weigh yourself, and it should be in the morning after you go to the bathroom. Weighing yourself after your workout is really just giving you a false number because the amount you are going to be sweating out is going to be different everytime.