what to do ?

ok friends, need some help.. I lost most of my weight on another eating plan but wanted to give this ago as I could reintroduce all types of foods BUT I am struggling with the scales not moving I have been hovering up and down daily between 107.5 and 106 for 3 weeks its just constant up and down... what am I doing wrong.. I understand fluid and that time of the month fluctuations but not for 3 weeks?? I am weighing and measuring everything, drinking water, exercising - mainly swimming and aqua due to knee injury. I mainly sit most of the day for work (ok so I am a work place trainer for Tafe in the field of children's services so I am either sitting at my computer, sitting in the car or sitting in a child care centre observing students ), and don't do a lot of running around generally after work so I set my activity level at sedentary so MFP has me at 1200 and log my exercise try to eat back 1/2 my exercise calories. (I did put it at lightly active and that week I put on a kilo)
I am beginning to get really frustrated and I am thinking I should go back on the dukan diet (but it is so super restrictive)
I am 44 years old
I am 177 cm tall, heavy set
was 130.3 today I am 107.2

I have looked through the community pages here and the more I read the more I am confused with the MFP / TDEE talk, I just want to know how many calories I should be eating and if my exercise 4 times a week is enough - (I don't enjoy going into the gym to do strength training so I know I wont do it - thanks for the thought)

any positive advise or thoughts would be really appreciated


Oh just an after thought - I am in my "danger zone" - I have been trying to loose this weight for 20+ years I seem to get to about 110kg and fall of the wagon but I cracked that getting to 107kg but now I appear stuck :embarassed: I just really want to get below 100kg then look toward my healthy weight range .... that would be a huge achievement..


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Am I reading correctly that you are 106 lbs but worried because you went up to 107? You also say you are heavy-set?

    If so, I think you might be overreacting.

    If not, please correct me.
  • Working2BThin
    Working2BThin Posts: 9 Member
    I think she's reporting her weight in kg, not lbs. That was my first thought when I was reading but then I saw that she listed her height in cm.
  • Working2BThin
    Working2BThin Posts: 9 Member
    Hi shazzielee68,

    I'm following a different eating plan than what is simply prescribed here. The plan I'm following is fairly restrictive (no added sugar, no added salt, no dairy) but extremely effective for me.

    Advice I can give based on some of the concepts of this plan is to try to eat smaller meals throughout the day. (I eat 5 times a day) and drink lots of water.

    Are you balancing your meals nutrition wise or simply keeping your calorie counts and such under your maximums?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If you're in a deficit, then you should be losing weight. Since you're not, then there's a miscalculation somewhere.

    Are you weighing your food? If not, I recommend you get a food scale. Guessing and/or measuring cups is not terribly accurate. You're probably eating more than you think.

    You could also be overestimating your calorie burns with exercise. Do you use a HRM? If not, I recommend one, as it will give you a more accurate estimate for your burns.
  • shazzielee68
    shazzielee68 Posts: 13 Member

    Am I reading correctly that you are 106 lbs but worried because you went up to 107? You also say you are heavy-set?

    If so, I think you might be overreacting.

    If not, please correct me.

    Sorry I am 107 Kg !!
  • shazzielee68
    shazzielee68 Posts: 13 Member
    I have my diary open for people to have a look at, I am weighing all my food and trying to meet my food goals (struggling with the sugar though- not eating "sugary foods but its coming from fruit ?"

    I don't have a HRM so using MFP and another site to help estimate cals burnt but I don't eat them all back as I know thet they over estimate

    I have only been back on this for 3 weeks (I think) and my weight is not really moving I just want to know if I am doing something wrong so I can fix it

    Thanks in advance
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I think you are doing great! Your muscles are going to hold water from getting back into the workout habit. Mine have been doing that for 5 weeks (I keep bumping up the weights I lift and they still aren't used to this new thing), but I've lost inches since I started taking measurements just two weeks ago! And I can tell that I look thinner and more defined in my upper abs (I am fairly close to goal weight).

    I think you should start taking measurements, definitely. Be careful to take them in the same spot.

    Another thing you might want to try is to shake up what your body expects. Your calories are low (and for so long), so see if it fits with you to eat more one day, less the next and bounce the numbers around a bit. Eat low on your rest days, though, since you won't need the same fuel. Your weekly average should stay the same with this idea.

    That kind of calorie rotation works best for me. I think my metabolism likes to adapt to conserve energy too much when restricting, and I have to keep it guessing, personally. All I know is that my graphs where I bumped up and down (by a few hundred calories) through the week are when I lose well and my graphs that are linear and predictable have me having more plateaus. I noticed that last time, too. It's worth a shot if you think you'd like eating like that :)
  • shazzielee68
    shazzielee68 Posts: 13 Member
    I think you are doing great! Your muscles are going to hold water from getting back into the workout habit. Mine have been doing that for 5 weeks (I keep bumping up the weights I lift and they still aren't used to this new thing), but I've lost inches since I started taking measurements just two weeks ago! And I can tell that I look thinner and more defined in my upper abs (I am fairly close to goal weight).

    I think you should start taking measurements, definitely. Be careful to take them in the same spot.

    Another thing you might want to try is to shake up what your body expects. Your calories are low (and for so long), so see if it fits with you to eat more one day, less the next and bounce the numbers around a bit. Eat low on your rest days, though, since you won't need the same fuel. Your weekly average should stay the same with this idea.

    That kind of calorie rotation works best for me. I think my metabolism likes to adapt to conserve energy too much when restricting, and I have to keep it guessing, personally. All I know is that my graphs where I bumped up and down (by a few hundred calories) through the week are when I lose well and my graphs that are linear and predictable have me having more plateaus. I noticed that last time, too. It's worth a shot if you think you'd like eating like that :)

    Well I am back at it and with your great advice things are moving on the scales again. :flowerforyou: . I have also gone back on my old eating plan that was really high protein. It seems to work for me so I think I will stick to it. :love:
    Happy being a looser once again :wink: