SAHM 10/11 to 10/17



  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hey is everyones week going? I am doing ok, strugging to figure why my friend is losing way more weight them me, but its life.

    Well I am also trying to figure out what to eat for lunch because my dinners arent as good as I would like right now. so what are some good yummy foods you eat for lunch? I am very picky to so that is another reason its so hard to find good stuff.
  • Mrs B--what do you like? My fav lunch is tuna salad on top of a lettuce salad w/ a ton of tomato slices. We also eat egg frittata, rice & beans, & many kinds of soup at lunch too. HTH!

    Well today wasn't so good. I haven't been able to ride at all this week. I had high hopes because today is hubby's day off. However I had to choose between being a good home school mom or working out. I got a ton of papers graded but no workout. Kinda bummed but there is always tomorrow I guess. Nailed my calories tho'

  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    This is a great site, their magazines are really popular here.
    You'll have to convert some weights, but otherwise shouldn't be too difficult to follow the recipes.
    There's a low-cost section here, and look at some of the others.

    veges, veges, veges. frozen is just as nutritious as fresh (more so out of season at times) and cheap. put more veges on plates and in recipes, and less expensive stuff.
    Lentils are great for bulking out stuff like spaghetti sauce, meatloaf, casseroles and so on.

    Also a trick a lot of people I know do, is they shop not weekly, but weekly +1day. so monday one week, tuesday the next, wednesday the following, and so on. Making themselves stretch out what they bought for that week to last 8 days, using up whats in their leftovers and pantries... Effectively giving you a week's 'free' food every 2 months!
  • Not sure whether I count as a SAHM or not...I'm a single mother with a full-time job, but I work from home all but 3-4 days/month and am homeschooling while working from home the rest of the time.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning!

    Welcome to all the new gals! :flowerforyou:

    TLSanders - I'd say you count as a SAHM. I work part-time out of the home 9-1, so I leave for work after the kids go to school, and I'm home for the day to pick them back up.

    Kelly - Where are you in NC? I'm from NC too. I live just north of Charlotte.

    It's busy as usual here. The kids did great for me this past weekend with daddy working the Renaissance Festival. DD is counting the days until we can go. DH is taking that day off so we can go as a family. Finally got myself back into the chiropractor the end of last week too. Found a new one closer to home. He's great!

    Yesterday we finally took in the donations to the local animal shelter from DS's birthday in September. I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but since most of the time, my kids get more toys than they really need for their birthdays, we put in the party invitation no gifts, only donations for the animal shelter. The family gave regular gifts but not at the party. He didn't miss the toys. He was so excited to take the stuff in to the shelter. They gave us a tour, so we got to see the animals. We're definitely getting our next pet there! One of my friends brought a big bag of dog food to the party, and as soon as she got in, she was laughing as she told me that was the strangest gift she has ever given to a child! :laugh:

    Well, it's a bit cooler today, and I'm going to run to pick up the kids this afternoon. I'm hoping to get as far as I did Friday. It's been 6 days since I ran. Still trying to get in all my water too.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    know i haven't been up much. i'm ok in the day--just busy keeping lo's busy and learning....but really falling apart in the evenings. i'm yelling and saying nasty things.....later after i've let it all out, i review my prayers and strategies and instantly see where i could have changed behavior. man....this parenting thing is NOT easy.

    kim, that's great that you got the papers done. it is important to stay on top of it or it snowballs. hopefully you'll be able to end the week strong with biking.

    mrsb--i would recommend picking one or two meals to always have for lunch so as not to have to think much. pick 2 faves that have good protein and throw in fruit and veges to bulk up.
    so for example, 2 scrambled eggs with an apple and carrots--maybe a piece of bread or rice or slice of cheese too. have that on Tu, Th and pick something else for MWF and use leftovers for weekend lunches?
    just a thought.

    welcome new gals!
    and amy--keep it up! you can run!
    and i'm blanking on name--home??. at least you could be honest with the man. i don't have any advice except keep talking and connecting. maybe go to dave ramsey's site and read up there about balancing charity and savings??? and in case i haven't said it before, thank you for your family's service to our country. we are very grateful for the sacrifices you all make. :)

    hope for good news on the biopsy too.

    gotta run!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks for some of your advice on lunches....

    curliegirl - I love to make chicken salad but always put it on bread, so I will have to try the lettuces thing instead. I have a hard time find stuff because i hate beans, tomatoes, and weird cheeses lol. I will eat just about any veggies and fruits.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    :grumble: So, it has been one of those weeks! Nothing has really gone right this week. Haven't been able to do any walks around the riverwalk this week due to schedule conflicts and other things going wrong, my calories all week have been over, about the only good thing is I've been doing all my challenges.....I've been eating the healither foods, but been eating more than I should....I think its because I've been kinda stress eating from everything that has been going on.

