Starting over - AGAIN

Hello All,

My story is nothing new.... just a lady who's been on the weight loss roller coaster her whole life. But, I am attacking this situation with a new attitude.

This time, I am not focusing on pounds lost. Don't get me wrong...any and all weight loss will be celebrated. However, this time I am focusing on being more healthy and feeling better.

I've been in a slump both mentally and physically for too long. I know no one else can shake me from this. It has be be me.

But I'd love some support. And, I promise to support you as well. Unless I am out of the country for work, I will be on this site daily.

I will help you celebrate your victories.
I will give you a nudge, or kick in the butt, if requested or required.
I will be your friend and part of your support circle.

So, if you'd like to add a 43 year old chubby lady who is going to be a hot and healthy 44 year old next year---> please feel free to add me. I look forward to getting to know you! :flowerforyou:


  • Feel free to add me as a friend :) I am starting over again as well. I am the same way with my weight. I have been up and down so many times it is starting to irritate me and drag me down a little bit.

    I've recently hit a horrible slump where I have pretty much l have lost the motivation to get healthier and I know that the only one who can get me out of this slump is me!!

    I would love to have friend who is in the same boat as I am so we can motivate each other.

    I have sent you friend request as of now :)
  • Good luck to you! I know you can do it! I have surprised myself to learn that I am enjoying running - what? me enjoy running? I always think those people look miserable out there! But if you are determined to do it - you will. I like your hot healthy 44 idea! Keep that image in your head!
  • asullivan4261
    asullivan4261 Posts: 9 Member
    Your story is the same as mine to a T! I always give up but can't afford to this time. Like you, it's not all about weight, I need to be healthier and I'm in such a rut mentally and physically.
    Good luck to us both!
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    I'm right there with ya! I joined in January, lost 20# by July and have since regained 15# ..:embarassed: ... it's not all about the weight, but feeling good about myself again! I can be hot at 42===gives me about 7 months to get there :ohwell: If it takes longer that's ok, but I have to keep the good stuff going!

    WE can do it~:flowerforyou:
  • I think a lot of us have the same story----maybe we can actually say this will be the final time----feel free to add
  • dunkentellb
    dunkentellb Posts: 1 Member
    Good for you for starting over!! Like you, I have been fighting my weight. I have lost and gained at least 4 times. I'm hoping this time will be different for the both of us! Good luck!!
  • Thank you all for the encouragement and support. I am excited to meet all of you. And let's do this--together I know we can!