And that's why I don't step on the scale!!!!



  • Auzziedoggie
    Auzziedoggie Posts: 66 Member
    I just looked at your diary and you eat out a lot. It is possible to eat out and lose weight, but try to cut it out and see what happens first and slowly re-add it. I think you underestimated the calories in your Chinese food for lunch the other day unless you literally had 4-5 bites. The 1/8 of a plate at TGI fridays is an eye-balled portion. So maybe you are eating more when you are out than you think.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Ok I just got home from the gym and feel highly and extremely discouraged. I am reaching out to my MFP friends for a little insight, advice, encouragement etc. I have been religiously tracking my calories for almost three weeks now. I am at 1600 a day and I work out 3x's a day. My lunchtime workout is not intense, it usually lasts 15-20 mins. its more like a circuit training. Anyhow I look thinner because i see myself naked daily YET I have not lost not one Freaking pound!!!!!!!!! WTF! I have my diary open for some insight. If I eat any less I'll be starving! And I don't want to eat anymore I feel fine at 1600. However I DO lift weights 3-4x's a week. What is going on here?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Thanks guys :(:(

    I would assume that maybe several factors play into your not losing weight. I think maybe you eat more than you log ( even 150-200 calories day make a difference ( more than a pound a month ), maybe you don't burn as many calories as you think or your machine says, plus if you are new to exercise your muscles hang on to water to repair themselves....and as we all know, waters weighs.
    I would suggest you really weigh and measure everything you eat for maybe a month and make sure that you log your calories burnt correctly. By then your muscles should also have gotten used to your exercise routine. Most importantly, if you do that you have a point of departure from where to make informed adjustments to your regimen. Without that information all it ever will be is guesswork.
    Good Luck !
  • achaye
    achaye Posts: 3
    hey there,

    When you step on the scale your body is not just measuring fat its measuring muscle,organs and water etc. the most accurate
    time to check weight is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach after you've gone number 2.
    Your weight can fluctuate anywhere from 2-5 pounds by the end of the day,
    the scale is deceiving but pictures never lie. :smile:

    Also i would not recommend working out 3 times a day rest is very important

    keep at it
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    1600 calories you are maintaining your weight. Raise your protein and lower your carbs lower your calorie level

    Can't say that for sure without stats. I lose at 1700.

    I may go a week or two without losing, then BAM! Two pounds gone in four days.

    You can say that... If someone is eating a certain amount of calories and not gaining or losing weight they are eating at their maintenance intake, no matter their stats.

    If you lose weight at 1700 then your maintenance is higher than 1700.
  • my trainers would say your working out to much, only 3 days a week of weights and never 2 days in a row.....and cardio 5 days.. they also have told me that no woman needs to eat more then 1300-1400 calories a day until your an athlete, just passing on what they've told me, now does it work for everyone....prolly NOT !!!!! good luck
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    my trainers would say your working out to much, only 3 days a week of weights and never 2 days in a row.....and cardio 5 days.. they also have told me that no woman needs to eat more then 1300-1400 calories a day until your an athlete, just passing on what they've told me, now does it work for everyone....prolly NOT !!!!! good luck
    which is why you should never listen to trainers
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    my trainers would say your working out to much, only 3 days a week of weights and never 2 days in a row.....and cardio 5 days.. they also have told me that no woman needs to eat more then 1300-1400 calories a day until your an athlete, just passing on what they've told me, now does it work for everyone....prolly NOT !!!!! good luck

