Zumba. Does it work?



  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    So... I got a gym membership over the weekend and have been told that Zumba (or Latin Heat, as it is called at the gym I belong to) is so much fun and is a great workout. The problem is that I am totally out of shape, have no rhythm, and don't want to kill myself in a class, but I sort of want to try it out. Are there any other out-of-shape chubby people out there who have tried it, and is it possible to just do what I am able, or do I have to keep up with everyone? I am committed to trying my best, but I have exercise-induced asthma, am still 85 pounds overweight, and probably don't have the stamina of a lot of other people...

    For me the great thing about Zumba is you really can put your own flavor in it. Everyone can take it at their own pace and as you continue to go you can build on your basics. Get it a whirl! It is the most fun! My class has everyone from itty bitty skinnies to really large women. We are all just a shakin it and having a great time and getting a great workout!
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I tried Zumba once. It was a LOT of fun! However, I got done with the class and thought... "Well, I feel warmed up now, guess I better go do my real workout." Maybe I wasn't doing it right, haha! I would say, if it gets you moving and you enjoy it, go for it! Personally, I now go to a gym that doesn't offer classes, and I can't say I really miss it too much. I get just as much satisfaction out of hitting the elliptical or treadmill for an hour. =)
  • rlfriedrichs
    Anyone know anything about water Zumba? Zumba sounds fun but I have bad knees and can't do real Zumba. There is a facility here that has water Zumba but I can't find much out about it and if it works better than the water aerobics.
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    I LOVE ZUMBA! I go 2x a week. I have been losing about 1.5 to 2 pounds a week. My zumba instructor really likes the hip hop latin combination. LOTS of ab work. It is great. I have upped my ability to where I am almost doing this full impact during the class. I have also started to hit the elliptical for 20-30 minutes before class to get that extra cardio kick in.

    P.S. Chubby girls can do it too! just go for the low impact. I have 50-60 more pounds to go...i fall into this "chubby" category! LOL~!
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    I dance a lot and didn't find Zumba that challenging. Like someone else said, I felt warmed up but not worked out. Everyone's different though! I only went once and have been wondering if I should give it another chance...water zumba sounds awesome! I am such an old 32 yr old, I LOVE water aerobics!
  • sunnysashka
    And those who did not find it challenging should try another instructor. Every instructor is different. You just might have got not the best one.
  • sherry_80
    sherry_80 Posts: 86 Member
    I do the zumba dvd's, and i added 3 Ibs weights while i am dancing and you sweat a lot faster, and its more challenging holding the weights and dancing at the same time. I haven't tried a class, but i assume they mix it up. With the dvd. every dvd has different dances and they move faster on some.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    Yes Zumba works! it's an exercise and gets you moving! i've been teaching Zumba for 3 years and love it. for newbies, it's great and you will see results fast, for seasoned athletes, it's a great cardio addition to your regular workout routine. i have several playlists i use for variety so you never know what type of workout you're going to get until you come into class. i have several "regulars" that request the harder classes where i add jumping jacks, tons of squats, abs and/or weight training for the "30%" of non-zumba music format we follow. if you want to make your workouts harder in Zumba, take the classes often and learn the routines the best you can. the more you know what is coming up, the more effort you put into your workout. we dance hard in class....we are soaked when we are done. newbies wont get as much out of it because they are new to the choreography. when i take other classes, its the same for me. i don't get out as much as when i do my own choreography but it is a change up. we all need change in our regular activies. i love taking other classes, i learn new moves, don't have to concentrate on the next move and gets me out of the same old, same old. Zumba is also great social time to be around fun, motivating people who are there for the same reasons as you....get some exercise, have some laughs, relieve some stress and enjoy other people! have fun at your next Zumba class!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I've only gone once, but plan to keep going. :) I can tell you, It REALLY made me break a sweat, but I made it through the whole 60 minutes...wasn't probably doing it very well...but I didn't pass out, or walk out...so I think that counts for something lol.

    There was a good mix of people there, young, old, overweight, not overweight, so it wasn't bad. I'm 265lbs, it wasn't easy, but I could do it, so that was something.