I'm back (again) and need a weekly check in group!

Hello everyone!

I'm looking for a 200-300ish group that weighs in on Monday! Any out there? Please let me know I would love to join!!! :happy:


  • laDOLCEvita7
    Hello, I recently joined mfp. I weigh in with my co-workers on wednesdays.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I am in! I usually do my weigh-in every other Monday anyways. I would love to to do that with someone else. More accountability is ALWAYS a good thing! :wink:
  • RaeBella13
    I am in! I usually do my weigh-in every other Monday anyways. I would love to to do that with someone else. More accountability is ALWAYS a good thing! :wink:

    Ok Good! I was looking to join an already existing group, but starting our own sounds good too!

    What was your Monday weight?

    Mine was 326.5 (only a half pound shy of my heaviest weight ever, January 2010..I've managed to put it all back on :mad: )
    My goal for Mon 10/11 is 320--first week on a diet, your body usually gets shocked and loses more weight than normal so I don't think it's unrealistic. My ultimate goal is anywhere between 175-185---I'm tall, with a natural wide body frame and big bones, I'm not sure how low my body will let me get...I've been heavy since highschool!

    What about you? Let's start sharing :smile:

  • GoingToLoseIt
    I'd love to be a part of this - I have also gained back all the weight I lost. I thought I could do it without MFP, but that was silly and didn't work. I have great motivation now - my husband I want to start a family when I turn 26 (I am 24 now) so I need to get this weight off! I am currently at 342, 2 lbs shy of my highest weight ever.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Hi Rachel... I LOVE to share. This is the first time ever that I am not embarrassed to talk straight about everything. Not because I am not longer heavy (Monday's weigh in was 254.4) but because my mental outlook has changed! (Thank God!)

    I started at 266 which was my heaviest weight. I actually was not heavy until after I graduated (I was a dancer from the age of 3 - 16). I went to work out in the office world after High School so sitting around, vending machines... you can get the picture there. Almost 20 years and 2 kids later here I am.

    My Monday goal is 253. Conservative but this is a tough week as my birthday was Monday, yesterday was our anniversary and tomorrow is my husband's birthday w/ a trip to Baltimore Aquarium. All in all made good food choices just didn't have much of a chance to get to the gym!

    My Ultimate goal is 150. I would settle for 170 which is where I was when we got married.

    Can't wait to get to know you better!

  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i finally found a blog where we monitor everything...it's called calling all non-mom's...even if you're a mom it helps to post your "specs"...it doesn't matter what day you choose to weigh in or measure...but for some reason when you post it, it holds you accountable lol...you're really impressed with people's honesty and the fact that everyone has a woopsie...i weigh in on mondays, and measure on mondays too...if you fall off the wagon, let us know, we're here to help:)
  • zumba66girl
    Hi I am new to myfitness pal but would like to join your group. I am 44 years old and started my weight loss journey a month ago. My starting weight was 195. today (10/7/10) I am at 183. I seemed to have slowed down and getting fustrated with no progress. My ultimate goal is 165. I am 5'11". I do a Zumba class Mondays and Wednesdays and workout at the YMCA the other nights of the week. I love Zumba!!!:blushing: I want to lose 2 lbs by Monday's weigh in.
  • RaeBella13
    Hi girls!
    I'm so happy we have some people here that wanna join! Any ideas on group names? :smile:
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Hi, heres my story, I am 26 and will be 27 next month. Growing up I was always skinny, very skinny in fact. In elementry school I would get picked on for being skinny, and yes it does hurt just as much as when your picked on for being big. In middle school I gained weight and was a lil chubby. Im 5'4 and Im a wider build. I started playing soccer in 7th grade and throughout high school, I played many sports like soccer, swimming, tennis and dance. I ate like a horse, whatever I wanted, I ate. I weighed an average of 150. I never considered myself overweight, because of my structure, I looked much less than that. After graduation, the sports and activity stopped, but my eating stayed the same. Over time, I gained weight and would flucuate between 180-210. At 210 I got pregnant and when I gave birth I was 263 in Nov 2008. As of last wednesday I weigh 229. I have been slowly losing the weight over the past 2 years. My biggest motivation is my daughter. My ultimate goal weight is 145. I want to look like Beyonce or another celeb like that. I don't want to be super skinny, just thin. This is the most serious I have been about loosing weight. I log in MFP everyday without fail and track my food and exercise. The thing I like the most about MFP is the support groups. You dont have to ever feel embarassed about your weight because your surrounded by people going through the same thing, no matter if one person wants to loose 20 lbs or 100 lbs, were all the same. My biggest downfall is that I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am sad, mad, or sometimes even when Im happy. I dont smoke, and I only drink once every 3 months, so food is my go to.
  • RaeBella13
    Good Monday Morning Ladies!!!! :happy:

    Today is weigh in day!

    I am happy to report that I lost 8 lbs this week!! My goal was 6.5 lbs....so I exceeded by 1.5!!!!

    How did everyone else do?

    SW: 327
    Last week: 326.5
    CW: 318.5
    Goal: 175

    My goal for next week is 315, so that's 3.5 lbs....all together, 143.5 lbs to go!!