    I'm glad tomorrow is Friday.

    Welcome to all the newcomers :flowerforyou:

    Hoping everyone else is having a better week.

    Take care friends :smile:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! barb, sorry your week has been so rough. sometimes it's just getting thru.

    several nights this week have been yukky for me. so worn out that i just yell at the kids. but tonight i put myself to bed for a couple hours--and what a world of difference. i have a small cold/congestion and that rest really helped. no yelling tonight and instead ended the day pleasantly with snuggles. small victories--but i'll take it.

    hope everyone has a great friday.
    my goal--drink 50oz water
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome to all newcomers!

    Stacey~I can completely relate. Lately I have been easily "set off". My hormones are out of whack with TOM. But after I "lose it" I think back and say to myself was that worth it. So hard to think of that in the heat of it though.

    Home~So important for the both of you to be on the same page. I too was going to refer you to Dave Ramsey. Here they have a "class" setup at a local church for hus Financial Peace University. I recommend everyone to look into it. Life changing if you apply what he teaches. You are right though the time to think about retirement is now not later. Hope all goes well with the biopsy.

    Here life has been short of crazy. Last week my 3 yo had some stomach issues and then last weekend my girls came down with same thing. My "turn" was next and it had me down for a couple of days. I am sure that being TOM made for it to be worse I just couldn't seem to get up without the whole world spinning. So the house work got way backed up. Since the kids were out of school today (fall break) we cleaned house and then hubby and I went to the class (rode our bikes there). So I am barely getting to the computer for days. Hope that every one is having a great week. Oh and for lunch ideas I like to eat a sandwich with TONS of veggies. I will put a slice of 2 of lunch meat, cheese (very little) mustard, sprouts, tomatoes and lettuce. I load on the veggies though. All on a thin bun (100 calorie bun). So yummy, filling and good for you. Then I will have some cottage cheese as a side or fruit whichever is available. Leftovers are good too.
  • Hey all, life is crazy once again! I started a new job on Wed. at Michaels so I guess I am not quite a sahm anymore but it is only 2-3 days a week and 4-5 hours a day mostly while the older two are in school. I am hoping that I make enough to cover Christmas this year. It is seasonal which works perfect for me, I just needed a change to my schedule. I have been home for 9 yrs now and I am bored out of my mind with the same old same old. We will see how it goes. I am doing good with the walking, we are doin 2 1/2 miles 5 mornings a week. Now if I could be as commited to logging my food I would probably get somewhere!
    The kids made me a ckae for my birthday this week which was sweet and thoughtful but anything but helpful! Between that and eating out for my birthday last week end and our anniversary coming up tomorrow I am sure that anything I have lost this past week will pile back on! Oh well atleast I am maintaining now.

    Home- I will put your dh on my prayer list along with the rest his unit and all of you at home as well. As for the $ issue, I would also suggest the Dave Ramsey books, he has some great input and it really does work. I would agree with you that the time to save is now. Could you do the house thing as an investment? I was just trying to look at it from all angles and I know we have considered buying properties as an investment for retirement. I know initially that it would be an expenditure with no return but it is a point to consider if it would prevent some major disagreements?
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    :drinker: TGIF!!!! Hopefully everyone's remembered their water, I"ve done really good today :smile:

    Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?

    Saturday we are relaxing for a change and then Sunday, back off to the corn maze :laugh:
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    hey ladies! Sitting in children's hospital right now trying to get tired enough for sleep. My youngest got admitted this afternoon after spending the morning at the base ER. They are not saying he has asthma yet, but it very well could be that way. We've been on breathing treatments all day. The wheezing has stopped, but he's still breathing hard and retracting in the lungs. Good news is, we should be released tomorrow! He's been bouncing off the walls with all the breathing treatments and steroids, it's nice that he finally crashed a half hour ago. Just checking in, diet has gone out of the window for the day...hopefully get back on track tomorrow and get my long in run on Sunday!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Katie~Sorry to hear that the little one is having problems. However glad that they have been able to help him to be able to stop wheezing and breath easier. Having your child admitted to the hospital is never fun. My 3 and 2 yo were both admitted to the hospital as babies one for rsv at 2 mo and the other for jaundice at 6 days. But at any age it is stressful. Hope that you can go home when you are wanting to. Don't worry too much about the diet right now you need to take care of the little guy.

