What am I doing wrong!?!

I have been eating 1100-1400 cal a day and doing 30-60 mins of low impact aerobics plus 50 mins of Pilates 6 days a week. I also have a fitbit zip and am clocking 1100 steps a day running around after my kids and cleaning the house. However I don't seem to be loosing much weight! Where am I going wrong? I've been keeping this regime for 3 weeks now with not huge results....


  • DebSue2013
    DebSue2013 Posts: 1 Member
    It sounds like you are doing everything right! A healthy weight loss is 1/2 pound/week. Be patient. You will lose if you are doing what you say
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Your ticker says you've lost over 6lbs.

    If that is correct, in 3 weeks, that's great progress, what is the issue?
  • bethannien
    bethannien Posts: 556 Member
    How much are you expecting to lose? It looks like you're doing great to me
  • Honestly, I think your calories are too low. Sounds like your body could be starving and storing fat. You may want to mix up your work-out routine and try some high intesity exercises like running, kickboxing, or cross training. This may confuse your body and take you off your plataeu.
  • ameliataylor92
    ameliataylor92 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm trying to loose 20kg. Is it normal to plateau this early? I lost 3kg in the first 3 weeks but nothing this week??? Never really took weightloss seriously until now I'm finished having children so I don't know what's normal.
  • I second xcellence1975. Not knowing how long ago you actually joined (it says Sept 2013, but was it at the first of the month or last week?), it looks like you have done well so far. You don't want to lose weight too quickly. Most doctors recommend .5 lb a week. (NOTE: I am no medical professional. I am just going off of what my doctors have said to me) I have been working on my weight loss for 4 months and got to 14 lbs. In my past experiences, and some others that I know, slow and steady is the way to go. You are not just losing weight, you are changing your lifestyle...making better food choices and exercising. Keep up the good work! You are doing wonderfully!!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Honestly, I think your calories are too low. Sounds like your body could be starving and storing fat

    No. That's now how it works.

    If you eat too few calories, you lose weight.

    OP, you are losing weight at a healthy rate. You probably need to be patient.
  • ameliataylor92
    ameliataylor92 Posts: 7 Member
    I started on sep 19.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    you're eating or netting a total of 1100-1300 calories? I got $20 on "not eating enough."
  • Really and truly, there is no normal when it comes to losing weight; everyone's body is different. Hormones could be playing a role in the plateau. It also could be water weight. Just keep doing what you are doing, and if after a couple of weeks you see no results, step up the workout. Also, if you are lifting weights, you might be gaining muscle, which is heavier than fat.
  • ameliataylor92
    ameliataylor92 Posts: 7 Member
    Umm no I'm eating a total of 1100-1400 cal before exercise, so it comes in at 500-800cal net.... Should I be eating more? However I'm only eating about 600cal during the day then another about 600cal for dinner is that ok?
  • Also, eat back the calories that you lose when you workout. Your body still needs the fuel. I don't eat back all of the ones I burn, but I aim for eating at least 80% of my burned calories.
  • Honilocs
    Honilocs Posts: 1 Member
    Are you drinking your water? Also you might neeed to hit the weights...helps to burn up the fat stores faster...and up your calories a bit.
  • Honestly, I think your calories are too low. Sounds like your body could be starving and storing fat

    No. That's now how it works.

    If you eat too few calories, you lose weight.

    OP, you are losing weight at a healthy rate. You probably need to be patient.

    NO...your body will go into starvation mode and store fat, which will not go away easily.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. you can do everything right and lose nothing one week and then lose a pound the next week. watch the average of your weight over the next 4-6 months. be patient. :)

    Also, just curious, are you eating at least your BMR? I know that if I eat under that, I feel very deprived and ready to binge the next day.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Maybe you are doing nothing wrong. I was in the same boat .. my weight just was not coming off. So I was wondering what I was doing wrong ? Well as it turned out ... nothing was wrong.

    I started going to the gym about the time when the weight stopped coming off .. that is not a coincidence. I was probably losing body fat and gaining muscle and my weight was staying the same, even though I was eating at a deficit.

    So I measured myself .. and I have lost an inch off my midsection (where most of my fat is) .. and I did it in 8 days.

    So .. no weight loss on the scale, but I am beyond excited knowing that my body fat is going away.

    I would track your measurements .. cause you could be making progress, just not seeing it on the scale.

    I am not freaking out over not losing weight ... as I will take an inch over a pound any day of the week.

    - Kevin -
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Honestly, I think your calories are too low. Sounds like your body could be starving and storing fat

    No. That's now how it works.

    If you eat too few calories, you lose weight.

    OP, you are losing weight at a healthy rate. You probably need to be patient.

    NO...your body will go into starvation mode and store fat, which will not go away easily.

    Not exactly. If you eat too little, your body will lose fat AND muscle. Your total fat will not increase if you eat at a deficit, but your BF% will likely rise.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    How do you know you lost nothing this week?

    Seriously, how?

    Every day you eat and drink several pounds of food and water. Depending on a number of factors, you eliminate several pounds of solid and liquid wastes. One NASA study concluded that the average person (or maybe average astronaut candidate) took in 13.5 pounds of food, water, and oxygen each day, and eliminated the same amount of solid waste, water, and carbon dioxide. The thing is, those are averages. Some days you take in more than you eliminate; other days, the opposite. Water is usually the main thing that's not in balance. If I have a salty restaurant meal, I will weigh more the next morning than the previous morning, because that salt encourages my tissues to retain water. I can run a calorie deficit, but the scale will have a bigger number.

    The same thing happens on a week-to-week basis.

    Unless you have problems with daily weigh-ins, the best way to handle this is to weigh yourself daily (at the same time, ideally in the morning after getting up and going to the bathroom), then calculating the exponentially smoothed, weighted average of your weights. All this is explained in John Walker's free ebook "The Hacker's Diet" (http://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/e4/); see the chapter on "Signal and Noise." As long as your morning weights, or most of them, are below the average, you're losing weight, even if one morning you weigh 2 lbs. more than the previous morning. The trend is far more important than the daily weights.

    Weighing once a week doesn't help, really. Let's say that in week 3, your weekly weigh-in is low for some reason--you ate less salt for a few days than usual, you got dehydrated, whatever--and then you make up that water deficit, and maybe have a bit more salt, the couple days before your next weigh-in. Bingo, it looks like you've gained weight, even though it's just a fluctuation. I record my weight daily in a spreadsheet, but only once a week on MFP. I've had what look like 3-week plateaus on MFP, even though my spreadsheet shows that my weight is almost constantly trending down.

    Tl;dr: you're probably not doing anything wrong, but daily fluctuations in water weight are overwhelming your small weekly loss in body fat.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear. Just because you didn't lose for one week doesn't mean you're doing something wrong.
  • Umm no I'm eating a total of 1100-1400 cal before exercise, so it comes in at 500-800cal net.... Should I be eating more? However I'm only eating about 600cal during the day then another about 600cal for dinner is that ok?

    I would eat more than that. I net about 2000 cals a day. Of course, it all depends on how much you weight, and how tall you are too. And how much you work out. Whatever goal you have set, look at your goal calories for the day. Even if you eat all the calories, you will lose weight. That's why there is a goal in calories. Of course it's great to be under, but don't get too far under. That's when your body will go into starvation mode.