    :heart: Rachel
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Hello all! I stayed the same this week, but I will take that over a gain. I am ready to go this week - house is full of good food, and I planned out my meals for the week. I find that I do better when I invest a little time and plan everything out, because I think feel like I have this list I have to be accountable to :smile:

    SW: 344
    Last week: 342
    CW: 342
    Goal: 140

    My goal for next week is to lose 4 pounds, so that would put me at 338. Mini goal: down to 300 by January 1, 2011!
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Hi, heres my story, I am 26 and will be 27 next month. Growing up I was always skinny, very skinny in fact. In elementry school I would get picked on for being skinny, and yes it does hurt just as much as when your picked on for being big. In middle school I gained weight and was a lil chubby. Im 5'4 and Im a wider build. I started playing soccer in 7th grade and throughout high school, I played many sports like soccer, swimming, tennis and dance. I ate like a horse, whatever I wanted, I ate. I weighed an average of 150. I never considered myself overweight, because of my structure, I looked much less than that. After graduation, the sports and activity stopped, but my eating stayed the same. Over time, I gained weight and would flucuate between 180-210. At 210 I got pregnant and when I gave birth I was 263 in Nov 2008. As of last wednesday I weigh 229. I have been slowly losing the weight over the past 2 years. My biggest motivation is my daughter. My ultimate goal weight is 145. I want to look like Beyonce or another celeb like that. I don't want to be super skinny, just thin. This is the most serious I have been about loosing weight. I log in MFP everyday without fail and track my food and exercise. The thing I like the most about MFP is the support groups. You dont have to ever feel embarassed about your weight because your surrounded by people going through the same thing, no matter if one person wants to loose 20 lbs or 100 lbs, were all the same. My biggest downfall is that I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am sad, mad, or sometimes even when Im happy. I dont smoke, and I only drink once every 3 months, so food is my go to.

    Thanks for sharing! I totally understand emotional eating - that's me too. I also tend to be very perfectionist - if I do badly at lunch, instead of pulling it together for the rest of the day I struggle to not feel defeated.
  • zumba66girl
    Not a big weight loss week....Only lost 1 lb....my weight now on 10/11/10 is 182. Hopefully next week will be better....Good luck with everyone else.:flowerforyou:
  • hiiamamie
    hiiamamie Posts: 32 Member
    New check in group - would love to join in. My husband doing this with me - just not working out.
  • MrsSeaShell
    I would like to join!

    This is the wrap-up of my first week, I weighed myself yesterday though!

    SW: 235
    Last Week: 235
    This Week:: 230
    -5 =]
    Next Week Goal: 227(-3)
  • RaeBella13
    I am glad we have some new posts!

    Just so we're all on the same page, I will start a new thread named....I'm open to group names! It will be a nice little community for those of us that want to weigh in on Mondays and keep eachother motivated! I don't have a PC at home (I know I'm lame), so I do my posting at work...I get to work @ 7, so my Monday postings will be a little early, haha. I check the threads throughout the day so I will definitely be eagerly awaiting to hear from everyone else! We can share our weight loss (or gain :angry: ) for that week, and then our goals for the following Monday. I am certain it will help with motivation, and of course it will spur conversations for the rest of the day/week! :smile:

    Hopefully, that works for everyone!!!

    Let's decide on a fun group name!!!!
  • RaeBella13
    I would like to join!

    This is the wrap-up of my first week, I weighed myself yesterday though!

    SW: 235
    Last Week: 235
    This Week:: 230
    -5 =]
    Next Week Goal: 227(-3)

    This is a brand new group, so you're not joing too late! Congrats on the 5lb loss that is AWESOME!!!
  • MrsSeaShell
    Not a big weight loss week....Only lost 1 lb....my weight now on 10/11/10 is 182. Hopefully next week will be better....Good luck with everyone else.:flowerforyou:

    1 lb is still good! Think of it as being better then 0pds lost and even better then 1 or more pds gained!
  • RaeBella13
    Not a big weight loss week....Only lost 1 lb....my weight now on 10/11/10 is 182. Hopefully next week will be better....Good luck with everyone else.:flowerforyou:

    1 lb is still good! Think of it as being better then 0pds lost and even better then 1 or more pds gained!

    That is an excellent way of looking at it!!
  • rlfriedrichs
    I would love to join! I need help to stay motivated and a weekly check in group would be great. How about Monday Motivators? Pretty corny I know but since we are trying to keep each other motivated and weiging in on Mondays it fits. My story, I have always been prone to being heavy but after graduation I stopped playing sports it got much worse. 3 kids later (all girls ages 4, 8, and 12) found me gaining at least 20 lbs that I didn't shed after each one. Then I had major knee surgeries due to a problem the shape my knees (and playing tennis through high school didn't help) and am left with no cartelage and lots of arthritis. This means I can't run, walk stairs, or lots of other physical activities like Zumba... (looks like so much fun :ohwell: ) I also have a very stressful job and am very much a stress and emotional eater. Plus I travel a lot for my job which makes it hard to eat right. Only been on the site for 10 days and really hoping it works for me in my struggle to lose 100+ lbs!
