I'm back (again) and need a weekly check in group!



  • rlfriedrichs
    Hi Rachel... I LOVE to share. This is the first time ever that I am not embarrassed to talk straight about everything. Not because I am not longer heavy (Monday's weigh in was 254.4) but because my mental outlook has changed! (Thank God!)

    I started at 266 which was my heaviest weight. I actually was not heavy until after I graduated (I was a dancer from the age of 3 - 16). I went to work out in the office world after High School so sitting around, vending machines... you can get the picture there. Almost 20 years and 2 kids later here I am.

    My Monday goal is 253. Conservative but this is a tough week as my birthday was Monday, yesterday was our anniversary and tomorrow is my husband's birthday w/ a trip to Baltimore Aquarium. All in all made good food choices just didn't have much of a chance to get to the gym!

    My Ultimate goal is 150. I would settle for 170 which is where I was when we got married.

    Can't wait to get to know you better!

    Wow happy B-days and Anniversary!! Way to stay with good choices even through all of that!
  • vette49
    vette49 Posts: 96 Member
    I started back this week also, I weigh 230lbs. I weigh in on Mondays also, I would be glad to join you.
  • vette49
    vette49 Posts: 96 Member
    I am all for the Monday morning motivators!!!!:smile:
  • MrsSeaShell
    Check In Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited I peeked at the scale and the number was looking good (231.2)
    As you guys may know I placed my scale on carpet and it threw off my numbers by five pounds, so I was:
    240 To start with
    235.3 Last Week
    231.2 This week!
  • zumba66girl
    181.5 for me today.....:smile:
  • MrsSeaShell
    181.5 for me today.....:smile:

    That is another pound down YAY!
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Hey I was wondering if it's okay if i join? I'm 17 and i weigh 270 its the highest i've ever been and I am completly disappointed with myself. I really wanna lose alot of weight by my 18th birthday with is aug 7.
  • RaeBella13
    Hello Ladies!!!

    I'm sorry I was MIA yesterday, I do not have a PC at home and I was off of work....unfortunately my Adroid App for MFP doesn't let me in the community, only lets me update my weight loss and food entries...so, congratulations on losing weight again this week! I am very happy for everyone!

    I lost 2 lbs, which I was expecting...not too much. I had my birthday on Wednesday, followed by a few different celebrations (translation: a lot of drinking :drinker: ) I also threw my nanual Halloween Bash on Saturday, a huge success as always, but I had a few snackies I shouldn't have......the weather was also a bit crappy here in Buffalo so I wasn't able to get the normal walks in, and I was so busy getting prepared for this party, that I dodn't work out at all. With all that being said though, I still lost! My goal was 315...I weighed in at 316.5...oh well, next week!!!

    SW: 327
    CW: 316.5
    Goal for next week: 313
    GW: 175 (141.5 lbs to go)

    Mini Goal: 285 by the New Year! (31.5 lbs to go!)

    Make it a good day guys!

    :heart: RACHEL
  • RaeBella13
    Hey I was wondering if it's okay if i join? I'm 17 and i weigh 270 its the highest i've ever been and I am completly disappointed with myself. I really wanna lose alot of weight by my 18th birthday with is aug 7.

    OF COURSE you can join!

    I know what it's like to be an overweight teenager, I myself was 250 as a highschool senior.
    We're here for you!!!!!!
  • GoingToLoseIt
    hi all - congrats to all the successes this week! I will not able to weigh in this week - my husband accidentally dropped the scale when he was cleaning the bathroom, and now it says we both weigh 25 pounds. Needless to say, that is WAY WAY off, and I will have to buy a new scale this week :smile:
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Thanks! glad to have ppl who understand :)
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Hello all, i weighed in yesterday and i lost 1 lb. I havent committed as much as I should. My habit has been diet for 2 days, and then Ive gone to restaurants and ate bad. My birthday is approaching next month and I am determined to get at least 18 lbs gone. My mini goal is lose 4-5 lbs by next wednesdays weigh in. I started flat belly dieting techniques and I was wondering has anyone ever had success with the "flat belly diet"?
  • MrsSeaShell
    Weigh in is tomorrow! This group is lacking motivation! Come on lady's tell us about your week, any struggles? I for one had an Oreo Blast because the hubby brought it home one night =[ i looked up how many fat and cals are in one and almost fainted luckily I only ate half and tried to get Hubby to eat the other half, so i am going to just go ahead and finish and get it done with. I also got a gym membership this week! yay! I like working out at the gym it does seem such hard work, and I always try to do better because their is other people around =]
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I was wondering if I could join in on your group! I usually try to weigh in on either Sunday or Monday morning but would love a goup that might help me stay accountable. :smile:
  • MrsSeaShell
    Check In Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited I peeked at the scale and the number was looking good (231.2)
    As you guys may know I placed my scale on carpet and it threw off my numbers by five pounds, so I was:
    240 To start with
    235.3 Last Week
    231.2 This week!

    231.2 Last week
    229.7 this week
    next week goal: 226
  • RaeBella13
    Good Morning Ladies!!!!

    I had a bit of a disappointment this morning, but still, a loss is better than a gain (or staying the same!)

    SW: 327
    Last week: 316.5
    Today: 315
    Goal for next week: 312 (3 lbs!)
    Mini Goal: 285 by 2011 (30 lbs to go!)
    Ultimate goal: 175 (140 lbs to go!)

    I slacked this week, I only went for 2 mile long walks and didn't work out otherwise. I also could have made better food choices, but I still managed to lose 1.5. I really want a good week next week so it's time to work a bit harder!!! I want to be 285 by 2011!

    Looking forward to hearing from everyone else!!!!

    :heart: Rachel
  • GoingToLoseIt
    No loss or gain for me today :grumble: I ate a LOT of pizza yesterday at Pizza Hut, so I am lucky to not have gained I guess. Will be working hard this week to get back on track!

    Mini-goal - lose 3 lbs this week
  • Slavic_Spice
    Slavic_Spice Posts: 78 Member
    I'd like to join... I think Monday will be a good weigh-in day for me. My weight this past Monday was 235, my heaviest ever. I have been doing well with eating, but my daughter has been sick this week, and I am sleep-deprived, so myworkouts have been limited to walking when I can squeeze it in. I'll be sure to post next Monday.... good luck to everyone, I'm happy for this new motivation!
  • MrsSeaShell
    I was wondering if I could join in on your group! I usually try to weigh in on either Sunday or Monday morning but would love a goup that might help me stay accountable. :smile:

    & Slavic_Spice:
    I'd like to join... I think Monday will be a good weigh-in day for me. My weight this past Monday was 235, my heaviest ever. I have been doing well with eating, but my daughter has been sick this week, and I am sleep-deprived, so myworkouts have been limited to walking when I can squeeze it in. I'll be sure to post next Monday.... good luck to everyone, I'm happy for this new motivation!

    Yes you can join!!!! The more the merrier!
  • GoingToLoseIt
    I'd like to join... I think Monday will be a good weigh-in day for me. My weight this past Monday was 235, my heaviest ever. I have been doing well with eating, but my daughter has been sick this week, and I am sleep-deprived, so myworkouts have been limited to walking when I can squeeze it in. I'll be sure to post next Monday.... good luck to everyone, I'm happy for this new motivation!

    So glad you're joining us! Sorry to hear that your daughter has been sick - I hope she gets better soon. It's difficult to squeeze in exercise when the little ones aren't well. Good luck with your journey, can't wait to hear from you on Monday!