Chicago Marathon

Oh goodness...

I signed up for the Chicago Marathon a few days ago...

And I know I can do this, I KNOW I can. But man, I've been struggling through the last week of runs for some reason, and I am so scared that I'm going to start running and not be able to keep it up. I don't have a time goal in mind - I just want to run the whole thing without taking a single walk break. I want to be able to say that I RAN the Chicago Marathon.

But I am second guessing myself hardcore.

Any advice, tips for training or handling the mental game?


  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Congrats on getting registered....that might be the hardest part this year

    Just remember, every runner has off runs, or weeks. Stick to a training plan and don't up your mileage by more than 10% each week. Look online for the schedule of water stations, and get used to drinking at that interval. They usually have gatorade endurance lemon-lime, so train with that if you use sports drinks.

    Mentally, you just have to trust your training. Its going to hurt. There will be times you will want to quit. I always imagine turning the last corner and seeing the finish line...but don't sleep on that last "hill" (Roosevelt Bridge). It's only about 10 feet of incline, but at mile 26, it might as well be K2.

    Chicago is a great race, congrats on signing up!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Are you ready for the race?!