Need Friends/Accountability Partners/30+ mom

Okay, so I need accountability partners/friends. A little about me: I'm 34, have 4 kids, work full time, have cheer/football practices for my kids 3 times a week, plus Saturday games. In addition to my 3 school age children I have a 7 month old. I feel like I have no time to work out, but I know I can find the time on nights that there are no practices, etc. Anyone else have all these obstacles too? Looking for people to help motivate each other and stay accountable every day! I need to lose at least 50 pounds, and I really would like to do that by June of next year, when I'm a maid of honor at a wedding. I have a fitbit that I use every day to count steps, stairs, etc, I'm logging food on myfitnesspal, I would like to start my Jillian Michaels Body Revolution that I've never completed, and I also have a treadmill at home. Anyways, that's what I'm working with :)


  • colleenreid4
    colleenreid4 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! You can friend me, if you like. I am a mother of one, work full-time (and I mean over and above full-time). What little time I have, I spend with my 3rd old son, since I barely see him during the week and then the weekends are all about spending as much time with him as possible. We are very strict on our schedule, so it leaves little room for flexibility. I am finding time to work out, after 10-12 hours at work, cleaning, cooking, prepping for the next day. So, that usually leaves me working out around 9pm. Worth it yes, but tough to muster up the energy, also yes. I am trying to get in shape so that I have less weight to lose if we decide to have a second.
    I am currently doing the JM 30 day shred, I am on day 8. I would like to do the JM Body Revolution after that, so let me know how that goes.
    Add me if you like. I will try and keep you motivated & accountable.
  • momofzkjj
    momofzkjj Posts: 45 Member
    Added you!! Thank you!!
  • bethannbest
    Hi. You can friend me also. I am 45, mother of three and grandmother of one. I work fulltime at a very high stress job. I joined a boot camp in my area and that has helped a lot.
  • WeepingAngel81
    WeepingAngel81 Posts: 2,232 Member
    Hello- You can add me as well.

    32, single mom. My kids are 4 and 8. I work full time and I am a Pampered Chef consultant. My daughter is in church choir and school choir as well as an active participant in Y youth sports. My son is just getting to the age where he can start participating and is now signed up for swim lessons. I go to the gym with my beast friend for zumba and I try to go a couple of other day depending on my kids and what they have going on. I also use youtube videos to work out from home when I can't make it to the gym.
  • TSnow188
    I'm with you guys on this one! I work full time and have a three year old. By the time I get home all I want to do is spend time with her. I do go to the gym three mornings a week at 5:30am (when I get to bed early) And I try to go to a kickboxing class tues and thurs evening at 7:15pm, its a crappy time for me, but the class is awesome. I could definetely use some accountability help with workouts and eating right.
  • klg1128
    klg1128 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me..any of you actually.. I need the support and motivation!!

    I'm 34 yr old mom of 4 beautiful girls.. I also work full time and have a pretty crazy schedule!!
  • momofzkjj
    momofzkjj Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you! I've added you all! I'm excited to have friends in the same boat as me! Yay!! Ready for some motivation!
  • Wroses86
    Wroses86 Posts: 6 Member
    You can friend me I also have a hectic schedule. I am 27 mom of four work full time and have a business I run outside of my day job which is baking cookies!! as if that makes loosing weight easier. plus kids extra activities!! I never have time to work out, but I really need someone (accountability partners)
  • timeforme2014
    timeforme2014 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi you can friend me! I am 33 year old mother of 4
  • kayde5056
    kayde5056 Posts: 11 Member
    You all can add me! I am a 32 year mom of 2 girls, and I have a stepson. I work full-time, and yes that often means minimum 10 hour days that start at 630AM. I know crazy schedules! I have just started to squeeze in workout time and find healthier ways to snack. Where do we find the energy???? :)
  • pzjd09
    pzjd09 Posts: 12
    Hello! Feel free to add me. I am 37 and I have a 2 year old daughter with boundless amounts of energy! I also work fulltime and married. It is definitely hard to fit in time to exercise but just like anything else, have to make it a priority. I currently am switching between Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and Fitnessblender workouts which I do at 4:30/4:45am! Not my favorite time to workout (lol) but I know I can get it in then. Sometimes I have to work late or life happens :).
  • rbruce804
    Hi, you can add me. I'm also a very busy 30+ mom with 3 children - ages 9, 6, and 15 months. Working full-time and with activities with the children, I could never find time for myself. The only time I get to is 8 ~4 when I'm at work so now I use my lunch breaks to go to the gym because honestly that's my only free time. I have at least 75lbs to lose so I'll be here for a while on this journey of weight loss and getting healthy!!
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    Hello!! Add me as well! I am 32, work full time, have 2 kids of my own ages 10 and 4 with a part time step daughter that is 11. My daughter is in cheer (almost over thank goodness!) and also in band and son (4 almost 5) is starting basketball as soon as cheer is over. I struggle to manage time and I also struggle to make good, healthy meals. I have a fitbit flex that I would be lost without, I run 6 days a week at 5am (only time I have, started running in June), and eat moderately low carb and at TDEE -20%.
  • lise_anne
    I added you, if you want to accept, I am currently doing a fitness challenge group outside of this website with some friends and co workers I logged 709 minutes of exercise for my challenge so far, I am 35 married and I have 3 kids 15, 8 and 4. I work full time and and have a son who just joined soccer and a daughter I take to Japanese lessons every tuesday, this is how I squeeze in my minutes:

