October Cycling Challenge 2013



  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    10/1: 25
    10/2: 15
    10/3: 15
    10/4: 25
    10/5: 15

    month to date: 95 miles

    My legs are feeling dead this week, so I skipped the long ride I had planned for this weekend and planned some relaxing, non-cycling activities instead :-)

    Keep it the good work, everyone!
    Nice one :) I was going to go for a ride over the weekend, and possibly a swim but decided to hack the garden to pieces and realised that the clearing up was going to take longer than expected. Doh!
  • Ventjoran
    Hi all,

    [Never tried joining groups / boards etc.... I find it a bit hard to be 'consistent' with my posting, but thought I'd give this a try as I simply loooove cycling, but somehow don't cycle as much as I would like to (and know I should!) - I think maybe if I update here I may feel a bit more determined - let's see... ]

    So, for this month, I will not set myself a challenge in terms of miles (actually, I speak in kilometers - the numbers go up quicker lol!) but will keep a record of what I have done, so that my challenge next month will be to improve on this. I've been dreaming for too long to ride London to Whitstable (about 100 km, along the river Thames) but so far have never been consistent enough to 'train' for it - encouragements welcome

    Sor far this month:
    Sat 5th.: 20 km
    Sund 6th: 15 km
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    Oct 5th 64 Miles
    Oct 6th 16

    MTD 80
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I made it out for 16 miles this morning. It was my first ride in almost a month.
  • TessWhisper
    First 30 mins cycling of the day= 4.25 miles
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    10/1 - 4 miles.
    10/2 - 0
    10/3 - 5 miles.
    10/4 - 0
    10/5 - 6 miles.
    10/6 - 0
    10/7 - 5.6 miles.

    MTD = 20.6 miles.
    Goal = 90 miles.
    Remaining = 69.4
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    I made it out for 16 miles this morning. It was my first ride in almost a month.

    Congrats on getting out and riding!
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    sajeffe -- that's a nice progression. Keep adding some distance until you need to plateau for a while, then shock your body by adding a few miles. Add some intensity every now & then too. Maybe ride fewer miles but at a faster speed. Your body will respond to the added work load by burning off more fat.

    Thanks for that. I'm disabled by illness so I have to respect my limits as limits. Last month is the first month I missed my goal. Over the months, I've gotten my longest ride up to 10.1 miles but I "crashed" after that so I keep my rides at less than 7 miles. I would love to ride distances like everyone else, but my health won't allow it. Increasing the intensity is also something I've tried before and again, I have to respect my limits. I met my weight goals a few months ago, so that's not an issue.

    Again, I love your advice. I just can't really do it. Though I have noticed this past week that riding every other day instead of every day feels better. I'm not quite as fatigued. Could be a fluke though. Ebbs and flows.

    Also, since I began riding in April, I've developed chronic tendonitis in my hips. Anybody else have that problem (or solutions)?
  • cycling2live
    I've been dreaming for too long to ride London to Whitstable (about 100 km, along the river Thames) but so far have never been consistent enough to 'train' for it - encouragements welcome

    Sor far this month:
    Sat 5th.: 20 km
    Sund 6th: 15 km

    London to Whistable ...it just sounds fantastic!!! Here in the Colonies <grin> we call a 100km ride a "metric century" and it's a very popular distance for many organized rides. It does take some commitment to train up for it There are 2 books on the market that I like for training routines: "The Time Crunched Cyclist" by Chris Charmichael and "The Cyclist's Training Bible" by Joe Friel. Check them out on Amazon.com or maybe at your local bike shop. Charmicheal's programs require no more than 6 hours per week but they have a lot of high intensity routines. Good stuff.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Hi all. I'm really happy that I scanned the boards and found this topic. I'm Cycling2Live to control my blood sugar levels. Yep, I'm living with Type 2 diabetes and cycling has been a big part of my lifestyle to get the bgl's under control. Not to mentions losing 60 pounds of fat.

    Yesterday I completed the Tour of Richmond (Virginia, USA) Grand Fondo. 106 miles of cycling bliss. It was a tough ride because of the unusually warm weather here but I shaved almost 30 minutes off my century PR so I consider it a success.