    Why would they tell you that "no" woman needs to eat more than 1300-1400 calories? Everyone's TDEE is different. Trainers shouldn't make blanket statements like that. That should throw up a HUGE red flag as to everything else they tell you. Always check your trainers credentials before taking advice from them. Just because they work at a gym doesn't mean they have a clue what they are talking about.
  • msjackie30
    msjackie30 Posts: 38 Member
    WOW! What an overwhelming response from all! I dont even know who to answer or what to say! I have been working out for many years. I just never tracked my calories as much as I do NOW. I know that it has been an area that I lacked in before AND never really ate clean until now. I am in the Army so working out in the morning is not an option lol! I HAVE to do it. We run Mondays and Friday's and ruck march 2-4 miles on Wednesdays and strength training Tues and Thurs. My lunchtime routine like I said is more to jumpstart my metabolism some more. My evening workouts are the more intense ones. I will keep at it and see where I am at in another three weeks. I'll take in more protein, I feel that my snacks are not that great. Usually when I look at my diary its always an area that I want to fix I just don't know what kind of snacks I can use that have more protein in it. I usually go for fruits. Thanks guys I appreciate it ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    my trainers would say your working out to much, only 3 days a week of weights and never 2 days in a row.....and cardio 5 days.. they also have told me that no woman needs to eat more then 1300-1400 calories a day until your an athlete, just passing on what they've told me, now does it work for everyone....prolly NOT !!!!! good luck

    Oh. My. Goodness. I would die if I ate 1400 calories a day. I would say on average I NET around 1900 every day and have lost 43 pounds which means I actually need more than 1900 net calories a day to maintain my weight (which I don't want to do, but is beside the point). Oh and I am a woman. I am really really appalled that a so-called "professional" would actually say this to someone. They should be reported.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    WOW! What an overwhelming response from all! I dont even know who to answer or what to say! I have been working out for many years. I just never tracked my calories as much as I do NOW. I know that it has been an area that I lacked in before AND never really ate clean until now. I am in the Army so working out in the morning is not an option lol! I HAVE to do it. We run Mondays and Friday's and ruck march 2-4 miles on Wednesdays and strength training Tues and Thurs. My lunchtime routine like I said is more to jumpstart my metabolism some more. My evening workouts are the more intense ones. I will keep at it and see where I am at in another three weeks. I'll take in more protein, I feel that my snacks are not that great. Usually when I look at my diary its always an area that I want to fix I just don't know what kind of snacks I can use that have more protein in it. I usually go for fruits. Thanks guys I appreciate it ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Good Luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kdt8810
    kdt8810 Posts: 38 Member
    I have a hard time too with the scale. When I started working out again after baby - I GAINED a few pounds - but lost inches. After about a month I dropped them and then a few more too. Remember when you first start weight training your body holds onto a bit more water than usual to help your muscles repair themselves. Also, if you only have 'vanity' pounds to lose - the scale will move A LOT slower than somebody that has 20 or more pounds to lose. I wouldn't lower your calorie intake - you should be somewhere that feels sustainable for you. Also, I hate to use this as an "excuse", but you're a girl and monthly hormone fluctuations can be killer. Keep it up - and eventually the scale will move - and you can do a happy dance!!!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    my trainers would say your working out to much, only 3 days a week of weights and never 2 days in a row.....and cardio 5 days.. they also have told me that no woman needs to eat more then 1300-1400 calories a day until your an athlete, just passing on what they've told me, now does it work for everyone....prolly NOT !!!!! good luck

    You seriously need a new trainer.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Okay I just want to say don't let the scale tell you how you are doing. We'll it can but not the soul thing. Because you are the only person seeing that number so it doesn't really matter. But if you look better everyone sees that daily. Just think you rather be down 10 pounds and still look and feel the exact same?

    Also I want to add I have been at this quite awhile and sometimes in a week I will lose 5 lbs, 0.2 pounds or even gain up warts of 5 pounds. But have I got this far but quitting when that happens no. I don't let my weight define me I used to be so embarrassed if my weight no one knew it not even family but now I don't care. Yes I am 228 pounds which is obese but who cares it's just a number that I don't let define me.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I wouldn't tweak your diet at all without first getting some accurate measurements via a tape measure. It is common for new exercisers, or those increasing activity, to not witness much in terms of weight loss initially due to the body adjusting to exercise volume.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I am sure someone else has suggested this already, but if not buy a food scale. It's so easy to think you're eating a tablespoon of peanut butter or four ounces of chicken, but in all actuality it's rather difficult to eyeball a portion.