    Jenny~There are a few of us that work part time and are still on this message board. I starting working part time a couple of weeks ago. Nothing too spectacular....babysitting my friends two boys but hey I haven't even done that kind of "work" for 5 almost 6 years now. I too have not worked outside of the house for 10 years now. The hubby doesn't want me to work outside of the home right now though says he would rather me be at home taking care of the children and to be honest I am good with that. Since being little and going with out my mom at times I have wanted to be at home with my children. Maybe when they are all in school I will get something that is only during the time that they are at school so that I can be there when they are home.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks for the support, you guys!:flowerforyou: The Man and I sat down and talked and we are on the same page with saving money, and now he knows how I feel about buying his mom a house at this time in our lives. Also, it probably wouldn't be a super time for her either, as she is the primary child care for her grandsons and her 2 children still live with her. So maybe in the future we will, but for now, we are going to save our money, and HOPEFULLY put it in an IRA.

    Younger daughter is doing great, took her bandages off today and the spot where they took the sample out just looks icky. But not infected icky, so I am not too worried. Katapple~your little one is in our prayers today too! It is so hard when they are in the hospital. And KatieM~my daughter had RSV at a young age as well, so scary!

    I had a business idea, and I wanted to bounce it off you guys (if you didn't mind). I live right beside Fort Benning, and we have basic training graduations nearly every week here. I was thinking about starting a little cookie baking business, for the moms and wives of the basic training grads, they could order cookies to give to their soldiers on Family Day. I could package them up nicely in cute little boxes from Hobby Lobby, put the word out on the Fort Benning Facebook page. What do you guys think?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Katie- I hope your little one is ok!

    Home-I am glad that you and hubs are on the same page! I think it's a great idea for the cookie business!!!!!!!! I wish I could start something like that here!

    Something is blooming right now and it is sending my allergies through the roof! I can see the film of pollen on my car. UGH! Busy day today around the homestead. Or should I say...busy weekend!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    home--glad to hear you and dh were able to talk thru it. that's what's key. and looking forward to hearing good bx results. as for business idea--i think it's great! totally go for it!
    just make sure to calculate your time and not just supplies so you price it right and don't "lose" money. good luck!

    katie--sorry to hear about little guy. i can only imagine how scary it is to see your lo not breathing right. (((hugs)))) i hope he is much improved by now--and you too.

    ut katie and mom4christ--congrats on the jobs! sorry katie but michael's sounds way more fun than babysitting right now :tongue:

    today was a GREAT day (not eating wise but in every other respect). did you know how many cals are in costco's cheese pizza?? never suspected THAT much!! that's what killed me. oh and learn and don't go there at lunchtime ravenous :laugh:
    2 littles got new scooters today--the 2 wheel razor kind. they rode them for 2 HOURS at the park this afternoon while we were hanging out there for shabbat. altogether, it was a lovely afternoon. PLUS i got in a long walk this am which was just wonderful for me.

    nicole--hope your allergies get better. no fun being so stuffy. to polish my nails and then read a kids' bio of princess diana. :) hope you all wrap up your weekend strong!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    just a quick update on Carter, he's much better and was released yesterday! Still has a cough but doesn't have to work so hard to breathe anymore. I didn't even have to do the nebulizer today! Still on steroids and we'll do a check up with his pediatrician this week. Doctors are leaning towards seasonal allergies/asthma...Dayton is in a valley and I guess they are horrid this time of year. They will not say he is asthmatic yet, because it might hurt him if he ever wanted to join the military. Hoping that having a nebulizer and allergy meds at home will stop any future visits to the ER!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    WOW! Am I sore! Today we went back to the Thistleberry Farm and did all 4 corn mazes this time, which counted for 160 mins of walking and I burned 641 calories!!! :happy: :noway: WOW!!! But boy, do I feel it in my legs! :frown:

    We had a good time. Did 4 mazes and rode the hayride and this hayride we actually sat on hay, lol! All the other hayrides we have done so far this year, haven't been made of hay...haha :laugh:

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Katie-Hope everything is okay with your boy. Sorry to hear you have been in the hospital. Will keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Katie~good to hear! The nebulizer has seemed to work for our little ones. I hope that it will work for yours too.

    I haven't been feeling very well the last 2 days. :sick: I think a trip to the Dr. is in order. :ohwell: Well I best get going me and the hubby are going to watch a movie together.:love:
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