    I'll be posting here but I also would like to invite y'all to "like" my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/cycling2live. I don't sell anything, it's just a way how I can share experiences with other cyclists.

    Ride SAFE

    I was going to enter that but didn't have the $$$... Having forgot about the Tour, I took a ride on Saturday and stumbled into part of the Tour's course very close to the end. Maybe within 10 miles of RIR. Funny. And man was it HOT!!!

    I still ended up riding 22 miles that day.

    10/01 - 06.25 @ 15.8 mph (AM)
    10/01 - 10.01 @ 15.8 mph (Noon)
    10/02 - 06.17 @ 16.9 mph (AM)
    10/03 - 06.20 @ 16.1 mph (AM)
    10/03 - 10.05 @ 16.2 mph (Noon)
    10/04 - 06.20 @ 16.1 mph (AM)
    10/04 - 10.04 @ 15.7 mph (Noon)
    10/05 - 22.10 @ 16.0 mph (Noon)
    10/06 - 14.06 @ 15.3 mph (Noon)
    10/07 - 10.47 @ 17.5 mph (PM)

    MTD - 101.54
  • linsdog
    linsdog Posts: 94 Member
    4 Activities
    76.04 mi
    4:51:44 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    1,604 ft
    Avg Speed:
    15.6 mph
    Avg HR:
    147 bpm
    Avg Bike Cadence:
    86 rpm
    3,239 C
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Anyone else doing the Great River Ride out of Westfield, Massachusetts, next Sunday? If so, send me a personal message, and maybe we can meet up during or after the ride. (I'm doing the 170K RUSA populaire, but there are 85-mile, 65-mile, and 35-mile options for those who aren't as daft as me.)
  • stu1102
    stu1102 Posts: 129 Member
    Oct 5th 64 Miles
    Oct 6th 16 Miles Commuting
    Oct 7th 16 Commuting

    MTD 96
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    10/01 - 8.08 miles
    10/02 - 9.32 miles
    10/03 - 8.31 miles
    10/04 - Rest day
    10/05 - 12.0 miles
    10/06 - 7.0 miles
    10/07 - 7.0 miles

    MTD - 51.71 miles
    Goal - 200 miles
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    1st Oct - 22.35 miles
    3nd Oct - 13.25 miles
    7th Oct - 17.75 miles "record pace Pace 14mph (SW wind 7mph)"

    Total October: 53.35 miles
    Target: 250 miles
    Remaining: 196.65 miles

    September Miles: 230 Cycle

    Any bikers in Omaha area? Midwest wind blows =)
  • ChrisM32205
    ChrisM32205 Posts: 218 Member
    Anyone else notice the Garmin Connect estimated calories burned is too high?

    Given my area, (Florida) I usually estimate 25 cal per mile, however Garmin always gives me about 50 cal/mile. My height and weight is set in the Garmin profile.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Broken rear spoke. Grrr! :mad:

    I shouldn't be mad though cuz it had to have happened going about 25mph and slipping onto the shoulder of the road. I am lucky to have hung on and get back on the pavement. Had I crashed, it would have been really, really bad.

    Wheel is at the LBS now, should be ready by the end of the day so I can pedal back home. $15-20 repair the guy said. Seems fair.
  • Ventjoran
    "The Time Crunched Cyclist" by Chris Charmichael and "The Cyclist's Training Bible" by Joe Friel.

    Thank you for the suggestions cycle2live, the Friel book is actually available at my public library, woohoo.... :-)

    And congrats on all your achievements, 106 miles... and the '60lbs of fat'!!! I'm still far away from similar milestones, but one day, who knows, might even join a group ride (far too slow for now lol!)
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    17 MILES
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    10/3: 4 miles
    10/4 7 miles
    10/5 11 miles (3 miles in AM 8 miles in PM)
    10/6 12 miles (does it count that about three of those miles were spent pushing my bike up hills???)
    10/7 0 miles (rain and wind)
    10/8 15 miles

    MTD 48 miles

    GOAL: 300 miles and to work up be able to ride 20 miles continuously.