Hi foks

I thought that for once I'm gonna concentrate on myself and get off my bum. I've been stuck in the house for that long because of an injury I never really looked at the weight I was putting on. I'm so glad that I found "my fitness pal". this time I'm really syched and feel that I'm gonna reach that goal.

I'd love to hear from like minded people to give a bit of encouragement back and forth. Good luck everyone.


  • CharmingPrincess93
    So glad that you're here! I'm a newbie at this MFP thing so I'm glad i'm not the only one. I think you've taken the first step to doing something great for yourself AND you have already accomplished one major thing..having a positive attitude about it!

    Way to go! Welcome again!
  • victorycross
    victorycross Posts: 5 Member
    definitely been there! after injuring my shoulder two years ago, I went into a slump and gained between 12 and 15 pounds.
    i was out of shape before, and rehab for the dislocation did not encourage me to get back into a routine.

    glad to hear you're on track, i'm happy to be there to help cheer you on. isn't mfp great?