barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
I love ramen noodles but the flavor packet is a killer. Is there a healthy altervative or a different way to spice it up?


  • DoubleAA
    Don't use the whole packet. I too love Ramen Noodles but I can't get away from NOT using the packet.
  • jimmydeanbakker
    I have actually cooked just the noodles, put a salt substitute on them with a bunch of spices, and ate them. It didn't taste as good, but I avoided all the sodium. That flavor packet in the Ramen might be one of the worse things to eat on the planet.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I toss the package in the garbage and season the noodles myself. I sometimes will add sauteed squash and zucchini with some Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top or make a poor man's garlic pasta by spraying them with some olive oil and putting garlic and pepper with them. The seasoning package has way to much salt.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I like to use a bit of garlic, pepper and parmesan cheese. Chili or taco (low sodium versions) are good or even salsa or spaghetti sauce. Maybe a low fat cream of mushroom soup would be good, too. If all else fails, I use 1/2 the packet.
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I don't ever use the packet, but then, I don't make broth for them either. I'll throw in veggies and a little chicken. One day I used spaghetti sauce (it was oddly good). Maybe instead of the packet you could use some low sodium broths?
  • Szycuez
    Szycuez Posts: 28
    I use Mrs. Dash (all different flavors) to spice it up instead of the flavor packet.
  • boogie17
    boogie17 Posts: 103 Member
    i make the noodles, and toss the packet in the garbage. i season them with some cayane pepper, and parm cheese
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    I buy a package of noodles (they sell them separately, just noodles, no packets of flavoring) and some vegetable broth. Instead of cooking the noodles in water I just cook them in the broth. I'm bad though, I still add salt. :glasses:
  • kr1st0ph3r
    while you are boiling the water/noods drop in an egg and mix it up (deshelled of course).
    it adds protein as well as enhances the flavor.
    added with other spices like garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper... etc.
    mix in some scallions too if you wanna get loco.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Ketchup. Strangely enough.
  • creoqueen1
    ramen is so bad for you but to make it just a bit better get your own chicken seasoning a little chicken broth and salt pepper cayene pepper and a bit of garlic salt and your good to go. taste way better then the seasoning packet plus if you look at the ingredients it has way to much sodium and processing be careful
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    I use half the packet and add tumeric... I also often use it with my stir frys
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    while you are boiling the water/noods drop in an egg and mix it up (deshelled of course).
    it adds protein as well as enhances the flavor.
    added with other spices like garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper... etc.
    mix in some scallions too if you wanna get loco.

    um... YUM!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Ramen is some delicious cheap eats! I was so :( when I saw an episode of "Unwrapped" and saw that the noodle bricks are quick-fried. Ah well, some things you just have to live with.

    I've never even thought of deviating away from the seasoning packet - all of these suggestions sound great! I think the chicken broth and ramen noodles may be calling my name today...
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    i only use half the packet when I do eat them. I LOVE ramen noodles, but I have weened myself off of them. I eat maybe one packet a month sometimes two.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I was a Ramen fan myself yeaaars ago, but now I can't stand the smell of it even. I think it has something to do with my husband eating a lot of it while I was pregnant and it made me want to gag!

    Anyway, when you're pregnant they actually tell you NOT to eat them! All that sodium is BAAAD for you, especially pregnant. If for some reason I really wanted Ramen, which happened, I would only use half a packet.

    Now, I wouldn't even use the packet. Not even worth it! I would season myself or find something new.