Calorie Deficit - Seems to be a hot but confusing topic.



  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Maybe people are jealous that you feel full on less than 1200..... Honestly I am a little bit too :smile:

    Most anorexics feel not at all hungry on 600 calories (total) or less a's because they have broken the mechanism that controls hunger cues and hormones. So, don't be jealous.

    I didn't know that - that's really interesting! I just assumed they rode through the pain and forced themselves to ignore it. I was confused as to how they built up the willpower to avoid eating for days at a time. It makes more sense now.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh hai guise!!!!

    This again!!!!

    hai buddy!!!! haven't I seen you in here before...? bahahahahahaha
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I did not see people getting angry or attacking you. What I did see was a handful of blunt answers and people offering some information why you are doing it wrong. I can guarantee the people who have seen success are not jealous that you feel full on less than 1200 calories. Read the link provided earlier in the thread and read all of the links in it.

    Ok, so maybe they weren't intended to be rude or aggressive, but without body language and facial expression things you can say IRL come across completely differently on the internet: e.g. the "Weight loss fairy" comment might sound ok in the right tone of voice with a smile to someone you know well, but comes across as rather unpleasant in a typed message to a stranger.
  • mayflowermn
    mayflowermn Posts: 52 Member

    "How long do you use the gazelle for?"

    90 to 120 minutes per day. I usually go for an hour at a time twice a day.

    When I first started with the Gazelle, I was gaining muscle but burning fat.

    I took a look at your diary....

    You may be burning fat but with the lack of protein in your diet, you'd be hard pressed to be gaining any muscle. I get more protein in one meal than you do all day!
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Summary: I think you need to reevaluate why you can't eat more than 1100 calories total. What are you eating? Are you logging everything? (even a cup of tea with milk is 12 calories).

    Eat cookies and ice cream if you're stuggling! I know they're not "clean", but if you're getting enough vits elsewhere, they are a yummy way of upping your calories and rewarding yourself for doing so well :-)

    I am logging every bite, every drink. I don't really drink anything but water and protein drinks. I haven't had soda in years, I hate the crap.

    Seriously?! Cookies and ice cream to up my intake and still lose weight?! Now you're talking!! :wink:

    And thank you so much for constructive advice!

    My diary is open if you want to look. I have Haribo & chocolate as treats if I have the calories spare. If you want to eat clean then peanut butter, advocado and nuts are all high calorie foods that are easy to eat small amounts of to top up your calories. If you fancy a change from just water then a protein shake would add extra calories (I like strawberry falvour as its feels like I'm having a milkshake!).

    I'd also suggest adding some weights or resistance work as well as the cardio so you help maintain muscle mass whilst losing fat.

    These are things I've done that work for me and am losing steadily so far. Good luck :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I didn't know that - that's really interesting! I just assumed they rode through the pain and forced themselves to ignore it. I was confused as to how they built up the willpower to avoid eating for days at a time. It makes more sense now.

    a person is not anorexic because they have good willpower.... they have a mental disorder.
  • mrscool5
    All I'm gonna say is, if I ate like that I'd probably kill and eat somebody inside of a week. LOL
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    Hi OP!

    First of all, well done for starting MFP and don't worry about apparently rude comments. I have read through the entire thread, and yes, some come across as snarky, but there has been quite a lot of good advice. Don't take the snarky comments to heart and do keep sticking to MFP because it helped me get on track.

    A few things,

    1. I have taken a look at your diary, and I agree with many others that it may not be as 'clean' as you imagine it to be. Weight loss and healthy eating should go together, so diss some of the protein shakes and bars and substitute with smoothies, fresh fruit, vegetables, soups, etc. Plan to have your 5-a-day and hit the calorie limit. You can simply add a few salad leaves, a tomato and some cucumber to your sandwich. I know this is not about increasing calories, but eating fresh fruit and vegetables is as important.

    2. Cardio exercise does not build muscle. It burns fat and muscle (depending on your heart rate and type of cardio) to energize your body. Muscle is supposed to be faster to burn that fat, so if you are doing high intensity cardio for a long time, you will burn more muscle than fat as the body wont have enough time to burn fat to satisfy the calorie needs of exercise.

    3. You have said you combine some weight training with your cardio, which is good as this will help build muscle. You wont build new muscle like a body builder if you are eating on a deficit, but you will still make the muscle you've got bigger by adding some weight lifting. Also, you need to meet your protein requirements to build muscle.

    4. The initial gain that you experience when you first start exercising is water retention. As your muscles aren't used to exercise you will get little tears and damage in the muslces, and the repair process (which also causes soreness) retains water, which causes the initial weight gain. I used to be a gym freak and exercise and eat properly as a university student. Then I got a job and had to move out of London and away from my gym so I was sedentary (apart from walking at least 30 minutes to and from work every day) for nearly 2 years before I started exercising again 3-4 weeks ago. I gained nearly 1.5kg in the first week and by the second week all that weight just dropped. Happens to everybody. :)

    5. Hitting your calorie limit is important for the same reason. If you don't eat enough your body will burn muscle as well as fat to meet its calorie requirements. If you eat less consistently, the body will start to adapt to the low calorie level, i.e. it will slow down the rate at which it burns calories down (slow down your metabolism) and learn to live using fewer calories. If you damage your metabolism this way when you decide to eat more calories (say a 'normal' 1800kcals a day) you will start putting the weight back because the body no longer needs this many calories to survive. It has gotten used to surviving on much less.

    6. In the same way as the body gets used to surviving on less calories you will need to eat even less to lose more weight, and the vicious cycle will continue. This is why it is important to meet the calorie goal, even if it means eating ice cream or chocolates (as long as you are also eating healthy and meeting your nutrient requirements).

