Weight Watchers

I am wondering if somebody are on Weight Watchers? So far it is working for me, so I am wondering if somebody else are with me


  • GregJourney
    GregJourney Posts: 80 Member
    The best program is one you feel you can live with. They all work but what works best for you. I am a weight watchers member. I joined weight watchers about 3 months ago. I joined to the meeting and not their point system. I have been on MFP 14 months an lost 80 pounds just tracking calories and logging. I have no desire to stray from calories to points so I continue to track here
  • missrussia74
    Hey GregJourney!
    Thank you for your reply. So far weight watchers worked for me and I think I will stay for couple months and see if I continue like it. I am not used to counting calories yet, so points are much easier for me.
    Btw you looked great. Omg, what a difference!! I just started my weight loss and looking at people with such success gives me so much motivation.
  • knitwithpurpose
    knitwithpurpose Posts: 20 Member
    I just started tracking on MFP yesterday. I'm a lifetime WW member who is currently over my goal weight (and not in good standing). In the past I have had great sucess with WW, but discovered that with the change in plan, I could not get my weight down as low as I had originally. I told myself it was muscle, but I did get discouraged. After tracking here, I think the problem is with the "free fruit" I was simply eating too many calories. I sort of knew this when doing WW, but pretended that wasn't the problem. I needed to set my daily points goal lower, but couldn't bring myself to do it so I denied that was the problem. Here on MFP I have already determined that I need to eat less although I'm not sure where I will cut the calories. I do like the WW idea that veggies should be free food - except for avocados, carrots etc. I think WW is a great program and recommend it to people, however for folks like me who only need to lose 10 lbs or less, it doesn't always work.