Losing everywhere but...

I'm down 11 pounds so far and I can see a difference in my lower belly, my thighs, my waist...but it seems like the part of my belly right above my waist isn't losing at all--in fact, it feels jigglier than before. Are there any types of exercises or something I can do to firm this up or try to lose some inches here?


  • TheNewJessieMae
    I'm down 11 pounds so far and I can see a difference in my lower belly, my thighs, my waist...but it seems like the part of my belly right above my waist isn't losing at all--in fact, it feels jigglier than before. Are there any types of exercises or something I can do to firm this up or try to lose some inches here?

    If you find out, please let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I have the same problem. I have that little pudge that is taking longer than I wish it would. I definitely see a lot of decrease since I started exercise in June. I just wish it would go away faster. :(
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    Keep losing and it has to come off! My chest is still a D cup after losing almost 50 lbs and getting to the middle range of a healthy BMI. Some things take wayyy longer than others.
  • Reinee_0304
    iam the same way i dont know what to do about it . iam down 29 now but my belly just dont want to go away i keep telling it i dont like it any more lol hope you fine out let me too
  • mlowe
    mlowe Posts: 6 Member
    Crunches crunches crunches!!!! Do all sorts so it gets to all the stomach muscles!
  • sgtkj
    sgtkj Posts: 2
    Spot reducing is a long standing myth....Keep working off the punds and eventually this too will follow. The one thing I have found most effective (and I know it's tremendously boring) is old fashioned stomach crunches. If you improve the tone of the muscle tissue underneath, you will notice a lift and eventual reduction in the waist. Congratulations on the progress! Keeping count and keeping honest with myself is the one thing that seems effective for me.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    that's what i was told too, there are three different parts of your abs that should be worked...upper, middle and lower...google some excercises on the internet and see what kinds of core muscle excercises you can do...i do crunches on the excercise ball, lower back lifts, and i make sure every time i lift a weight i'm squeezing the target muscle and my abs (sucking your gut in on a regular basis also helps you define your ab muscles lol)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Yep, I'm still stuck with the poofy part right above my belly button that likes to hang out over too-tight jeans.Trust me, it will start to go away, I've noticed mine shrinking over the past few months. But I know I still have around 20 lbs to lose and eventually it will flatten out. Until then, i just have to keep doing what I'm doing. I'm strength training, but no amount of muscle beneath the fat will do anything until I lose the weight and the fat in that area goes away on it own. Spot reducing is completely a myth, short of surgery.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Here is a good read:

    Spot toning is a myth made up by some in the fitness world to suck money out of people's pockets. Remember the Thighmaster?

    The bottom line is, doing 1000 ab exercises a day will not help you reduce fat in your abdominal area. It will only give you stronger muscles underneath a layer of fat.

    Exercises can target certain muscles, but in order to reduce the fat over those muscle groups you need to lose weight.

    Unfortunately, genetics, not exercise, determines how the fat in our bodies are distributed and where it is gained and lost.

    Some people are considered pear shaped, and therefore more easily deposit fat in their hips and thighs. Others are apple shaped, and deposit fat more easily around their stomach. Most men are apple shaped and most women are pear shaped.

    So do not try and fight your genetics by trying to spot reduce areas of your body. Ignore the infomercials that say they can tone only one part of your body. "Reduce" those thighs or abs by losing weight throughout your body and lowering your body fat.

    The best way to reduce fat in unwanted areas is to participate in a cardiovascular program 3-4 times a week for 45 minutes alongside a weight training routine.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Honestly, I've heard cardio is the best thing for the tummy area. I pick up fitness/health magazines more often than I should lol, and this questions gets asked a lot, and its always something around the lines of I do a million zillion crunches but it won't go away, and the advice is always the same, to start jogging/running, and it will flatten out. :0/
  • SeanMurphy
    Unfortunately, you can't spot reduce fat. Your body decides where it goes when you put it on, and where it comes from when you take it off. All you can do is keep going in the right direction and trust that it will come off. The lower tummy is especially hard for women, and the love handles especially hard for men. Keep it up, it'll come off eventually.