    I know this is a bit long, but I hope it answers all the questions you may have and hope it helps.

    Please feel free to correct me if I've got anything wrong. :) xx
  • candicelh79
    candicelh79 Posts: 42 Member
    I think the OP is using the caloric needs calculator on the site she quoted..I'm pretty sure it's highly inaccurate or else I'm using it wrong . It told me I need 233 calories per day.
  • mrscool5
    How'd you gain 50 lbs? Did the magical weight fairy kiss your forehead and bestow glitter and starshine calories upon you? Dude, that's totally how I got fat. It wasn't like I was hungry all the time, stress eating, or having hormone issues . . . it was magic!


    Awwww, hell. Can I at least say I'm under tall then??? :bigsmile:
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    MFP tells me I should eat 1350 calories. Honestly, I have a difficult time eating that much without getting sick or feeling like I'm ALWAYS eating!

    Then how did you become overweight?
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member

    It's only 2 weeks and 2lb is nothing - apart from anything else, if you're eating more, you'll be carrying more bulk in your digestive tract - it won't be fat. Give yourself a bit of time!
  • connie_messina
    connie_messina Posts: 495 Member
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    When I started logging I went into full 'diet mode'. I thought I'd set my goal to 1200 giving me a 1.5lb per week loss ... and not always eating back calories as sure it would be great to lose more. I have a vague recollection of posting or at least almost posting asking should I really be eating more because hey, I'm not hungry and my weightloss is going well. Took about 2 months to start gradually getting more and more hungry and for the weightloss to slow down. At this point, I read, read and read on here and realised that there was no way I wanted to drop my calorie limit as that would just be too impossible to stick with but there was a chance that if I upped my calories I could continue losing and feel better. I upped to 1400 and carried on losing at the new slower pace that I had on 1200...bonus! I then hit a serious plateau in Sept (maybe partly due to ill health and inactivity) and was feeling pretty low. I decided to try upping to 1600 (even though I was satisfied on 1400) which should give a 0.5lb per week loss. This just kick started my loss again don't think I was in 'starvation mode' by any means but I do think that I was feeling run down and the extra calories gave me the boost I need to be more active generally. Now I hardly feel like I'm on a diet at all. There are plenty of healthy high fat foods out there if you want to avoid junk food..I'm sure you've been given plenty of ideas like nuts, cream, cheese.

    I feel like a bit of an idiot now for the way I started this diet which has now progressed to a lifestyle change. I could have argued that I was doing it the right way and was very sceptical of people saying that they eat more and lose. I thought I was a special snowflake. The result was getting run down, not losing any more quickly in the long run and probably losing a lot more muscle mass than I really should have. I guess some of us just have to learn the hard way!
  • dswolverine
    dswolverine Posts: 246 Member
    i wish "making it" to 1350 calories was difficult for me. Crikey i'd have no problem scarfing down those calories before 11am haha. I keep it around 1550 to 1700, and that's with strict logging!
  • kkenney73
    kkenney73 Posts: 18 Member
    You should search for articles here on why you should never fall under 1200 calories net. You definitely are not eating enough. Your body is a furnace that needs fuel CONSTANTLY.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    eat more calorie dense food - full fat milk & dairy, higher calorie meat (beef/pork instead of chicken/turkey) higher calorie fish like salmon or tuna, peanut butter is always a winner, and in all honesty a bit of cake or icecream every so often wont do any harm!

    I see. My first reaction was to wrinkle my nose. I hate milk, haven't had it since I was a kid :laugh: The meat issue is a big one for me. I've been a vegetarian for 5 years, and have just started reintroducing meat into my diet in the last couple of months. I will shoot for more meats. I love salmon and tuna. Peanut butter is awesome, thank you.

    mmm... second person to recommend cake or ice cream. Just gotta remember to do those in moderation now. Before I would eat about half a cake (9x13 cake pan) and when I had ice cream, I made sure to dump a couple hands full of m&ms into it. Obviously not the intelligent thing to do :wink:

    You can have the M&Ms! Why not?

    Just weigh them, and have a few within your cals instead of a couple of handfuls and no idea how many calories you're eating.

    If you weigh these things, you'll learn - for example 10 sweets is # grams/oz = ## calories. I can afford them today/I can't afford them today, (unless I run to the end of the street and back.)
  • shellylb52
    shellylb52 Posts: 157 Member
    I did not see people getting angry or attacking you. What I did see was a handful of blunt answers and people offering some information why you are doing it wrong. I can guarantee the people who have seen success are not jealous that you feel full on less than 1200 calories. Read the link provided earlier in the thread and read all of the links in it.

    Ok, so maybe they weren't intended to be rude or aggressive, but without body language and facial expression things you can say IRL come across completely differently on the internet: e.g. the "Weight loss fairy" comment might sound ok in the right tone of voice with a smile to someone you know well, but comes across as rather unpleasant in a typed message to a stranger.

  • upscalelifedownscalebutt
    Maybe people are jealous that you feel full on less than 1200..... Honestly I am a little bit too :smile:

    Most anorexics feel not at all hungry on 600 calories (total) or less a's because they have broken the mechanism that controls hunger cues and hormones. So, don't be jealous.

    ^^^^This is bull****. Most anas are hungry all the time they just fight against it. It's a second by second battle against levels of ghrelin that would send the average person into an all consuming feeding frenzy. Yes, they learn to bypass their triggers, some of which are healthier than others, but so has the vast majority of the world for varying reasons.
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