Silly Question? Protein shakes..

This may be kind of a silly question..but I have never really understood the whole protein powder/protein shake deal. Is it basically to replace a meal and how do you know if you need to be drinking them? I think I am just confused about them in general! Any help would be appreciated! Thank you


  • HelllYeaHH
    HelllYeaHH Posts: 56 Member
    It's an easy source of protein.
    It's jummy
    It makes you feel full for a long time.
    It's cheap.

    " do you know if you need to be drinking them?" It's easier to meet your macros. You dont NEED them. If you get all the protein you need then don't use it. I find it pretty usefull, taste good and I don't feel like I'm hungry. I use it as a snack basically.
  • photojunkie28
    If it is a quality protein whey then it does leave you satisfied longer than other "snacks".
    If you can hit 30-40% protein in your diet without the use of whey that is better since there are nutrients in "real food" not found in whey.
    Protein shakes can also be helpful for muscle recovery if you exercise/lift heavy.
    Since there is a lot less fat in a protein shake than a 80/20 ground beef burger it can also help you manage that macro if that is something you struggle with.

    Oh...and they are yummy :) I like coming up with new mixtures for each season. I.E....pumpkin pie flavor to keep me away from those ever so delightful pumpkin spice lattes at starbucks !
  • mom2tknmk
    mom2tknmk Posts: 9 Member
    Oh...and they are yummy :) I like coming up with new mixtures for each season. I.E....pumpkin pie flavor to keep me away from those ever so delightful pumpkin spice lattes at starbucks !

    Please share how you make them pumpkin pie flavored..

    I keep mine pretty plain. Chocolate protein, powdered peanut butter and almond milk. These are easy for me to make and drink on the way to work.
  • stephiehampshire
    My boyfriend has a protiene shake every day as it helps him recover quicker (he lifts)

    He has also cut out the rubbish snacks I used to put in his lunch box and replaced them with yoghurt, melon, apples, banana and chicken and rice but this isnt enough food to sustain him so he finds protien bars and protien shakes a good snack that keeps him going until dinner
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Not to mention Whey is the quickest absorbing protein source you can fine.
  • DaniPulley
    DaniPulley Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for all the info. This really helped!

    What are your favorite brands or the best kind to use?
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Designer Whey is readily available and pretty cheap! I like the vanilla. Mixes in cold water and tastes good IMO. Hits the spot, I am hungry for protein.
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Walmart around $17 amarican
  • photojunkie28
    pumpkin pie protein shake can be made many ways, just google it...but I cheat a little bit and usually this is my recipe:

    .5-1 scoop vanilla whey (or cinnamon roll flavored if your brand has it works well too)
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    a little cinnamon
    a little nutmeg
    1 container Carbmaster pumpkin pie yogurt (this is how I cheat instead of opening a can of pumpkin puree and buying pumpkin pie spice)
    around 11 ice cubes or so and blend away.

    For a treat, sometimes I will crush up half of a graham cracker and top it with some fat free cool whip too. DELISH
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    All about the macros.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    My all time fav is Allmax Pro Decadent Chocolate Milkshake. I mix it with milk and 3 teasp of Splenda and it is soooooo thick and rich and creamy chocolate-y. Truly is like drinking a milkshake. Its like a sweet indulgence that is healthy and guilt-free. It does not have a "protein shake" after taste, either. Hmmmmm.....I get it off for a pretty good price.

    If I wasn't already tapped out with food and stuffed to the gullet, I'd have one now! :wink:
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    It's an easy source of protein. No they are not a meal replacement, in fact, I actually use them to help keep my caloric intake up as I eat about 1700-2000 calories and still maintaining a slow loss (I'm within my last 8lbs of weight I'd like to lose, but to be honest, I'm cool if I don't get there, but I'm losing inches!), they are also tasty and provide me a nice preworkout snack (seems silly, but I workout after work and before dinner so I'm always hungry and it doesn't hurt my stomach to drink that before lifting and/or doing my crazy cardio. :) You want at least 100 grams of protein a day, but even I don't always make my quota.
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks for all the info. This really helped!

    What are your favorite brands or the best kind to use?

    I buy a 5lbs bulk bag of Muscletec from SAMs Club for $35 and it lasts for about two months granted I have two bags, one vanilla and one chocolate. I use the vanilla as a drink (my niece says it tastes like cupcakes) and I mix the chocolate with my morning oatmeal. I've also made protein bars too with it before with peanut butter, flax seed, and oatmeal too :) Pinterest has awesome recipes for protein shakes and/or meal concoctions. :)
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Pumpkin Pie Protein Shake

    1/2 cup cottage cheese or plain greek yogurt
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    1/2 cup pumpkin puree
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
    1/2 cup water
    5 ice cubes
    Splenda or Stevia to taste

    Throw into a blender and YUM.
  • mom2tknmk
    mom2tknmk Posts: 9 Member
    pumpkin pie protein shake can be made many ways, just google it...but I cheat a little bit and usually this is my recipe:

    .5-1 scoop vanilla whey (or cinnamon roll flavored if your brand has it works well too)
    1 cup unsweetened almond milk
    a little cinnamon
    a little nutmeg
    1 container Carbmaster pumpkin pie yogurt (this is how I cheat instead of opening a can of pumpkin puree and buying pumpkin pie spice)
    around 11 ice cubes or so and blend away.

    For a treat, sometimes I will crush up half of a graham cracker and top it with some fat free cool whip too. DELISH

    Sounds wonderful!
  • mom2tknmk
    mom2tknmk Posts: 9 Member
    Pumpkin Pie Protein Shake

    1/2 cup cottage cheese or plain greek yogurt
    1 scoop vanilla protein powder
    1/2 cup pumpkin puree
    1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
    1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
    1/2 cup water
    5 ice cubes
    Splenda or Stevia to taste

    Throw into a blender and YUM.
    This sounds yummy too!!
  • mom2tknmk
    mom2tknmk Posts: 9 Member
    What are your favorite brands or the best kind to use?

    I use Optimum Nutrition 100% Soy Protein (I find this mixes the best in my blender cup)
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I have 1-2 a day, for the most part.

    I use them to meet/exceed my protein macro, as a quick breakfast (along with something else), and as a recovery drink after a killer workout!

    I now use the Kaizen brand, it's not AS good, but it's got 35g of protein and 150 calories per scoop. And I got a GIGANTIC tub from Costco!

    I was always told by my husband that drinking protein will make me jacked and I'll put on weight... umm.. no! hahah
  • CardiacKev28
    CardiacKev28 Posts: 172 Member
    If you workout have a protein drink right after. There good for you and add a lot of protein to your diet. I like the bluebonnet whey protein isolate myself. I also have some with so delicious milk right before bed too!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It's an easy source of protein.
    It's jummy
    It makes you feel full for a long time.
    It's cheap.

    " do you know if you need to be drinking them?" It's easier to meet your macros. You dont NEED them. If you get all the protein you need then don't use it. I find it pretty usefull, taste good and I don't feel like I'm hungry. I use it as a snack basically.

    pretty much this.

    i like them after workouts- nice way to fill out the day- without having to go home and cook- or physically eat a big thing- I'm always famished after workouts- so it's easy. and nommy- milk + vanilla protein. YAY