    Morning I get to work 40 minutes early and do some walkling or bike riding and I have just starting training for a 5k run (with podrunner interval which is a free run training program online that you listen to on your ipod or phone) I will be doing this either in the morning or lunch time 3 times a week and cross training inbetween of course :)

    Lunch time daily I walk or bike briskly and again or train for a 5k run

    Tuesdays while I wait for my daughter in her class I go for a brisk walk or bike ride for that one hour (I always have my bike in my van by the way lol)

    Daily, before bed I do a workout video if i have time, I have walking aerobics, aerobics and yoga DVD's and I also want to get some strength training ones as well (they are super cheap at walmart)

    In the bathroom at work ;) shhh I do wall push ups about 30 each time, and squats about 15 each time and planted feet jumping jacks about 60 at a time, I don't do these all once sometimes I just take turns doing each one each time I go

    Weekends, this is how my first weekend went going hardcore:
    Saturday - Morning as soon as I woke up I heated up my workout room with a space heater and humidfier and did some at home morning hot yoga (15 Minutes) and right after I did a 1 hour walking aerobics video and the after noon I did a 30 minute aerobic video and in the evening I did 40 minutes of hot yoga and 20 minute walking aerobics with weights video

    Sunday - Morning I did my 15 minute hot yoga in my work out room and then a 65 minute walking aerobic video
    Evening I did the same video.

    This week my goal is to do 800 minutes of exercise.

    Good luck on your fitness journey :)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Another 30 something mom here! I work full time too and have the house to run. Oi vey, what a job!

    I'm down to motivate!
  • lilliann7877
    Hi ,

    I will add you and I am always looking for supportive weight loss buddies! my friends here really keep me going and that's why i love MFP. I am a 37 yr.old married mom of a 4 yr. old boy. My goal is to lose 20 lbs and to get in great shape and be a great role model for my son. I run 3-4 times a week and workout with kettle bells 3x a week. looking to try a new workout routine like slim in 6 , jillian michaels etc...
  • sinca21
    sinca21 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm here and sent a friend request! Open to more buddies too! I am 35, have two boys (3 and 9 months) and work full time. I'm still breastfeeding so my weight is coming off rather quickly so I'm trying to build better habits for once my breastfeeding days are over. I'm also in a weight loss competition at work. I set small goals so I'm just trying to get under 200 for now (11 more pounds to go!) and once I'm there I will reassess.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    3 kids here 8, 10, and 3 months old. I work full time, volunteer, boys are in sports, etc. I work out every day but I don't log food I just quick add calories so I'm not your girl if you're looking for food inspo, it's too time consuming to me! I'm not losing anymore just maintaining!
  • momofzkjj
    momofzkjj Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you all! I'm not feeling so alone here!! I think I added everyone, if not please feel free to add me!
  • momofzkjj
    momofzkjj Posts: 45 Member